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Is there finally someone on our side???

From ohvplates.org:

Dear Fellow OffRoader,

I’m sure you’re aware that there are 4.5 million of us in California, and that we produce an

11 billion dollar industry. But when I’m in Sacramento, people don't seem to realize just

how big our membership and economic impact is.

We need to change that. If we’re going to gain the support and respect that we deserve

then people need to see our numbers as well as our economic power.

How? I have a plan.

We start by being more conspicuous in our communities. Personalized OffRoader license

plates (like the ones veterans have) are an easy and simple way to do that. They send a

clear signal to our neighbors and leaders showing our powerful membership. And, we can

design them to show our individual organizations.

I will proudly provide the legislative leadership in petitioning the State for our own

OffRoader plates but I need your support.

California requires 7,500 signatures for the petition, therefore, we need 10,000 names and

addresses to guarantee its success.

By filling in your information below, and forwarding this website to your friends, I can

submit this petition to the Legislature as soon as the next session.

Please spread the word to all of your fellow OffRoaders.

http://www.ohvplates.org/ <--- go here!!!!!!!!!



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  rivermobster said:

and your point is? LOL i think i spent that much on gas last week!!! i cant wait to get one on my truck!!!


i was just thinkin out loud...no meaning :laughoff:

:flipoff::dunno: <<<<<<<<<<<<<me


  barefoot bob said:

just get the plates ma faka :laughing:

thought I wouldnt ma faka??

DUDE DUDE DUDE did you see my new offroad plate???



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