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What do you think you're getting for Christmas?


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I don't want Mark to spend a lot of $$ on me for Christmas, since we just got the new Rhino. I did ask for new front dune tires for my quad. Maybe he'll read this and get the hint. Last year for either my b-day or Christmas he got me a Quad Tech seat - very comfy and a new bumper (and chain lube, too).

I would like a new beanie, since we seem to have lost my dune diva one. Maybe a hoodie, since I have a hoodie obsession! :laughing:

I'd like a new Coach purse and a set of knives. Sounds crazy, but our knives can't cut sh*t - the knives I got for the trailer are better than the ones at home!

9 More days!!! :xmas4:

Edited by Kitcat
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I know for a fact that am getting some sort of "POWER TOOLS". Cause Danny knows that I am pretty self- sufficient. He just wants to make things easier for me. All that aside, I LOVE POWER TOOLS, and I know how to make them go. Danny is a boy and the only thing that fixes all things in life is "Fixing It" and the only way you can do that is with "POWER TOOLS"

He as know idea what I'm gonna do for him. :laughing::MBdance::coocoo:

I'm so good at this.

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  desertskyz said:

I know for a fact that am getting some sort of "POWER TOOLS". Cause Danny knows that I am pretty self- sufficient. He just wants to make things easier for me. All that aside, I LOVE POWER TOOLS, and I know how to make them go.

wow :laughing::MBdance::coocoo::blury::think::blink::bump: :xmas6:

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  desertskyz said:

I know for a fact that am getting some sort of "POWER TOOLS". Cause Danny knows that I am pretty self- sufficient. He just wants to make things easier for me. All that aside, I LOVE POWER TOOLS, and I know how to make them go. Danny is a boy and the only thing that fixes all things in life is "Fixing It" and the only way you can do that is with "POWER TOOLS"

He as know idea what I'm gonna do for him. :lol::lol::lol:

I'm so good at this.

Pete can bite his tongue but not me!! Just make sure you use them "correctly", follow all instructions and "Respect" your "Power tools"!!!!!!!!!!!! :freakin_nuts:

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only 2 things iam hoping for.

a new pair of oakleys...since i lost the arm to my other oakleys...

and i want a pair of knock off uggs for the dunes...

maybe a new hoodie...thats all

i already got my wife one big present, all the other stuff will be small and easy to get for her.

i set aside 400.00 for my daughter and her step sister, they will be out here for christmas and new years.

we already got them some pretty cool stuff, and since she is grounded from the computer i can easily post what she is getting. got her the new I pod touch (looks like the I phone) and the speakers as well,

thats all...

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  wingnut said:

Pete can bite his tongue but not me!! Just make sure you use them "correctly", follow all instructions and "Respect" your "Power tools"!!!!!!!!!!!! :freakin_nuts:

That's correct Craig, and don't forget most accidents happen from improperly maintained tools. :lol:

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200 gallons diesel

15 gallons racing fuel

35 gallons of 92

2 full tanks of Propane

1 camping pass on a holiday weekend

Toyhauler fridge full of food

" cabinets full of food

couple bottles of JD

" " " Patron

10 days at Dumont!

:beer_bang: :dope::ban-split::MBdance::DDRrocks: :chug: :duniemonkie::beerpint: :mc_smiley: :drinkbeer::rockwoot::rockon::thumb:

Thats what I KNOW I'm getting!

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  ntrsandman said:

200 gallons diesel

15 gallons racing fuel

35 gallons of 92

2 full tanks of Propane

1 camping pass on a holiday weekend

Toyhauler fridge full of food

" cabinets full of food

couple bottles of JD

" " " Patron

10 days at Dumont!

:beer_bang: :dope::drinkbeer::rockon::MBdance: :chug: :duniemonkie::DDRrocks::rockwoot: :mc_smiley: :beerpint::thumb::thumb:

Thats what I KNOW I'm getting!

That is the best present ever. :ban-split:

Yes Heather I am reading your thread. :chug:

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This year I'm getting an motorcycle jack, 3/8 drive torex bits and a trip to Dumont.

The RZR is getting if it all gets here:

Rock Sider Bars

Uni Air filter

HID Headlights

Lighted Whip

Oil Change

The dog is getting to ride up front this trip. The wife has to work so her seat gets replaced by a doggy platform again if the parts get here.

The wife is getting...chit I knew I forgot something.


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  ISBB said:

I could use a better headunit for the altima.. :D

I'll sell you my Pioneer that I have now. DEH-3700mp $30 and I'll ship to you after X-mas when it comes out of my truck.

It's kicks a$$. I would keep but I need 3 RCA preouts to run my subs.

You would have to buy the harness and adapter to fit your dash.

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  ntrsandman said:

200 gallons diesel

15 gallons racing fuel

35 gallons of 92

2 full tanks of Propane

1 camping pass on a holiday weekend

Toyhauler fridge full of food

" cabinets full of food

couple bottles of JD

" " " Patron

10 days at Dumont!

:drunk::beat::blury: :chug: :idiot: :gayboy: :duniemonkie::flipoff::laughoff::beerpint::redneck::old: :gayboy:

Thats what I KNOW I'm getting!


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  ntrsandman said:

200 gallons diesel

15 gallons racing fuel

35 gallons of 92

2 full tanks of Propane

1 camping pass on a holiday weekend

Toyhauler fridge full of food

" cabinets full of food

couple bottles of JD

" " " Patron

10 days at Dumont!

:isbb::laughing: :beer_bang: :MBdance::dope: :chug: :duniemonkie::dope::idea::hello::bump::rockon::thumb:

Thats what I KNOW I'm getting!

Sounds like our checklist!!! I never thought about asking for that for Christmas!!! :xmas8:

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