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1/12/08 Trip Report


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Had an awesome time as usual.. I havent been in the sand since T-Day so this was well overdue. I burned thru damn near 5 gallons of race gas between 8am and 3pm. Man was it a blast. Tony's version of a ride went from Zero to PaulyPaul in 1 dune and it was FREAKIN AWESOME... I got a little laugh out of everyone when we got to the north pole.. hey T could you turn it down just a LITTLE BIT... I think they all had a little sand in their mangina's. I was hurtin but was ready to do it again it was such a blast.

I managed to Finish Fouling a plug within the first 2 min of getting to camp that was fun.. At first i thought the float was stuck because it seemed to only run long enough to drain the bowl then would die.. so we smacked the carb around a little and the fker still wouldnt start.. So on to the plug.. FOULED like a mofo.. after not having the proper tools and finally saying eff it to remove the tank and do it that way we finally got it swapped. Went to turn the gas on and didnt see any flowing thru the tube.. GREAT another problem.. unhooked the fuel line and turned the petcock and flowed no problem.. scratched my head a little and said eff it.. hooked it back up gave the bike a few rocks and kicked fired right up.. Time to ride.

On our way back from the PaulyPaul ride one of the guys in the group managed to strip and aluminum rear sprocket.. After running around like chickens with our head cut off looking for a vendor or someone with a sprocket we decided to try and grind the teeth down with a dremel.. That didnt work so out came the reamer bit that didnt work.. Out came regular drill bits that worked a little then someone in camp walked up and just casually asked.. Hey tony will that spare wheel off your bike fit thats sitting next to your hauler.. we all just did one of these :laughing:

Some horse shoes a little jaeger and it was off for the final ride.. What was a Lunchtime ride turned into a 3 hour tour just blasting the dunes all over the place.. from one end to the other it was awesome. I wish there were a few others that would have came out but they couldnt it would have made the day that much better but all in all had a great time.

Also met up with flyinryan out there as i rolled up to his camp they had cameras and all kinda crap strapped to his car for some footage so you can expect to see that in the near future..

It was definatley good seeing some old faces and riding with the 2 wheeler crew again.. Nothing like 10 bikes taking off into the dunes to go on a fantabulous run.

I only took 3 pictures.. none of them really post worthy so you will just have to wait for others..

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  dunefreak said:

That was a great trip report, Nick. :laughoff:

I really wish I could have made it even more now. I haven't been on some good 2 wheeler rides like that in a while. Glad you had a good trip. :laughing:

Couldnt have made it if it wasnt for you.. :laughing:

There is always the next one..

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:news: We went out for a day trip on Saturday. Everything went good. Weather was awesome, not busy at all.

As for my bike, i noticed it was really doogin out and not runnin good, :driver: then found out towards the end of the day that my SPARK PLUG WAS WOUND ALMOST ALL THE WAY OUT :headbang1::clap: !!! Tightened it up and it was runnin strong again.

The Jeep ran real good. had a couple of good Dune rides in it and it did awesome up Banshee Hill. Kept up and almost beat a couple of raptor 700's. :duniemonkie::rockon: a lot peoples faces were in aww when they saw it runnin like that. If you were there you prolly know what Jeep I am talking about, its red with a raw metal rool cage, no fenders with semi paddles and it looks like something that you would find at a junk yard. :lol::lol:

Ohh, and then last ride out before the day was over, did a second gear wheelie in the camps and caught a hard spot and looped it out :crash::cripple: . didnt feel to good, but at least the bike is alright.

All in all GOOD DAY!! :DDRrocks::DDRrocks:

Edited by SiCk 350R
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Had a great time this weekend. Glad you made it out Nick and we got your bike running...finally j/k. :headbang1: I thought we weren't going to mention anything about that extra rim just laying against the trailer minding its own business :clap:. But hey, if it wasn't for the whole sproket problem and going to vendor row on the 50's you would have never relized they do make an 50 your size...a klx 125 :DDRrocks:.

Sorry you could not get the day of Pete. We had a few good rides and one GREAT ride with you and PaulyPaul in mind and you both would have loved it. There was one part of the ride where you would cut back and forth, up and down and pop over a sharp wind blown razor and sail just enough to remind yourself, why you love riding a 2wheeler :DDRrocks: and that it was great day to be riding @ the D!

Weather was great Saturday with a little wind around 11am today and the dunes where a little damp underneath so it made for a mixture of light poofy stuff with good traction that became even better later in the day. I must be getting old as there was no 50 fire jumping with gas, just gas on the X-mas tree and a flick of a match was pretty much the entertainment plus the beer pong. I have become a bad DDR staffer as I did not take one single picture the whole weekend.

Hope to make it out again soon and for any 2wheeler guys/girls that ever want to ride let me know! :driver:

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  stalteri920 said:

Had a great time this weekend. Glad you made it out Nick and we got your bike running...finally j/k. :clap: I thought we weren't going to mention anything about that extra rim just laying against the trailer minding its own business :rockon:. But hey, if it wasn't for the whole sproket problem and going to vendor row on the 50's you would have never relized they do make an 50 your size...a klx 125 :grin:.

