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my rant for the day


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:lol: :porn:

ok....iam the kind of person who will mind my own buisness for the most part. i dont say anything to strangers, unless they are doing something illegal.

but here is what happened to me today.

iam at the local stop and rob getting liquid platnum in my truck and i got out rather hastly and left my stereo running, and the rather odd choices of music that are on my cd player may come at anytime. so as iam paying for my liquid platnum, a rap song comes on, and its Eazy E, straight outta compton. he drops the f bomb in every sentance. and several times i might add.

so i come back to my truck and get my fuel going, and some a$$ hat comes up to me and starts to chastize me about my music, and the lack of judgement that i have for leaving it on...

he says: "there may be kids around"...

i look............and say "nope no kids...so iam in luck and so are they"..

he says:..."your a pig".

and i agree and say..."yup...snort snort (making pig noises)"

and he starts up again... :think:

i look at him and ask him. " are you the music police?, are you the moral police?"

he says: "no...but......"

I cut him off......and say "then do the world a favor and go F*ck yourself"

now wether or not it was a good choice or not, about telling him to put his head in his fourth point of contact, or that my music was on is no matter to me.

i dont tell anyone that they can or can not do anything, or tell anyone that they should do this or that...its america.....and even if i am effected by their choice of smoking or non, fattening or non fat, pro choice or pro life, it your choice. but leave me the fauk alone. iam not hurting anyone and iam not effecting your way of life. but your mouth is writing a check that your a$$ cant cash.:booty:

so do what you got to do in life, and fight against high oil prices, become a member of PETA, i dont care, but if your going to be the moral police, then check yourself at the door. I dont know who this guy is and i dont know what his life is...if he is a good guy that is always 100% in the right or even if he is 70/30. but if your not always correct, you should just mind your buisness and leave others well enough alone.

iam not perfect in anyway, but i try. so with that being said to the a$$ hat in the F150....go pound sand in your arse! :MBdance:

Edited by RAGDOLL MX
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I would have told you that you were a poopd*ck and that it seems you have no respect for those around you. I personally hate when people pull into a PUBLIC area like a gas station (or wherever) blaring their loud a$$ stereos. It's inconsiderate. You have to think about it this way. Would you like some dude next to you blaring some garbage like country or oom pah pah mexican music or whatever other music you personally can't stand? You could have just appologized and went on your way. That would have been the respectable thing to do. Although I did chuckle at your story. Your such a tool! :MBdance::lol::think:

Sorry, Cole. I have to agree with the music police on this one. :booty: :porn:

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Well sorry Cole, but what right to have to impose your music on everyone with in a 3 mile radius. Rap is not for everyone and if is screaming profanity out of your truck at 5000 desciples, I'd be pissed also, it is a matter of quoth and respect.

I effin hate it when I hear that sh*t blaring all effn night at the dunes.

Don't get me wrong, I play my music just a loud as the next guy. But is it appropriate or cool to invade everyones airspace around you in a public place with what you deam good music.

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If I don't like it, I don't like it! But I would not say anything. You do have the right to play music, and I have a right to voice my opinion. It is also my right not to voice that same opinion. So.... the dude that said something to you has the same "inalienable" rights that you have. IMO!!!

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Sheeeiittt........i would have started rappin witcha.........."Straight outta compton"..... :afro: :MBdance:"Comin staight outta compton, is a brotha who'll smotha your motha, and make ur sista think i luv her........." .............haha

Edited by vegas400ex
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  desertskyz said:

Well sorry Cole, but what right to have to impose your music on everyone with in a 3 mile radius. Rap is not for everyone and if is screaming profanity out of your truck at 5000 desciples, I'd be pissed also, it is a matter of quoth and respect.

I effin hate it when I hear that sh*t blaring all effn night at the dunes.

Don't get me wrong, I play my music just a loud as the next guy. But is it appropriate or cool to invade everyones airspace around you in a public place with what you deam good music.

so if it was country that was playing and a black guy said the same thing that still wouldnt be correct...

you cant please everyone all the time...butt you sure can piss them all off at once.....

