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Thanksgiving Weekend Trip Reports


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I had a blast and Richard Cheese is now known to me as Drunk Cheese. I laughed so hard at camp the whole weekend and it was fun to meet more people and just hang out with them all. I got some great rides in with my quad finally and got up on the back of Comp pretty high on Sunday. When everyone pulled out...there stood a snowman! After a while the clouds rolled in and the sun went away, so when we left it looked dark.

The truck playing near camp, I was waiting for him to break it:


Edited by NicoleinVegas
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We had a pretty good time. Very Subdued didn't get alot of riding in, but still had a good time, and managed to polish of 4 3o packs between us. :pissed:

1. Introduce ourselves to Budlight BoB and lakecitydan. We were going to go on a ride with them but we didn't have the proper clothes on.

2. Bob broke his car again! bummer

3. Went to visit another DDR camp. Met Cheese :afro: he bigger in person. His friend is a nice guy but look worried. We wanted to hang out a have afew :beat: with everyone, but a large group have a hankerin' for Hog Heaven so they took off.

4. Hung out with sanddunesaddict and talked about trackers and Sami's. Danny thinks Bert is a nice guy.

5. Danny was NOT antisocial. :grin:

6. Every time we went to go visit someone they were leaving. :clap: I'm getting a complex

7. The BBQ place down from Hog Heaven has better food. Half the price and you get more of it.

8. Miss the opportunity to whoop cheese in a game of horseshoes.

9. There was a huge empty lot right next to us, but some how people felt the need to camp RIGHT in our front door. Idiots :pissed:

10. Met the guys from Bakofield, they were driving the little Bussa cars with nitrus. One said Sand Bullet on the side. Nice peeps to us, but they still didn't need to camp right in front of us. THERE IS AN EMPTY LOT RIGHT THERE TO THE LEFT, SEE IT.

11. I only got one pic I think I will save it for the next time I lose Dune Pic of the Month. :mc_smiley: :laughing:

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  desertskyz said:

3. Went to visit another DDR camp. Met Cheese :afro: he bigger in person. His friend is a nice guy but look worried. We wanted to hang out a have afew :pissed: with everyone, but a large group have a hankerin' for Hog Heaven so they took off.

4. Hung out with sanddunesaddict and talked about trackers and Sami's. Danny thinks Bert is a nice guy.

5. Danny was NOT antisocial. :mc_smiley:

6. Every time we went to go visit someone they were leaving. :laughing: I'm getting a complex

Oh geez! :laughing: You think too much. :clap::beat: We were talking about going to Hog Heaven for about an hour then right when we were about to leave you guys showed up. Sorry we hung out as long as possible w/ you guys but wanted to get over there before it got dark. It was good seeing you two again though and chatting. I think Danny is definitely finally out of his shell. :grin: He's a super nice guy. :pissed: I'm glad you guys stopped by. We'll have to hang out again more next trip. :D

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  desertskyz said:

We had a pretty good time. Very Subdued didn't get alot of riding in, but still had a good time, and managed to polish of 4 3o packs between us. :pissed:

1. Introduce ourselves to Budlight BoB and lakecitydan. We were going to go on a ride with them but we didn't have the proper clothes on.

2. Bob broke his car again! bummer

3. Went to visit another DDR camp. Met Cheese :afro: he bigger in person. His friend is a nice guy but look worried. We wanted to hang out a have afew :grin: with everyone, but a large group have a hankerin' for Hog Heaven so they took off.

4. Hung out with sanddunesaddict and talked about trackers and Sami's. Danny thinks Bert is a nice guy.

5. Danny was NOT antisocial. :mc_smiley:

6. Every time we went to go visit someone they were leaving. :laughing: I'm getting a complex

7. The BBQ place down from Hog Heaven has better food. Half the price and you get more of it.

8. Miss the opportunity to whoop cheese in a game of horseshoes.

9. There was a huge empty lot right next to us, but some how people felt the need to camp RIGHT in our front door. Idiots :pissed:

10. Met the guys from Bakofield, they were driving the little Bussa cars with nitrus. One said Sand Bullet on the side. Nice peeps to us, but they still didn't need to camp right in front of us. THERE IS AN EMPTY LOT RIGHT THERE TO THE LEFT, SEE IT.

11. I only got one pic I think I will save it for the next time I lose Dune Pic of the Month. :driver::dunno:

your freeekin funny Skyz... it was good to finally meet you and yours :beat:

sorry we bailed right after meeting you, but we wanted to go watch the circus that was VENDORS ROW and drink beer, while Pete grabbed himself a sammich.....

next time for horseshoes.......

btw....if you hung out with me, you'd look worried too!!!


