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"do We Tell Mom?"

Ross and Alice

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I involve the kids in everything we do.

Little Maynard was helping me un-hook the trailer,,, when it slipped off the 2 X 6 I had under the jack.

No big deal really, it rolled an inch until the wheel chocks caught the tire,, & then it just droped to the pavement about 1 3/4 ".

It sounded like a base drum in hell when it hit,, but it happens,, no problem,, just a very loud scarry noise.

Maynard then asked me: "Do we tell mom?".

I told him "we tell mom everything". "You'll never get in trouble for telling the truth either."

"Nothing goes on around here that mom doesn't know about".

When we were at gameworks in "Vegas, I told him if he didn't mind mom, they had one arcade game called the Nap machine.

We put him in it, throw in a handfull of binkies,, swipe the gamecard and the arcade game makes him take a nap for two hours.

He was looking for it as he ventured around.

It worked.

We told him the spanking lady was bringing in an arcade game too.

Electronic Gaming Magazine rated it tops, saying: kids "will mind their moms from now on" when this game hit the arcades.


Maynard borrows a glove from me, and one from Trev,, perfect fit.


Don't hide anything from mom says the hyppocrite.

What do you hide from the Mom in your house?

Edited by Dime Store Hood
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