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Preventing Theft

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I keep reading about some of the stupid thieves that steal things. It seems like if the thieves want it, they'll do whatever it takes to get it. We have those heavy chain locks on our toys and we always camp with other people. We had an incident where some guys were snooping around our camp this weekend and we suspect our billet gas cap was stolen. Almost all of us have a dog (or 2 or 3) in our trailers, but since Dumont is so loud, not one barked. :whistle:

What are some of the things you do to prevent the a$$wipes that steal?

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I try my best to keep my stuff out of sight, I cable my bikes at night but if someone wants it they'll find a way to take it.

I dont know how many bikes and quads I saw parked up next to the roads just sitting waiting for someone to throw them in a truck, dont make it easy for them.

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I chain/cable my toys to the trailer at night right under the bedroom or put most of them back in a inclosed trailer (no not the one I sleep in) And take all keys out if they have em... Like Brit said you just need to make it hard for them. Same goes for storage at home. I got lazy and left my trailer in the street instead of backing it up on the side of my house and my kids dirt bike got stolen by some 16 yr old lil punk.

Pre-wife LOL my bike was in the living room and my roomates was in the kitchen next to the keg fridge but that's a different topic...


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Yeah, our stuff is under tight lock and key. It's the little stuff that could get stolen, too. At home our stuff is well stored and our trailer is in a great (and expensive) storage place. Trust me, we don't get lazy. I really like the idea of being away from the traffic. We've been all over Dumont: by the rock pile, the left side of comp, bathroom #6, etc. We might try bathroom #3 for President's Day because we get the best cell coverage there.

Thanks for the replies! :whistle:

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Hell I even get freaked out going to vender row. All I can do is pull the key off the yamaha but the two strokes are a different story. I see a bunch of peeps walking with there stearing wheels from the rails and such... I can't stop looking to see if my toys are still there. If you see a moron walking around with renthals it's just me being paranoid... LOL

My smallest bike is a KX65... 1 azzhate can throw that bike in a pick up and see ya!!!

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Most of the time theives won't mess with stuff if it is parked in a lighted area. I know it's kinda hard to have your camp lit up at night, but I try to at least park my stuff under one of my small lights on the outside of my hauler. They may think someone is up if the light is on. And sometimes someone MAY be up. :beercheers::laughoff::MBdance:

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If you get a good outside dog, know no one will come in to your camp and fine out if he's nice or knot post-3227-1199398615_thumb.jpg

AWWW... Cute dog! You all know how much I love pet pics and I didn't even post it! If my pampered dogs were outside, they'd keep us up barking. Plus, Bear hates fireworks and would have to get years of therapy if we made him stay out at night.

I need a dog smiley!!! :D

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AWWW... Cute dog! You all know how much I love pet pics and I didn't even post it! If my pampered dogs were outside, they'd keep us up barking. Plus, Bear hates fireworks and would have to get years of therapy if we made him stay out at night.

I need a dog smiley!!! :D

:DDRrocks: :freakin_nuts: stop it! :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

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Working at a bicycle shop I've heard it all. From cutting cables and locks to lifting an entire bike over the top of a stop sign.

I always tell people to lock up in high traffic area's where people can see. If you lock up someplace dark or remote it's easier for someone to take their time to get what they want.

I sleep in the tent in the back of my truck so it's easy for me to hear anything going on outside.

I went out on saturday when I arrived specifically to find people to camp with where I knew my stuff could be watched when I was gone.

I like to keep my stuff in sight of others so everyone can see. I say 99.9% of people are honest, I want the honest ones to see it.

Just my :freakin_nuts:

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It's got to a point where can no longer be laid back about protecting your stuff. We always keep a tight circle, and of late, were putting out infared sensors at night that are jacked into lights on the hauler with screamers. Everyone knows in the group that if you get within 20ft of the toys, you'll be welcomed with open "arms" :laughing:

Tollerance for these EFFN Low Lifes has to stop...... if it's only to hold their faces in the camp fire coals until the "real law" shows up.

I dont know about Dumont, but I've seen the local enforcement here in Boulder City, after theyve been handed over a low life, they have little simpathy for how they look when you hand them over... :stirthepot:

We've all worked too damn hard for our toys, and all we want to do is spend time with family and friends and keep what is rightfully ours. I'm not supporting being judge, jury and executioner, but I damn sure support using appropriate means to hold a scumbag for a citizens arrest. :laughoff:

Sorry for the soap box :think: :porn:

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I've had to detain some lil punks until the cops showed up once. Part of me felt like I was being an a$$ (that was my wife screaming at me to stop) But when the cops showed up they actually said thanks. I didn't have to beat there a$$ cause I made them all call there parents.

Wow some dad's can whip some a$$

Geeeezz lil off topic


Edited by indagully
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Hey here's an idea a friend of mine(he'a a cop) put lowjack on his bobcat and found it up in Reno. He said the guy was pretty surprised when they pulled in his driveway. Most highway patrolman have a locator device for lowjack where you just type in the number off the lowjack. At least that's what I heard....

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as sh*tty as it sounds, if somebody wants your stuff bad enough, they will get it. the trick is to make your stuff look too hard to steal and theives will move on. make the risk higher than the reward. and its alot of work to detour somebody from a 20,000$ rhino. but a fool proof plan is to take a wheel off of your rhino or quad and put it inside your moho or hauler. as crappy as that is, it is by far the best option. theres not many people who are going to take the time to cut a lock and lift up an entire quad into a truck when they could move to the next camp and push one away.

and a more long term solution is getting the rangers to crack down on people caught doing the stuff. if you find somebody in your camp, catch them and turn them in! but thats a challenge in itself.

and lastly, what i do is party all night long. if your not asleep, your always watching! when i get home i really pay for it though :beer_bang: hahaha ..or go to dumont with 18 year old kids with nothing better to do than attempt to alcohol poison themselves every night. drunk kids love to create disturbances, which theives dont like too much. hahaha :stirthepot:

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The lojak has a whole bunch of sensors placed all over a car/rhino or whatever. This makes it almost impossible to remove. Once the owner calls lojak and has it activated, a cop car can pick up a signal if it is within a few miles of their vehicle. Most vehicles with lojak are recovered.

you can't just turn someone in for being in your campsite area, you would need something more than that.

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