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I bet Desert Audi would not be too happy that someone took there loaner vehicle out to the dunes and trashed it like that. Rental car mentality, drive it like you stole it! That thing was impressive. Watched him dune while I was at Banshee Hill on Sunday.

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Had a kick a$$ time as usual.

Get out of the truck, first thing I see DC(drunk cheese) come over and introduce himself!!!! He's a big MOFO!!! Him and his friend Jim are awesome peeps!!!!

A trip to hang at hog heaven turns into a loitering session waiting for Pierced boy to eat his food!

Pete ate every hour on the hour on Friday.

Had great times at comp both nights we were there!!!! Weather was awesome, made for some good rides had a Hella hella hella Pauly Paul ride!!!!(OOOOOFF)

Probably one of the best camps EVER!!! Nice and calm, drama free!!!!! We had our "normal" camp fire talk about , poop, anatomy, hookers and a$$ crack. We made back to camp from comp in 3.5 minutes in a 6500 lb 1 ton!!!! :grin:

Thanks to Charlie and Davey for helping with my hauler!!!!! I really appretiate it!!!! Thanks to Pete for the tow vehicle and Pauly operating it!!!! Effin sand!!! :beat:

I learned that I will NEVER look at pancakes the same way again!!!! :clap:

It was also nice to see Tiff have a nice time out there and not be mad at me, having the kids out there our stuck talking to crazy people!!! :pissed:

Ok, that's it...I'm sick of typing!!!! Good times though!!!! :pissed:

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El Coyote it was good to meet someone off the RF. We did try to find your camp...but who knows, it could have been next to ours and after a while all the trucks look the same. Next time! Hey Tiff...remember when I showed back up right when you guys left, we had just came from Comp and I had got the Audi pics right before that. That thing kicked butt in the sand for sure.

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Guest Crasher
  wingnut said:

Had a kick a$$ time as usual.

Get out of the truck, first thing I see DC(drunk cheese) come over and introduce himself!!!! He's a big MOFO!!! Him and his friend Jim are awesome peeps!!!!

A trip to hang at hog heaven turns into a loitering session waiting for Pierced boy to eat his food!

Pete ate every hour on the hour on Friday.

Had great times at comp both nights we were there!!!! Weather was awesome, made for some good rides had a Hella hella hella Pauly Paul ride!!!!(OOOOOFF)

Probably one of the best camps EVER!!! Nice and calm, drama free!!!!! We had our "normal" camp fire talk about , poop, anatomy, hookers and a$$ crack. We made back to camp from comp in 3.5 minutes in a 6500 lb 1 ton!!!! :blury:

Thanks to Charlie and Davey for helping with my hauler!!!!! I really appretiate it!!!! Thanks to Pete for the tow vehicle and Pauly operating it!!!! Effin sand!!! :banghead:

I learned that I will NEVER look at pancakes the same way again!!!! :barf:

It was also nice to see Tiff have a nice time out there and not be mad at me, having the kids out there our stuck talking to crazy people!!! :laughing: Ok, that's it...I'm sick of typing!!!! Good times though!!!! :laughoff:

STOP IT!!! You're a dork. I'm never mad at the dunes!!!! Except when you decide to punch me in your sleep. :beat::grin: I got you back this time!!! :laughoff:

Thanks to everyone for a perfect trip!! I had a great time and got in a few really good rides with the girls!! Thanks Angela for picking some great lines and leading us all weekend!! You're pretty good like that!! :thumb:

Comp and campfire conversation was the best, as always. :lol: Nothing like talking about poop AGAIN. :dope: But my all time favorite is Pete imitating Pauly Paul on Sat. night!!! :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

That information is partly incorrect. The little boy was jumping and crashed into the side of the rail with his dirtbike. He was about 3 feet off the ground when he hit the rail's side with his front tire and his head hit the A-pillar of the car. The car was barely moving when the boy came flying into it.

I talked with the owner of the car last night. He was devastated about the accident, but did not at all hit him or land on him. He said after the boy was air lifted out he heard the rumors start flying about how the rail ran him over from a group that gathered. :lol::laughoff:

I hope the boy is ok and recovers. He said he was unconscious for about an hour before flight for life picked him up. :(

Pete i heard a little more info on him today. He has no broken bones or even bruises, BUT they have him in a medically induced coma due to brain swelling and plan to bring him out of it sometime wednesday..i will keep you posted. I didnt mean to misconstrue the story i was just repeating what i was told. Either way he is a young boy (8) lets keep him in our thoughts and prayers...He comes from a very big family in Pahrump that usually dunes at the little dunes because they bring the kids and want them safe.

