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Xmas decorations


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Okay, besides me...who absolutely HATES putting up decorations outside?

I only say this because every year I plan on going to the dunes over the Tday weekend and every weekend I am here, risking my life decorating the outside of my house. I say that "next year I'm going on strike," but every year...same thing. I would give anything to just go out of town from the day after Tday until January 2. This way there would be no reason to decorate.

Well it's over and I'm going to the range tomorrow to put about 1000 rounds down range :bump::MBdance::headbang1:

And then after that, I'm coming home and then sit my a$$ on the couch and watch football and maybe :angry2:

Okay here comes my wife....gotta go

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Yeah I feel ya, Im the Christmas decorator of the house. I usually refuse to put the decorations up before Dec. 1st. But this year I kinda had no choice since I could go into labor like any day now. So I just did whatever inside decorations I could do, like the tree, and stuff like that. But when the hubby comes back from dumont... Hes gonna see that Im gonna need a lot of help (imgaine a pregnant woman, standing on a kitchen chair trying to straighten the top of the christmas tree) Yeah, Not having it lol. so right now were going for the tree slanted to the left kinda look. :(

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I'm starting mine today. I think it is fun. My neighbor helps a little and showed me a quick way to put the lights up. Doning the inside is another story. I have all of little villages that my kids think I need to put up...............any they don't even live with me. :laughoff: Not going to this this year.

Where are the x-mas smiley? happy0171.gifmaybe we can rename them again this year.

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I'm starting mine today. I think it is fun. My neighbor helps a little and showed me a quick way to put the lights up. Doning the inside is another story. I have all of little villages that my kids think I need to put up...............any they don't even live with me. :laughoff: Not going to this this year.

Where are the x-mas smiley? maybe we can rename them again this year.

Edited by desertskyz
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  Paul Rob said:

oh boy me and Xmas lights. we started the weekend before Thanksgiving as we knew we'd be gone. I will have about 30,000 lights and all sync'd to music, transmitting on an FM local radio freq.. will post vid when done :dance:

UUUUUMMMMMMM..... you have got to be kidding me..................... LOL

Last year I think I got around to it on the 18th or so... the last thing I remember is a letter from the association in February to take them down... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR got to do it for kids I suppose...

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  Paul Rob said:

oh boy me and Xmas lights. we started the weekend before Thanksgiving as we knew we'd be gone. I will have about 30,000 lights and all sync'd to music, transmitting on an FM local radio freq.. will post vid when done :laughoff:

One of the guys here at the County does this every year also. His website has all the details..... >>Click here<<

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  cmyfirepole said:

One of the guys here at the County does this every year also. His website has all the details..... >>Click here<<

him and I are doing the same deal. He and i frequent the same web pages :D he has allot of good information on his web page if anyone is interested in gettinug into this kind of obsession. be ready with the checkbook, and LOTS of time as he says on his web page sycing your lights to the music :blink::laughoff:

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  Paul Rob said:

oh boy me and Xmas lights. we started the weekend before Thanksgiving as we knew we'd be gone. I will have about 30,000 lights and all sync'd to music, transmitting on an FM local radio freq.. will post vid when done :undecided:

i saw that last year don't you have anything better to do with your time :assblast::MBdance: j/k that was like the best house in our neihborhood .

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We used to decorate our garage and house for Halloween. We made the garage into a haunted house - very cool! Then, people would ask us what we had planned for Christmas - Uhhhhh... lights if you're lucky!!! We're contemplating not putting up lights this year to save on our crazy Nevada Power bill.

We finally got a fake tree last year. We hadn't put up a tree in years because the first year we got our dog, Monkey, he lifted his leg and peed on the real tree (and the presents below). What a nice surprise to find on Christmas day!


Edited by Kitcat
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I'm going to have to agree. Just thinking about puting up dectorations sends a shiver down my spine lol. Anyways, the last couple years though we have just put up the tree and decorated it. Havn't really done anything to the outside of the house.

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