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So people talking about nude rides is ok for kids as long as its not a "wet spot"??

Face it people, the youngins are WAAYYY more experienced then you realize. Any kid who is old enough to read prolly has already heard every swear word in the dictionary. To say a kid knows what a "wet spot" is and not what "nude" means is retarded. Police fairly and CONSISTANTLY for crying out loud. After all sex-ed starts before high school now last time I checked.

Consider the commercials and TV shows (even CARTOONS, HELLO!! {Simpson, FAMILY GUY, etc etc} are way worse then anything said in this thread). After all the thread is about STRIPPERS and POLES. If kids would be offended by the content, why is the topic allowed?????

Quit picking on people you dont know or dont like and be HONEST and CONSISTENT in your Policing and maybe you will gain some RESPECT about your opinions and beliefs...........

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i gotta say i agree with tyler, we all pay and play how we want its not disneyland , noone owns it. if you dont like whats going on at a particular place go somewhere else. i dont support the stripper pole, i saw it laughed and went back to hanging out with friends and having a good time

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  predu said:

i gotta say i agree with tyler, we all pay and play how we want its not disneyland , noone owns it. if you dont like whats going on at a particular place go somewhere else. i dont support the stripper pole, i saw it laughed and went back to hanging out with friends and having a good time

Ryan you were throwin bills like rain! :laughing:

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Guest Crasher
  Sand Saw said:

So people talking about nude rides is ok for kids as long as its not a "wet spot"??

Face it people, the youngins are WAAYYY more experienced then you realize. Any kid who is old enough to read prolly has already heard every swear word in the dictionary. To say a kid knows what a "wet spot" is and not what "nude" means is retarded. Police fairly and CONSISTANTLY for crying out loud. After all sex-ed starts before high school now last time I checked.

Consider the commercials and TV shows (even CARTOONS, HELLO!! {Simpson, FAMILY GUY, etc etc} are way worse then anything said in this thread). After all the thread is about STRIPPERS and POLES. If kids would be offended by the content, why is the topic allowed?????

Quit picking on people you dont know or dont like and be HONEST and CONSISTENT in your Policing and maybe you will gain some RESPECT about your opinions and beliefs...........

General posting about a "Stripper Pole" or "Nudes" and graphic discussions between specific members of a "wet spot" are totally different. True, we don't give kids the credit they deserve with regard to understanding what they read, but children should not be on this forum, or any other forum for that matter, until they are old enough or they are supervised. So, it's up to us as parents to filter what our kids will and will not read.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with posting general opinions on a stripper pole, as long as the discussions do not get graphic and inappropriate. I "prolly" have to disagree with you. Sorry. :laughing:

Edited by Crasher
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  Sand Saw said:

So people talking about nude rides is ok for kids as long as its not a "wet spot"??

Face it people, the youngins are WAAYYY more experienced then you realize. Any kid who is old enough to read prolly has already heard every swear word in the dictionary. To say a kid knows what a "wet spot" is and not what "nude" means is retarded. Police fairly and CONSISTANTLY for crying out loud. After all sex-ed starts before high school now last time I checked.

Consider the commercials and TV shows (even CARTOONS, HELLO!! {Simpson, FAMILY GUY, etc etc} are way worse then anything said in this thread). After all the thread is about STRIPPERS and POLES. If kids would be offended by the content, why is the topic allowed?????

Quit picking on people you dont know or dont like and be HONEST and CONSISTENT in your Policing and maybe you will gain some RESPECT about your opinions and beliefs...........

I'm finding it sooooo hard to not call you a tool right now so I'll bite my tongue. Until you have to job of moderating a board with lots of different opinions and many members I would suggest you chill out for a second.

General talk about nude riding and non-graphic things about a stripper pole are one thing, but when you start talking about specific chit like WET SPOTS (and no I don't mean places like the lake or river), it tends to quickly cross the line and turn from funny innocent talk to vulgar and innapropriate.

You, for some reason, seem to think that me or the other moderators are picking on you because we don't know you. Quit reading into it so much and stop to think about why the rules are there in the first place. Don't worry about what has been looked over and what hasn't. Just respect the rules of the board thats all. If we say something to you it's because the content of what you posted. Hell, more times than others it's my own damn friends that have been warned numerous times or even SUSPENDED. So don't tell us that it's because we don't know you.

Justin, I have nothing against you. Please understand that. The job of moderating this board isn't easy at times and sometimes we the mods seem to get criticized more than thanked for keeping this place up and running and fun. It's usually a fine line between appropriate and inappropriate. It's not what you are talking about, it's HOW you say it. There are ways of saying things top keep them clean and I don't think you undertand that.

Sorry you feel this way. Would you like your money back now?

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  dunefreak said:


So can we all vote to shut this rediculous thread down now? :D

i vote NO! :flipoff:

and my custom golf cart project, complete with a stripper pole, hookah lounge, and beerpong table is underway. look for me mlk weekend :news:

seriously though, in regaurds to the whole 'make a big sign of where the strippers will be', i will be camped out near the rock pile, on the opposite side of vendor row with all my stripper friends half naked in full effect, far away from comp. feel free to stop by and eather drop 1$'s or tell me what a douche i am. eather way, im sure i will have plenty of visitors! :banghead:

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  Crasher said:

I don't get your point? What is offensive? They are commenting on a video.... :flipoff:

exactly. I don't see what's that offensive in that thread. If I offended please let me know. :blah:

:blah: After all this :blah: man...that beer is gonna taste GOOOD tonight! :news::grin::blah:

Stupid stripper thread :blah::banghead:

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