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  richard cheese said:

btw....if you hung out with me, you'd look worried too!!!


HAHAHAHA!!! Yeah no kiddin, now we know... you 2 say "dude" too much, and when we mimick it you just say it even more :lol: You guys were fun though, it was good to meet some more people, even better to get to know the other ones previously met even better. 3 deep fried turkeys and all the yummy stuff that went with was AWESOME, I seriously had the best Turkey Day EVER. (I don't have family turkey day horror stories either, lol, so thats pretty damn impressive.) I think my stomach hurts more from laughing around the campfire then the rest of me hurts from riding! I learned that Angela leads a helluva fun ride for my level... I know I learned some interesting tidbits about everyone else, but my brain is still asleep, so I'll write observations later :)

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  GraywolfGraphics said:

Pete i heard a little more info on him today. He has no broken bones or even bruises, BUT they have him in a medically induced coma due to brain swelling and plan to bring him out of it sometime wednesday..i will keep you posted. I didnt mean to misconstrue the story i was just repeating what i was told. Either way he is a young boy (8) lets keep him in our thoughts and prayers...He comes from a very big family in Pahrump that usually dunes at the little dunes because they bring the kids and want them safe.


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Had a blast as expected , this was our first Thanksgiving trip and all went well except for the the sandblast on Friday. Found out there is not enough room in my WW for carving a turkey. Brought some newbies with me for a couple days they couldn't believe comp at night and I also found out there afraid of heights.. (oops my bad, LOL) Finally showed up for a meet n greet but had to run cause by oldest kid faceplanted his head on the ranger and didn't want to hang... Can't wait for the next trip...... here are a few pics... C YA

every year...


Wife & youngest kid Jake


Mark n Deb


Me Stacy and Jake


I'm a getten drunk jumping into pictures


Who's the turkey?


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Just got home after 11 days out there. We had a great time. I can't believe how dead it was. Seemed like it was only about 40% full.

Helped Don and Ellen (camp hosts) set up thier orange fence since the rangers would not help them anymore.

For the first time in 8 years we went to the mines out past the North Pole. That was an awesome trip.

Had a friend break her toe the first night inside trailer so we had to take her to Pahrump hospital.

2nd night we had a guy in our group jump his rhino coming down banshee hill at like 40mph. Hit the front bumper first and rolled it back up on four wheels about 50ft from launch:rockon:

.....too bad he did not have his seat belt on and had to go back to Pahrump Hospital for 24 stitches in his head and 4 at his eyebrow.(cut it on the plastic top that comes on the sport edition :lol: ..bad thing was it was his wife the first night...we asked for a frequent visitor get in fast card but they did not go for that one...

after that it was a great time out there.... :laughoff:

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9 days in the sand not a bad deal (possibly a little much)

friday was awesome no issues just semi rough dunes

friday nite flopped the rhino again on the other side this time .

sat turbo came off the motor, apparently i forgot to loctite the bolts opps

got some wind during the week

broke in the new motor and got some good rides in

it's amazing how much 5 lbs of boost can change a cars power :laughoff:

ran into a few peeps at comp

sorry i didn't make the meet and greet, got busy and missed the time

all in all a great week

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  DuneJNKY said:

First must say, What a kick A$$ Weekend!!! :laughoff:

-Had a great Camp and all good people! The Dune Family Rocks!!!! :lol:

-Karaoke was a :blury: Blast!!!!

-For those who missed the Saturday Karaoke, the :barf: got cleaned up. Thanks Mohawk Dude :laughoff::lol:

-Lots of rail rides and they were a blast!!! Thanks for letting grab a seat Peoples! :thumb:

-Lots and Lots of Beer :dope::grin:

-Thanksgiving Dinner Rocked! I am still eating Turkey from this weekend!

-Flat Billers Rock :laughoff: (That one is for you Brice :laughoff: )

-Four Guys on a Little Quad....HAMMERED not so good of an idea, or at least my back doesnt think so :laughoff:

-Firework...........DRINK!!!! :laughing::banghead:

-Poor MoHo of mine :cry:

I know i'm forgetting stuff, still in recovery mode. Dont have any pics either :beat::dope:

Hey wats up man. was it ur trailer he threw up in . he had a red white and blue mohawk. in bobbys camp right??

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