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things i saw that worked

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we have a lot of disscusions of what to do on issues here is a couple of things i actually saw that were working at glamis.

i know some will never agree , however i saw it actually working which makes you think.............

#1) sunday morning when we were packing up i did my trash run by glamis beach store there were roughly 20 dumpsters lined up a trash truck sitting there and they were all clean !!! trash guys were watching and everybody was doing a good job of getting there trash into the dumpsters ( we have all seen the old pics where it didnt, but they tripled the amount of dumpsters and it was working )

#2) camp racing, rangers and highway patrol were enforcing this issue big time and again it was working. they were even nailing side by sides traffic speed on the flats were way down.

#3) vendors row was the cleanest it i had ever seen watered down 5 mph sighns posted and it was very well layed out.

#4) law enforcement they were utilizing highway patrol local sheriffs and blm large presence and they were puting out effort. they were working the road to olds and nailing drunks constantly. they had less luck with litter. but the ones they caught were made to pick up there trash cited and some were asked to leave the olds area. they had enforcement at gecko drags on each end . a crash occured they were there in seconds blocking each end and tending to the victems clearing the accident and allow the drags to continue.

all in all it was quite a sight and i was impressed there was a real effort going on by leos .

i think dumont could benefit from these practices if applied properly. i know we all have gone back and forth on this but what i saw was proof that it can work on a few of these issues we pull are hair out over.

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I AM ALL FOR more enforcement of the rules and regs we already have in place, but i disagree with you on the dumpsters

Oceano is a prime example of the dumpster situation. they have them, and the place is still trashed after every weekend.

bravo for the LEOS tho....

Pete had some camp racers hangin out by his area...with the sandpit on the other side :laughoff:

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  richard cheese said:

I AM ALL FOR more enforcement of the rules and regs we already have in place, but i disagree with you on the dumpsters

Oceano is a prime example of the dumpster situation. they have them, and the place is still trashed after every weekend.

bravo for the LEOS tho....

Pete had some camp racers hangin out by his area...with the sandpit on the other side :laughoff:

But could you imagine how bad it would be if the dumpsters weren't there. We were there from Wed.-Sun. and I just didn't see all that much trash. In fact about the only places that I seen trash was up in the camping areas and not in the dunes, and hopefully most of that got picked up on Sat. during the FoOD cleanup. When we left Sun. around 1:30 and we stopped by the dumpsters to drop our trash off they were very full but they had a tractor there smashing the trash down and there wasn't any on the ground.

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  barefoot bob said:

we have a lot of disscusions of what to do on issues here is a couple of things i actually saw that were working at glamis.

i know some will never agree , however i saw it actually working which makes you think.............

#1) sunday morning when we were packing up i did my trash run by glamis beach store there were roughly 20 dumpsters lined up a trash truck sitting there and they were all clean !!! trash guys were watching and everybody was doing a good job of getting there trash into the dumpsters ( we have all seen the old pics where it didnt, but they tripled the amount of dumpsters and it was working )

#2) camp racing, rangers and highway patrol were enforcing this issue big time and again it was working. they were even nailing side by sides traffic speed on the flats were way down.

#3) vendors row was the cleanest it i had ever seen watered down 5 mph sighns posted and it was very well layed out.

#4) law enforcement they were utilizing highway patrol local sheriffs and blm large presence and they were puting out effort. they were working the road to olds and nailing drunks constantly. they had less luck with litter. but the ones they caught were made to pick up there trash cited and some were asked to leave the olds area. they had enforcement at gecko drags on each end . a crash occured they were there in seconds blocking each end and tending to the victems clearing the accident and allow the drags to continue.

all in all it was quite a sight and i was impressed there was a real effort going on by leos .

i think dumont could benefit from these practices if applied properly. i know we all have gone back and forth on this but what i saw was proof that it can work on a few of these issues we pull are hair out over.

1st time to Glamis and I have to admit..... well taken care of by the leos. They had ppl pulled over all over the place checking for drunks, flags and so on. Thought they kept a tight grip on things and I was very impressed with how things turned out for my family and my wife nor I had to explain anything to either of our kids on behavior of other duners...Thats always a plus!!


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I know halloween weekend isnt nearly as big as t-day in glamis but when I was there for halloween all those dumpsters at the end of the wash were full by noon. I stopped to throw mine bu the LEO even megaphoned me "Dumpsters are full!"

But the dumpsters are great. They need them at Dumont in my opinion.