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  RAGDOLL MX said:

so if it was country that was playing and a black guy said the same thing that still wouldnt be correct...

you cant please everyone all the time...butt you sure can piss them all off at once.....

butt you sure can piss them all off at once.....

Well said :MBdance::lol::think:

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  RAGDOLL MX said:

the next time i see him ill crank up my tunes to the soppused 5000 watts and play some gospel and tell him our conversation made me change my ways

I think she said 5000 desciples. Wow Jesus would be impressed!!!! :MBdance::think::lol::booty:

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Ok here is my take on it.WTF ARE YOU DOING JUMPING OUT OF YOUR TRUCK TO FUEL UP AN LEAVE IT RUNNING???? That is where this story took a turn for me. Do you really leave your truck running at the fuel pump? Is that something that diesels do and gas powered vehicles don't do I swear right on the pumps where the DIRECTIONS are number one thing TURN OFF ENGINE. (I have never seen one that said "turn off engine except for diesel) So had you turned off the engine like most people do there would have been no story to tell.

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That's why I have a 1500 watt system in my truck. I can play mine just as loud if not louder than you. I like my heavy rock and metal. When some fool rolls up blastin' some chit I don't like. I turn up the Sevendust, Killswitch Engage, or the best ever, Pantera. It always at least drowns out the music next to me. So blast on people, I'll match it.

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i said i left my stereo running ken...not my truck...and once again i said it wasnt up that loud, the guy wasnt complaining that it was loud. he was complaining about the rap music......and the f bomb....geeez remind me not to rant about anything anymore

on a scale of 1 to 10 on my stereo. it was on a 3, when iam driving it is on about an 8 or 9....at stop lights it is at a 3 as well....so simmer down kids

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  RAGDOLL MX said:

i said i left my stereo running ken...not my truck...and once again i said it wasnt up that loud, the guy wasnt complaining that it was loud. he was complaining about the rap music......and the f bomb....geeez remind me not to rant about anything anymore

on a scale of 1 to 10 on my stereo. it was on a 3, when iam driving it is on about an 8 or 9....at stop lights it is at a 3 as well....so simmer down kids

Well then next time you spend so much time to type something out, take 2 seconds to clarify that it wasn't that loud. The way you explained how you "got out rather hastly and left your stereo running" makes it sound like you pulled up blasting your stereo loud as hell and jumped out while you left it going. If it wasn't that loud, how would he even have heard the lyrics?

I completely agree that you should be able to blast your stereo cruising down the road. I do it all the time and I can't see how that would piss anyone off. But in a publis place like a gas station, car wash, parking lot, etc where lots of other people are around I think it is just a lil inconsiderate is all.

The thing that makes think this whole story is a lie is that I doubt you were listening to Easy E. I bet you had this playing in your truck really loud and it pissed him off. Click here :MBdance:

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Ooops sorry Cole, I didn't read correctly. I prob would have turned my stereo down to begin with, and removed my keys and lock the doors. I listen to Howard during the day and even when people are near me while I am working I try to avoid anyone "being offended" by what I am listening to. But I generally try to avoid conflict, the last thing I need is to send someone off to the emergency room again . :lol::MBdance:

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  suzltr450rider said:

That's why I have a 1500 watt system in my truck. I can play mine just as loud if not louder than you. I like my heavy rock and metal. When some fool rolls up blastin' some chit I don't like. I turn up the Sevendust, Killswitch Engage, or the best ever, Pantera. It always at least drowns out the music next to me. So blast on people, I'll match it.

Blast on. I'll bet my "system" cost a heck of alot more than yours. Try $3500 an ear. Most of time not covered by insurance.

Only good thing about my "system" they come with off switches. I turn them off and laugh my :rolleyes: off at people like you. After 30 years in the entertainment business I got well paid to listen to all kinds of chit although in hindsight I should have spent more of it on ear pugs.

You on the other hand are paying to trash your own hearing. Your next high dollar system can be found in the yellow pages under hearing aids.


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