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Depending on what happens in my personal life... you might have a extra ride.. :D but everything is up in the air at the moment... my friends are begging me to come to glamis... I wanna roll w/ ya'all but i dont know WTF im doing yet... but i gotta make up my mind soon..

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:laughoff: I see! No dedication aye?! :laughoff: You guys suck. :laughoff: I was thinkin of driving the toyhauler out Mon night to get the spot and drivin right back. Then just take my time cruisin out Wed night. But there won't be anyone from camp out there to watch my stuff. :thumb: Oh well Wed afternoon/ night it is.
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Dammm! both my quads are down. my Tecate 4 is getting done from the ground up and i wont see it till after T-day. my Banshee has an electrical problem (guessing stator) that needs to get fixed by next friday if not i better figure something out :grin: , dont want to be left out.


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Dammm! both my quads are down. my Tecate 4 is getting done from the ground up and i wont see it till after T-day. my Banshee has an electrical problem (guessing stator) that needs to get fixed by next friday if not i better figure something out :grin: , dont want to be left out.

electrical problems suck. i had one a couple years ago with my warrior. out of the blue it wouldnt start. put a used cdi box on and it fired right up. went to take it out that weekend end and same problem. the local dealer helped me out and tried both cdi boxes on a used one they had there and it was no good. turns out my stator was bad and i guess caused the cdi to go out. i checked the stator with an ohmeter and compared it with a known good one on another warrior to confirm it was bad. maybe your local dealer can at least check your cdi box to make sure its not that. :thumb:

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big difference between the 2 pics huh! :thumb:

work just doesnt give me time to do anything. there a shop not far from me that can check it out if i can get it there before they close :grin: . just to be safe am going to look for a used stator and see if am lucky!

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:grin: i guess i will be the first jackass to say that i can't go. i could have gotten those days off but i'm electing to do some studywork for my flight exams coming soon.my sister from the NAVY will be coming down-i just bought her the ticket so she could visit me and i have not seen her in 3 months and she said she misses me so my thanksgiving will be with pretty much my family.everybody take it easy out there and come back safely! HAPPY THANKSGIVING DUMONTDUNERIDERS :smiley: :thumb:
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