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  raptorgirl said:

But could you imagine how bad it would be if the dumpsters weren't there. We were there from Wed.-Sun. and I just didn't see all that much trash. In fact about the only places that I seen trash was up in the camping areas and not in the dunes, and hopefully most of that got picked up on Sat. during the FoOD cleanup. When we left Sun. around 1:30 and we stopped by the dumpsters to drop our trash off they were very full but they had a tractor there smashing the trash down and there wasn't any on the ground.

you said food was there cleaning up the dune ???????????????????????????????????????????????

isn't food for dumont???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

or is this differnt then fodd just asking

Edited by barneycar
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  barneycar said:

you said food was there cleaning up the dune ???????????????????????????????????????????????

isn't food for dumont???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

or is this differnt then fodd just asking

FoOD=Friends of Oceano Dunes

FoDD=Friends of Dumont Dunes

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We were camped near the entrance of comp over Thanksgiving weekend and saw the rangers pull over quite a few people. Not sure why, but hopefully it was to catch the folks that are speeding by camps or just acting stupid. :assblast:

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In all of this discussion about adding dumpsters at Dumont, I just want to remind everyone to keep in mind that they don't come free.

Adding dumpsters at Dumont would, literally, more than double the cost of managing the area.

No kidding.

Because of Dumont's remote location those dumpsters are going to be more expensive than they are at Oceano and/or Glamis.

And that money has to come from somewhere.

The fee to recreate at Dumont has already increased. Multiply that times two and that's what we would have to pay to recreate at Dumont once dumpsters are initiated.

Now... also consider the environmental impact of the dumpsters. Because of the "sensitive species" in the area, those dumpsters have to be specially designed. The ones used once a year at the cleanup cannot be used on a permanent basis because of they do not have that special design.

And because of the sensitive species, the dumpsters must be more stringently maintained.

In my opinion, even aside from the ridiculous amount they would cost, Dumont already has enough issues to deal with. Adding dumpsters to the mix would open one more angle for the anti-access fools to use to close us down and as far as I'm concerned, that threat outweighs the minimal change dumpsters would make in the trash situation.


Edited by SailAway
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  cmyfirepole said:

I don't understand why people have such a hard time packing out what they packed in. :flipoff:

Me either! I personally think that providing dumpsters only promotes the attitude that "someone else will take care of whatever is left behind, so let's just leave it behind for mommy."

Show me an area that has dumpsters and ZERO trash everywhere else and I may change my mind.

Until then, I will continue to fight against installing them at Dumont.


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you know i like and respect you vicky but i saw what i saw and it was working.

i have always been very nuetral when it comes to the trash dumpster i think theres pros and cons on both sides of the issue. with that said , i saw what i saw.

i have never seen as much effort by dumont rangers as i saw with the glamis rangers

maybe if they would put forth a lil more effort i saw it in action it was working.


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  barefoot bob said:

you know i like and respect you vicky but i saw what i saw and it was working.

i have always been very nuetral when it comes to the trash dumpster i think theres pros and cons on both sides of the issue. with that said , i saw what i saw.

i have never seen as much effort by dumont rangers as i saw with the glamis rangers

maybe if they would put forth a lil more effort i saw it in action it was working.


Thank you Bob, but I too will have to respectfully disagree.

Just because the dumpsters are being used and/or maintained does not mean the trash problem has been eliminated or even substantially alleviated. There are still mounds of trash being left behind by uncaring Glamis visitors, trash blowing across the dunes, and don't even get me started on what Olds looks like on a Sunday morning. The people that are causing those continual problems never have and never will use the dumpsters.

No, dumpsters have not solved the trash problems at Glamis.

As I said before, show me an area with dumpsters that has ZERO trash anywhere else and I'll change my mind about using them as a solution. Until then, as far as I'm concerned they are an over-priced and underused item in our public land areas. And until the anti-access organizations stop trying to shut us down, dumpsters will always be one more tool for them to turn against us.

No, I'm sorry, although I agree Glamis dumpsters are looking better so far than they have in the past, there is still far too much of a trash problem out there for me to use it as a model for Dumont.

And for my money (and a doubling of fees), the minor potential benefits of having them in place do not outweigh the already proven dangers.


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here is a deal for anyone that doesnt want to haul your trash home. :laughing:

come find me and for $20 a bag ill haul it safely home to my garbage bin. help off set my gas bill :laughing:

serious!!! i can haul 10-15 bags coverd with a tarp and strapped down. can always find room in my wallet for lazy peoples money. :laughoff:

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I have to agree on the "No dumpsters at Dumont". I have always packed out what I pack in out there. I don't have an enclosed trailer or even a truck to haul my trash home in. I put it strategically in my rail on the trailer and I even strap it down if need be. My last trip out there I hauled 7 bags of trash home. 5 were from me, and 2 were from just random trash I picked up around my camp or at comp. I'm glad to hear that it is working at Glamis because I have seen it look like a filthy, disgusting mess out there which is something I DO NOT want Dumont to look like...... :laughoff:

Just take your trash home with you..........is that so hard????

