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Dumping Gray Water

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i pee in the sand :ban-split: theres only 2 things that are leagal to dump on a road way thats clear water and chicken feathers this is blm land and grey isnt considered clear anyways so whatever.

kevin fedderline said i could pee in the sand.

dont eat yellow sand :MBdance:

what about grey water from tent campers ?? i know we disscussed this once before :beercheers:

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  D-YT said:

Does anyone pee on the sand?

thats a stupid question

guys should always piss in the sand

no worry about aim hahahaha

it drys up anyways...i even piss on my front lawn

but we would dump our gray water on the dirt road to keep the dust down...we were behind some guy who did that too and it just soaked in right there....but it doesnt seem that dust will be a problem much longer.

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  barefoot bob said:

i pee in the sand :ban-split: theres only 2 things that are leagal to dump on a road way thats clear water and chicken feathers this is blm land and grey isnt considered clear anyways so whatever.

kevin fedderline said i could pee in the sand.dont eat yellow sand :MBdance:

what about grey water from tent campers ?? i know we disscussed this once before :beercheers:

friggen Bob :chug:

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  offroadracer said:

why would anyone want to dump the grey out in the desert :beercheers: i use it to flush (flushes the dump tube and hose)then rinse w/ fresh water after dumping the black..WHILE DUMPING AT A DUMP STATION.

Ditto: I also wash dishes in a dish pan once in awhile, dump that water into the black tank so as not to fill up the gray tank so fast. Ours is 50/50 black/gray it really works well.

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When we have rented RVs, we made the guys go outside unless for other reasons and even if I have a hauler, I think I will have no problem hitting the little outhouses. I also have no issue squatting on my bf's nerf bars...he yells though...ahahahahaha. I know some go out for over a week...what do you do then?

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  NicoleinVegas said:

When we have rented RVs, we made the guys go outside unless for other reasons and even if I have a hauler, I think I will have no problem hitting the little outhouses. I also have no issue squatting on my bf's nerf bars...he yells though...ahahahahaha. I know some go out for over a week...what do you do then?

Pee on Charlies nerf bars of course!!!!!!!!!!!

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  motoxman30 said:

thats a stupid question

guys should always piss in the sand

no worry about aim hahahaha

it drys up anyways...i even piss on my front lawn

but we would dump our gray water on the dirt road to keep the dust down...we were behind some guy who did that too and it just soaked in right there....but it doesnt seem that dust will be a problem much longer.


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I dont know about most people, but this is what I have done -

I have a:

30 Gallon Fresh

30 Gallon Grey

30 Gallon Black

Now if I have 30 gallons of black water full in my trailer, there is some major issues with someone in the household and they can walk there happy azz over to somewhere else to squat....


I have a transfer pump that is tapped at half way in the grey water tank with an inline filter. The outlet of that pump goes to the black tank VENT line, well above any sewage water so there is no chance to back siphon. When the grey gets filled, I transfer the grey water to my black tank and have about 50% more capacity. This also has the advantage of adding the most "cleaner" water to my black tank to dillute the contents and helping in keeping them clean.

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I've had the unfortunate experience of throwing up in the sand at Pismo and Dumont! :laughing::slap::shocked:

I don't know what happened at Pismo. My hubby thinks it was the dried fruit I ate (no one else ate it). I had to run out of our cousin's trailer in the middle of the night. Luckily, I found the shovel and buried it deep in the sand.

Same thing happened last season at Dumont. I ran out of our trailer (luckily I had some practice) before my hubby set me up with a trash can inside! Once again, we buried it! This time it was really bad food poisoning. I couldn't even function the next day and the sand was super smooth :barf:

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  vegas450r said:

1 ? Who's rules r these. Were they approved by blm, trt or the same board who approved the pass increase.

There ya go, Don. I just changed the dune flyer just for skeptical peeps like yourself. :laughing: The rules on the flyer are now directly copied and pasted from the BLM.

I have heard in the past (from others as well) that they should be the EXACT rules that the BLM publishes. wwwwwhatever. So be it I guess. :slap: I just tried to keep things as "user friendly" as possible. :shocked::D

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  dunefreak said:

There ya go, Don. I just changed the dune flyer just for skeptical peeps like yourself. :blink: The rules on the flyer are now directly copied and pasted from the BLM.

I have heard in the past (from others as well) that they should be the EXACT rules that the BLM publishes. wwwwwhatever. So be it I guess. :banghead: I just tried to keep things as "user friendly" as possible. :banghead::D

Pete, Didn't mean to to get anyone upset. This reason i asked, was on halloween weekend, a blm ranger was cruising by our camp. I asked him about using rebarb stakes to string up my penants to keep peeps from riding so close to our camp (like about a foot from m/h) The ranger said he had no problems with it, just make sure to remove them. So when i read the flyer it stated not using metal stakes. My stakes ar 5' long, i put them in the ground about a foot, and they're paint florencent orange.

That's y I asked, if flyer stated it, and blm rangers had no problem with it, :banghead:

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  vegas450r said:

Pete, Didn't mean to to get anyone upset. This reason i asked, was on halloween weekend, a blm ranger was cruising by our camp. I asked him about using rebarb stakes to string up my penants to keep peeps from riding so close to our camp (like about a foot from m/h) The ranger said he had no problems with it, just make sure to remove them. So when i read the flyer it stated not using metal stakes. My stakes ar 5' long, i put them in the ground about a foot, and they're paint florencent orange.

That's y I asked, if flyer stated it, and blm rangers had no problem with it, :blink:

Well first off the rebar isn't under rules on the flyer. It is under etiquette.

And to tell you the truth, rebar IS a new rule at Dumont now. Rebar or any other metal stakes. It's not on the list, but they are enforcing it now. It has been discussed before at the TRT meetings. I don't know why the ranger would have said that.

And I wasn't upset, Don. You read that wrong. ;)

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Ok I have a solution to the woes in this thread, just dig a big hole at night and dump you water therfor no one will see you do it, and either use bamboo, wood, or pvc pipe to mark out your camp so the A$$HATS dont try and run over the little wee ones. Even taking that one further you should run piano wire between the stakes that way when they still drive through you can get ther attention. People wouldnt have to mark off ther camps if others wouldnt try and break land speed records through them, and just be polite to there fellow duners.

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Yeah, I think "leaking" gray water is okay (given the fact that it's just soap water), and dumping the whole load at once just looks bad. All in all, we all know that everyone does NOT hold all their gray water over a 3 to 7 day + weekend!! :blink: I have a business here in CA and the hazmat inspector for "waste run-off" allows me to dump soap water and other non-toxics into my landscape planters, etc.. AS long as the plants don't die and it's a non-toxic, it's deemed okay to pour into soil.

I own an auto service business here in L.A. so they come by often to check for pollutants. This doesn't mean blm rules don't apply, but just a fyi for ya'll. :banghead:

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