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BLM cost breakdown


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Is the BLM willing to provide any further cost breakdown in regards to where fees are spent. I have looked at the breakdown already provided, but I was wondering if they would break it down further and maybe provide us with the number of weekends that they provide service, how many employees are provided on those weekends, cost per hour per employee, cost per hour for equipment used, what equipment was used, etc. ? Have they provided a projected budget the next FY and where money will be spent ?

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Yeah there was time time where they would break it down in person. It was at the last TRT meeting on a Saturday for the public to attend. A few of us were there. The explaination of how the fees were spent was sufficient and thorough enough for those that were there.

I bet if you called them or e-mailed them you might get some answers, but I don't know how helpful they are gonna be if you sound like you are doubting them or stirring up chit.

Come on. :laughoff: Pay your fee and go duning for God's sake. Even IF the money spent is a giant conspiracy and they are using the money to buy lots of overpriced coffee, donuts, and hookers on our dime what do you think you are really gonna be able to do about it? :shoot:

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  dunefreak said:

Even IF the money spent is a giant conspiracy and they are using the money to buy lots of overpriced coffee, donuts, and hookers on our dime what do you think you are really gonna be able to do about it? :laughoff:

If anyone finds that out let me know so I can apply for a job... LOL

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  dunefreak said:

Even IF the money spent is a giant conspiracy and they are using the money to buy lots of overpriced coffee, donuts, and hookers on our dime what do you think you are really gonna be able to do about it? :shoot:

Are they buying their coffee from Ynot?????? :laughoff::laughoff:

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I completely understand the confusion and the knee-jerk reaction of "they need HOW much????"

Our (legal) riding areas have all gone from free to some kind of fee in one form or another, whether at the state level (green sticker fees) or admittance into the park.

There are people fighting these fees. They aren't winning the battle, but they are trying.

And in the meantime we're having to face these fees and some are facing it with complete shock.

At first glance it looks like an awfully lot of money. People start figuring it in their heads and cannot believe that an area which was free to ride in five years ago now costs so much just for a weekend of fun.

It's not easy coming to terms with.

And in their state of confusion most people don't take the time to research the issue... instead the "what the hell?" comes out through their fingertips and their frustration at not understanding meets our frustration at having to once again spell it out. :laughoff:

But... there is no other option. Every time there's a chance to educate, that's what we have to do. And for every frustrated "I don't understand" that starts here, ends with that same person explaining what they've learned to their close circle of friends.

Education is the key to absolutely everything at Dumont.

And Dumont Dune Riders has been positively fabulous on that front. :shoot:


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IMO dumont is worth every penny of the $120 season pass, it's without a doubt the most fun place to ride I've ever been.

How many places can you go ride awsome terrain with awsome views and still only be 10 mins from medical help or a bathroom.

Even if it was $70 a day and $300 for a season pass I will still happily open my wallet (and im about as cheap as they come)

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  DP315 said:

Is the BLM willing to provide any further cost breakdown in regards to where fees are spent. I have looked at the breakdown already provided, but I was wondering if they would break it down further and maybe provide us with the number of weekends that they provide service, how many employees are provided on those weekends, cost per hour per employee, cost per hour for equipment used, what equipment was used, etc. ? Have they provided a projected budget the next FY and where money will be spent ?

one would think that this would be a publically accesible document....maybe even online? :laughoff:

im jsut thinking out lound

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