Sorry you could not get the day of Pete. We had a few good rides and one GREAT ride with you and PaulyPaul in mind and you both would have loved it. There was one part of the ride where you would cut back and forth, up and down and pop over a sharp wind blown razor and sail just enough to remind yourself, why you love riding a 2wheeler :lol: and that it was great day to be riding @ the D!

Weather was great Saturday with a little wind around 11am today and the dunes where a little damp underneath so it made for a mixture of light poofy stuff with good traction that became even better later in the day. I must be getting old as there was no 50 fire jumping with gas, just gas on the X-mas tree and a flick of a match was pretty much the entertainment plus the beer pong. I have become a bad DDR staffer as I did not take one single picture the whole weekend.

Hope to make it out again soon and for any 2wheeler guys/girls that ever want to ride let me know! :cripple:

Sounds like good times, T! Thanks for thinking of us. :driver: I wish Pauly & I could have been there too. Hopefully we can get a ride in w/ you guys before season's end.

Whats this about no 50's jumping the fire? :slap: You MUST be getting old! :crash::DDRrocks: You must not have had enough peer pressure and :news: this time. I'll give you that extra kick in the :lol: next time bro. :headbang1::DDRrocks:

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First, Sorry about the Pics, for some reason the Camera was set on Black & White, but what the heck at least you get some.

We arrived on Friday.

It was Cold at night. My stupid heater would come on, but when it shut off, it would not come back on. I had to manually turn the thermostat all the way down and then up. It would then kick back on! So I just tuned on the Oven.

We had a good time with Lots of Food.

Steaks, Carne Asada, Breakfast Burritos, etc...

Thomas & Hans from V8 Rails showed up on Saturday Morning. They Hooked up Ryan's Car with Cameras. All of Ryan's past V8 Rails were there for the Video. His First Car was Awesome. Sorry no pics.

The First Ride was insane. Danny's Crazy Train is a new member of the 2 Wheeler Club. He rode on Two Wheels like Bo Duke! When they got back to camp Hans found out the Camera was off and did not catch any action. I am not sure how much Film they shot on Sunday.

Now for the Pics.

V8 Rails




Banshee Hill


Comp Fairly Empty


Ryan's Car





Danny's Crazy Train


Hans & Thomas V8 Rails


My Toy Hauler & Truck


My Raptor


Until Next Time: Later

Edited by timothyleavitt
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  SiCk 350R said:

Ohh, and then last ride out before the day was over, did a second gear wheelie in the camps and caught a hard spot and looped it out :laughoff::flipoff: . didnt feel to good, but at least the bike is alright.

All in all GOOD DAY!! :drunk::laughoff:

Yeah we watched you do that. I was like holy sh*t! :beercheers: The quad went tumbling and right before we started to head over to see if you were ok you were already up shakin it off. Hope the quad didn't get hurt too bad. By the way, I was the lifted white F250 parked just to the NW of you. If you ever see a DDR sticker on something, stop and introduce yourself. :wedgie:

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Ok my observations...

It was Rosemarie, Craig(9digit), Kris and myself for this outing.

1. Planning to leave town by 6:30 never works out was more like 8:00 leaving the last station on Blue Diamond. Damn last minute shopping!

2. Vince followed us out. I kept the speed a little more conservative this time! (Got better mileage too! Who woulda thunk it?)

3. Passing 3 rigs on the Tecopa road and then looking down and seeing the speedo needle pegged, oops! :beercheers: Did get a :drunk: from the last truck as I passed. :laughoff:

4. Arriving at the dunes put a smile on our faces. Superbad made the drive seem like nothing.

5. No rangers to be seen as far as I could tell.

6. Unloaded and found out Vince's rail decided to not want the oil filler cap anymore. I will post a pic later, but hey MacGuyver'd it with some old elec tape and a bandaid. Seemed to work for the whole day.

7. Rode some hard rides (Not quite Paully Paul style but close enough)

8. Sand was still a little wet beneath and made for some interesting manuvering where the buggies had left some soft and deep ruts. I almost thought I was going over the bars once when they almost stopped me in my tracks.

9. Met up with Superdave and his son Chris. Good times. Too bad he couldn't get his 700 started to go on the last ride with us.

10. Note to self (Don't wear amber goggles on a sunset ride) good thing I was leading cuz I had to run without goggles due to the fact I couldn't see through them for sh*t.

11. Packing up sucked as usual. Would have loved to stay for another day, but had to get home.

12. Supertroopers entertained us all the home.

Good times. Can't wait to get out there again.

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  timothyleavitt said:

First, Sorry about the Pics, for some reason the Camera was set on Black & White, but what the heck at least you get some.

We arrived on Friday.

It was Cold at night. My stupid heater would come on, but when it shut off, it would not come back on. I had to manually turn the thermostat all the way down and then up. It would then kick back on! So I just tuned on the Oven.

We had a good time with Lots of Food.

Steaks, Carne Asada, Breakfast Burritos, etc...