:laughing: :dance: :fro_smokin: :dunno::laughing:

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:laughing::laughoff::dunno: It only works for the lazy people, I was out there a couple weeks ago and the dumpsters were a nice touch, but the camping area and riding area had trash everywhere. I was disappointed in seeing so much laying around, and even thought to myself, I'm glad Dumont doesn't look like this, no wonder they have problems down here. Even when we stopped to toss in our trash at the dumpster, they were all empty and someone had just sat about 4 bags beside a dumpster instead of tossing them in. No dumpsters at Dumont, if you can bring it out, you can take it home....SF Woody :laughing:
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#2) camp racing, rangers and highway patrol were enforcing this issue big time and again it was working. they were even nailing side by sides traffic speed on the flats were way down.

#3) vendors row was the cleanest it i had ever seen watered down 5 mph sighns posted and it was very well layed out.

#4) law enforcement they were utilizing highway patrol local sheriffs and blm large presence and they were puting out effort. they were working the road to olds and nailing drunks constantly. they had less luck with litter. but the ones they caught were made to pick up there trash cited and some were asked to leave the olds area. they had enforcement at gecko drags on each end . a crash occured they were there in seconds blocking each end and tending to the victems clearing the accident and allow the drags to continue.

what about these points. did you guys read #1 and start posting ??

i would have thought there would be more comment on rangers putting forth effort. i dont care if dumont does or does not ever get dumpsters i would like to see more effort stopping camp racers and making them slow down through and by vendors row. nailing drunks to help reduce accidents. theres already enough newbs out there we have to be carefulll and look out for. I m not knocking newbs either but dang there was more to this post then stupid dumpsters.

i commented on what i saw and some of these practices could serve dumont well.

what about help from chp or san bernardino county sherrifs?? glamis uses imperial county sherrifs and chp.

i love you guys but for christs sake get off of the dumpster nazi subject.. :ban-split::beercheers:

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  barefoot bob said:

#2) camp racing, rangers and highway patrol were enforcing this issue big time and again it was working. they were even nailing side by sides traffic speed on the flats were way down.

#3) vendors row was the cleanest it i had ever seen watered down 5 mph sighns posted and it was very well layed out.

#4) law enforcement they were utilizing highway patrol local sheriffs and blm large presence and they were puting out effort. they were working the road to olds and nailing drunks constantly. they had less luck with litter. but the ones they caught were made to pick up there trash cited and some were asked to leave the olds area. they had enforcement at gecko drags on each end . a crash occured they were there in seconds blocking each end and tending to the victems clearing the accident and allow the drags to continue.

what about these points. did you guys read #1 and start posting ??

i would have thought there would be more comment on rangers putting forth effort. i dont care if dumont does or does not ever get dumpsters i would like to see more effort stopping camp racers and making them slow down through and by vendors row. nailing drunks to help reduce accidents. theres already enough newbs out there we have to be carefulll and look out for. I m not knocking newbs either but dang there was more to this post then stupid dumpsters.

i commented on what i saw and some of these practices could serve dumont well.

what about help from chp or san bernardino county sherrifs?? glamis uses imperial county sherrifs and chp.

i love you guys but for christs sake get off of the dumpster nazi subject.. :clap::clap:

:shout: no dumpsters! Pack it in, pack it out :chug:


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This past weekend, there were plenty of Sheriff's and CHP out there as well. And it looks like they were doing a pretty good job with things. They've even got a couple now with a sense of humor. All the others are good points that I think were getting done at Dumont over Tday weekend...... SF Woody :beercheers:

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Speaking for myself, I focus on the dumpsters because it is something that some OHV leaders seem to really get stuck on and try to push at every opportunity they have with the BLM and/or TRT and I strongly object.

The rest... increased law enforcement, concentrated attention on hot spots, etc., I do not strongly object to. :D


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  barefoot bob said:

did you guys read #1 and start posting ??

i love you guys but for christs sake get off of the dumpster nazi subject.. :chug: :ban-split:

Geeez Bob....I think we all agreed on the other points. It's just the dumpster issue can get like kiddie tracks or staking of finger dunes....and I don't want to debate those topics in this thread.

I'm glad they are stepping it up at Glamis, as it makes for a good example at what might work at Dumont. :MBdance: Just like the dumpsters set another example by looking at the experience Glamis has had with them. :beercheers:

Oh yeah.....pack it in, pack it out! :clap:

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