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top 10 cars


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so how fast do you have to be to have a top 10 car at the dunes. how do you now you have a top 10 car if you have not raced all the cars that go to mother D on different weekends. now I know hp to weight ratio

on halloween there was a red car out there that was spoting most car 3 or 4 car and kicking the shat out of them I also seen a subie kickin the shat out of most any car that lined up with him. :stirthepot::stirthepot:

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He must be talkin' about (hillshooter's) red car.

I've read some wicked shiat about that sucker. :stirthepot:


He's got some character though. :stirthepot:

Racing the hill or Duning is a car/driver combo.

No 'one' car without a driver, and

No 'one' driver without a car will do anything impressive.

I think what Pete's getting at is that it takes a real driver to Dune like a MoFo.

And as Lou would say: "A trained chimp could race the hill." :blink:

I think they're both just an effin' blast. :driver::driver:

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  desertskyz said:

You can't put a label on a Top 10 List. Every car is different. Every class is different. LT cars, Hillershootser, Beam Cars, Water Pumpers, 1, 2 4 seaters, motors, etc. There are just to many veriables to make a list.

True-dat :afro:

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I would agree to that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . But to say you have a top car in the dunes you would have to go up against all the cars out there in all the differnt classes and doing all the thing that are there to do.

1 hill shoot

2 run threw the dunes as fast as you can with all types of cars

3 putt around (go threw the wash and out in the dirt must go both ways sand and dirt )

4 walk up a hill about half way stop and than stand on your car as hard as you can and see if it goes or just shat it shelf

I don,t think you can put a number to your car as a to car like this.

some cars are fast as hell and some dune better than most not all cars are set up the same and to do the same things.

so to put a # to your car than mine must be #3 in the broke class as to date I have only got it to stay toghter for a day and a half.

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There have been alot of posts about stuff like this.... So i'm thinking the best way to get any of these answers is to RACE! I'm not sure what is out there for rails but for everything else there is MRAN, BITD, SNORE, Sandy Valley, Boulder City Mx and so on. A rider in organized racing in a "class" will then know exactly where he or she fits based on skill level and bike, quad or rail type...

BTW I suck!!!! LOL

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You seem to be getting a little :stirthepot: here. This is not about

"My Rail is better then your rail, I'm faster then you are" nanny, nanny, nanny :stirthepot:

I think it is just a general consensuses of "is there a Top 10 list for SANDRAILS "and as we were discussing, there are to many variables to make a Top 10 list of rails

Edited by desertskyz
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the part of flyinRyan for the land speed record is doing it safely has to be done with no one around geting it going is one thing stoping it with people allround is another with out running over someone

going fast is easy big HP tall gears and lots of room Stand on it and hold on :xmas1: :stirthepot::stirthepot:

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  desertskyz said:

You can't put a label on a Top 10 List. Every car is different. Every class is different. LT cars, Hillershootser, Beam Cars, Water Pumpers, 1, 2 4 seaters, motors, etc. There are just to many veriables to make a list.

Thanks Skyz, I didn't know you were such an "authority" on rails!!!! :stirthepot:

  desertskyz said:

Doesn't BigRick have a really fast car? The plum colored one with the front motor.

Who knows, he "Quit the club"....be sides that car was for sale so I think he quit the sand too. :stirthepot:

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  barneycar said:

the part of flyinRyan for the land speed record is doing it safely has to be done with no one around geting it going is one thing stoping it with people allround is another with out running over someone

going fast is easy big HP tall gears and lots of room Stand on it and hold on :driver: :xmas1: :blink:

Sean, you have to see his car and you'll understand. He really is going to attempt 200+ at Bonneville this summer. :driver:

  desertskyz said:

Doesn't BigRick have a really fast car? The plum colored one with the front motor.

yeah whatever :stirthepot:

He quit the club so his doesn't count anyways. :stirthepot:

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  wingnut said:

Thanks Skyz, I didn't know you were such an "authority" on rails!!!! :stirthepot:

Who knows, he "Quit the club"....be sides that car was for sale so I think he quit the sand too. :stirthepot:

You just jealous cause I'm a girl and know afew thing about them. nanny, nanny boo boo :driver:

Don't be hatin'. :xmas1: :blink::driver:

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  desertskyz said:

You just jealous cause I'm a girl and know afew thing about them. nanny, nanny boo boo :no_no:

Don't be hatin'. :mc_smiley: :laughing::driver:

No.....anyone can sit around and listen to people talk about something and think."Hmmmm, I know a lot about that now"....what I'm dissapointed about is that you are on winter break and have even more time to sit in front of your computer and :stirthepot::stirthepot: :xmas1: :blink::driver::driver::undecided:

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  desertskyz said:

You seem to be getting a little :flipoff: here. This is not about

"My Rail is better then your rail, I'm faster then you are" nanny, nanny, nanny :lol:

I think it is just a general consensuses of "is there a Top 10 list for SANDRAILS "and as we were discussing, there are to many variables to make a Top 10 list of rails

Sorry... I guess I'm so used to topics like "What's faster a Honda or a Yamaha?" that I just spit out that post.........


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