Thomas & Hans from V8 Rails showed up on Saturday Morning. They Hooked up Ryan's Car with Cameras. All of Ryan's past V8 Rails were there for the Video. His First Car was Awesome. Sorry no pics.

The First Ride was insane. Danny's Crazy Train is a new member of the 2 Wheeler Club. He rode on Two Wheels like Bo Duke! When they got back to camp Hans found out the Camera was off and did not catch any action. I am not sure how much Film they shot on Sunday.

Hans??? :dope: looks like i got a new name ;):D:D

hanging with the Murphy gang was awesome :drunk: ; big thanks from my bro and me for the good time !!! nothing better then BS-ing around a campfire with great peeps :beercheers:

too bad we dont have Dannys "Bo Duke" stunt on video :grin: ...it is fun to watch Danny driving like his hair is on fire :flipoff: :wedgie: :laughoff:

my personal highlight of the weekend was following Danny home and giving Danny jr. a high-five :laughoff: what a brave and strong young man !! :dope:

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  stalteri920 said:

Had a great time this weekend. Glad you made it out Nick and we got your bike running...finally j/k. :beercheers: I thought we weren't going to mention anything about that extra rim just laying against the trailer minding its own business :laughoff:. But hey, if it wasn't for the whole sproket problem and going to vendor row on the 50's you would have never relized they do make an 50 your size...a klx 125 :wedgie:.

Sorry you could not get the day of Pete. We had a few good rides and one GREAT ride with you and PaulyPaul in mind and you both would have loved it. There was one part of the ride where you would cut back and forth, up and down and pop over a sharp wind blown razor and sail just enough to remind yourself, why you love riding a 2wheeler :flipoff: and that it was great day to be riding @ the D!

Weather was great Saturday with a little wind around 11am today and the dunes where a little damp underneath so it made for a mixture of light poofy stuff with good traction that became even better later in the day. I must be getting old as there was no 50 fire jumping with gas, just gas on the X-mas tree and a flick of a match was pretty much the entertainment plus the beer pong. I have become a bad DDR staffer as I did not take one single picture the whole weekend.

Hope to make it out again soon and for any 2wheeler guys/girls that ever want to ride let me know! :drunk:

I loved the part at the north pole.. I looked back and you were RIGHT THERE so i kept goin faster!! Cant shake the fat guy on a 500 now.. LOL

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  lvnalolife said:

Yeah we watched you do that. I was like holy sh*t! :beercheers: The quad went tumbling and right before we started to head over to see if you were ok you were already up shakin it off. Hope the quad didn't get hurt too bad. By the way, I was the lifted white F250 parked just to the NW of you. If you ever see a DDR sticker on something, stop and introduce yourself. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the observation and the attempt to help. :loser: I appreciate it. The quad is actually all fine except the grab bar. no big deal. Next time ill come say hi if i see you. I didnt notice the sticker. feel free to come say hi also if you catch me out there. Safe duning. Ill be there again for Presidents Day!! :stick_smack::ban-split:

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  SiCk 350R said:

:think: We went out for a day trip on Saturday. Everything went good. Weather was awesome, not busy at all.

As for my bike, i noticed it was really doogin out and not runnin good, :shoot: then found out towards the end of the day that my SPARK PLUG WAS WOUND ALMOST ALL THE WAY OUT :laughoff: :laughoff: !!! Tightened it up and it was runnin strong again.

The Jeep ran real good. had a couple of good Dune rides in it and it did awesome up Banshee Hill. Kept up and almost beat a couple of raptor 700's. :duniemonkie::driver: a lot peoples faces were in aww when they saw it runnin like that. If you were there you prolly know what Jeep I am talking about, its red with a raw metal rool cage, no fenders with semi paddles and it looks like something that you would find at a junk yard. :driver::think:

Ohh, and then last ride out before the day was over, did a second gear wheelie in the camps and caught a hard spot and looped it out :driver::MBdance: . didnt feel to good, but at least the bike is alright.

All in all GOOD DAY!! :mc_smiley: :laughing:


am I reading this right!!!! Is this an inside joke post waiting for someone like

me to rant!!!!

first off, I know that you take great care of your stuff cause you put

in the post that you ran all day with your plug falling out.

makes me wonder if you ever check out your equipment to make sure if it's safe

Second, you brag about running your clapped out jeep up banshee hill

chasing down some quads!!!

I don't think everyone was look'n at you think'n ,WOW this guy is cool!!!

they started banshee hill to race quads!!!!!! thats why they call it banshee hill!!!!

third, C.A.M.P.!!!!! = Cruise At Moderate Pace !!!!!!!

doing second gear wheelies thru camp?????????

then wad'n up out of controll!!!!!?????

do you really think when you are wheelie'n thru peoples camp

they are think'n WOW, look at him, he can second gear wheelie

wish I could do that,

I think it's more like WTF, look at this asz clown sturrn up dirt!!!

OK, rant over, I know you guys are a laughing your as'z off

I know, no one really was that lame to wheelie thru other peoples camps

and think that it was cool,

this is my I think you are cool look when you wheelie thru my camp


Edited by king of the hill
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