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Dumont Day run W/NEW RAIL


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1st off let me say thanks to my good friend and NEW BEST FRIEND Bob (barefoot) he is a GREAT guy and his family is the best. Went to Dumont today and ran the new rail and all i can say is FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!! drove and handled GREAT!!! took a few pics and Bob talked me into runnin a few jumps so i did some small jumps for my first time and it was a BLAST!!

Ran great through the dunes and the v8 poser is great for 2nd and 3rd gear runs without shifting so much. Came with head seats for all 4 seats so made it easy for me and SHAKEDOWNBOB (barefootbob). Just me and him out running it to see what it had and it is smooth and fast (not as fast as Bobs but hey ... what can i say.. (wanna trade bob?) lol.

Thanks to my Wife(your AWESOME) and also Bobs wife for letting us go play while they baby sat..... Bobs baby girl dis-located her arm and it had to be popped back in to place (glad she is ok) Thanks Michelle(sp).

Anyways here are the pics

04 Playtech with a 6.0 v8













Edited by CaptNkllm
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Damn! Badass, David. :laughoff: Congrats on the new car. I bet you had a grin from ear to ear being the first time out huh?

Very nice car. Looking forward to doing some buggy runs with you and Bob soon. Bob really is a great guy. :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

Damn! Badass, David. :laughoff: Congrats on the new car. I bet you had a grin from ear to ear being the first time out huh?

Very nice car. Looking forward to doing some buggy runs with you and Bob soon. Bob really is a great guy. :laughoff:

  suzltr450rider said:

That is one sweet rail man. Looks like a blast. I might have to beg you for a ride if I can catch you out there. :laughoff:

Yeah i look like the JOKER with this big ole grin on my face... looking forward to you getting yours up and running Pete.


anytime man just flag me down


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how bout some specs like

o4 playtech

lq9 6 liter gm motor

mendoeola 2d trans 930 axels

by passes all the way around

radio system

bead locks

4 way disk brakes

cuting breaks

custom graphics

bad a$$ ride that suspension was absolutetly awsome

those bucket seats are to die for

and the new owner can find every abandon kiddie track in dumont flats and wind up in them :laughoff:

i swear at least 5 or 6 in 3 hours and a couple were deep but that suspension sucked them rite up like nothing :laughoff:

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  barefoot bob said:

how bout some specs like

o4 playtech

lq9 6 liter gm motor

mendoeola 2d trans 930 axels

by passes all the way around

radio system

bead locks

4 way disk brakes

cuting breaks

custom graphics

bad a$$ ride that suspension was absolutetly awsome

those bucket seats are to die for

and the new owner can find every abandon kiddie track in dumont flats and wind up in them :laughoff:

i swear at least 5 or 6 in 3 hours and a couple were deep but that suspension sucked them rite up like nothing :laughoff:

  barefoot bob said:

black foot bob or somthing like that :lol:

Dont you need to go to bed? You have work!! go to bed lol :laughoff:


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  barefoot bob said:

my shift at mcdonalds doesnt start for another hour or so :laughoff::lol::lol::lol:

capt kiddie track killer :idiot:

Your just jealous :laughoff: I seen you grab that och!t bar a few times lol ( why would they put those kiddie tracs in the middle of the road?) :D

You know its bad when the driver says Uh OOOHHHH!!! lol Hang on Bob :laughoff:


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  CaptNkllm said:

(not as fast as Bobs but hey ... what can i say

it doesnt matter how fast it goes...you can have a v6 chevy stock and the only place youd get dusted is on the drag or comp

its all the driver...if u can get the corners no one can keep up

ive seen big time buggys out there with beefy motors...theyd be better off with a smaller one cuz they dont use the power and itd be less stuff to go wrong.

nice buggy tho

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  motoxman30 said:

it doesnt matter how fast it goes...you can have a v6 chevy stock and the only place youd get dusted is on the drag or comp

its all the driver...if u can get the corners no one can keep up

ive seen big time buggys out there with beefy motors...theyd be better off with a smaller one cuz they dont use the power and itd be less stuff to go wrong.

nice buggy tho

This is very true. I keep turning my boost down because it's not needed. I want more reliability.

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  motoxman30 said:

it doesnt matter how fast it goes...you can have a v6 chevy stock and the only place youd get dusted is on the drag or comp

its all the driver...if u can get the corners no one can keep up

ive seen big time buggys out there with beefy motors...theyd be better off with a smaller one cuz they dont use the power and itd be less stuff to go wrong.

nice buggy tho

ya !! espeacially in my case dam barefoot and his clown car more power than he needs non dunin sucka !!! :laughoff:

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Thanks everyone!! I couldnt be happier with it... rides and dunes awesome and it looks awesome also and just for the record that is airbrushed and not stickers. Great car!! I have to thank Bob for the help..... he looked it over (so if it breaks i blame him). :laughoff:

YES Buggychick i was :blury::slap: dbl time :bs:


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