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superbowl weekend 2008 Feb 1-3

Richard Cheese

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keeping the annual pilgrimage alive..

this year, the superbowl falls on Sunday, Feb 3rd.

We will be @ the D from Wed Jan 30 until early Sunday Feb 3rd. although a few in my camp will be there until monday the 4th.

hope to see sum u bitchezzzz out there

Edited by richard cheese
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  richard cheese said:
keeping the annual pilgrimage alive..

this year, the superbowl falls on Sunday, Feb 3rd.

We will be @ the D from Wed Jan 30 until early Sunday Feb 3rd. although a few in my camp will be there until monday the 4th.

hope to see sum u bitchezzzz out there

Cheese - we'll be out there starting on Friday morning and staying until Monday, were usually around #8 or #9 out by the East end before you hit the Dunes.... Hope to meet you out there. The WW is Blue highlights and were on 2 Can-Am's Quads (Farm Equipment - Yellow), may have others with us in a MH.

Mike :beat:

Edited by Sandpirates2
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Me being a football fan I usually don't miss the super bowl, but I did go out one super bowl sunday for a day ride. It was great. It was like being there in JULY. Kinda creepy when you ride for 30 plus min. and don't see another duner the whole time. Anyway any and all that is going be safe and have fun!!!

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sandpirates-Cheese - we'll be out there starting on Friday morning and staying until Monday, were usually around #8 or #9 out by the East end before you hit the Dunes.... Hope to meet you out there. The WW is Blue highlights and were on 2 Can-Am's Quads (Farm Equipment - Yellow), may have others with us in a MH.

cool. i will be with a few others on CAN-AM/BRP/Bombardier DS -650s below is where we normally camp. ill post pics of my rig for you

you rollin outlanders, or renegades? ive been wanting to see either one. i havent seen any yet. my buddy vic (aceisback here on the board) said he rode an outlander, and it is soooooo comfortable with gobs of power.

if you want to show me where you guys ususally hang out...save the map below, open it in paint, and just circle where you guys usually are, then save it again, then use the attachment feature to post it

look forward to meeting you :laughing:


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Good deal -

Were running Outlanders Max 4x4 650 and the 800. Farm Yellow

Look forward to meeting you guys and maybe doing some riding......... :rockwoot:

I've attached the Map and a PIC of my RIG as requested.




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i dont even wanna be at work today.. :drunk:

was up till about 11 last night, in freezing weather, loading the trailer...got a couple more things to load tonight, and we will just be able to roll outta bed tomorrow, into the truck, and scoot :idiot:

i am a little worried about the weather. possible snow on the 58 summit tomorrow morning early. i have a co-worker that lives up there, and for the past week, she hasnt been able to come down, due to her being snowed in, the road closed, etc etc

oh well.

will see those of you that are going out there....and we will have a meet & greet Sat @ 2pm @ the south pole too.

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Jason, the wind has been hella ridiculous around here the past couple of days. Should be smooth as a baby's butt when you get there. Save me some o' dat soft stuff!

Hopefully it was already smooth before all of the rain moved in and didn't just hard pack all of the ruts. Gonna be good times fo sho. See ya there early Friday morning.

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You guys be careful driving there.

I am gonna maybe see about maybe doing a day trip on Sunday. When are you gonna be leaving?

i'm planning on leaving about 10 am.....we wanna get home in time for the trip..... there will be others in my camp staying till monday.....i dont know about Vic....??? :idiot:

you gotta work Saturday?

if not, come out Saturday...ill throw some cheese :chug: on the grill for ya!!! :drunk:

Edited by richard cheese
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  richard cheese said:

i'm planning on leaving about 10 am.....we wanna get home in time for the trip..... there will be others in my camp staying till monday.....i dont know about Vic....??? :chug:

you gotta work Saturday?

if not, come out Saturday...ill throw some cheese :chug: on the grill for ya!!! :dope:

That's kinda what I was worried about. I suppose I can maybe swing saturday instead. I may be a lil hungover though. There is a midget stripper party I can not miss Friday night. Seriously. :idiot::drunk:

Do you have signal out there? And where will you be? Same spot as you were on T Day?

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  dunefreak said:

That's kinda what I was worried about. I suppose I can maybe swing saturday instead. I may be a lil hungover though. There is a midget stripper party I can not miss Friday night. Seriously. :idiot: :chug:

Do you have signal out there? And where will you be? Same spot as you were on T Day?

i get a signal out @ north pole and aroundthat area...i usually head out there 1-2 times a day to call friends/family and check messages..

a fuggin midget stripper party? :lol::dope: :chug: debauchery with little people :thumb::drunk:

i will be where i was on T-day...in and around that general area....

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C'mon out Pete. Gonna be good times. I'll be hanging around til mid afternoon on Sunday, unless it's just unbelievable weather and conditions. Gotta three hour drive back to 29, have to unload and clean up, then a two hour drive back to Barstow immediately following.

Damn a Super Bowl, there are 18 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes, and 43 seconds until they drop the Green flag at Daytona!

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  ISBB said:

Mind if i join ya if you go?

Not at all man. :beat:

  aceisback said:

C'mon out Pete. Gonna be good times. I'll be hanging around til mid afternoon on Sunday, unless it's just unbelievable weather and conditions. Gotta three hour drive back to 29, have to unload and clean up, then a two hour drive back to Barstow immediately following.

Damn a Super Bowl, there are 18 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes, and 43 seconds until they drop the Green flag at Daytona!

Heck yeah Vic. I'd like to meet up again for some metal mulisha rides :beat: ...okay...they don't have to be that fast. I'm down for some dune cruises at whatever pace though. :D I'll keep you guys posted if I can make it out.

You gonna be camped w/ cheese?

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  dunefreak said:

You gonna be camped w/ cheese?

Yes sir, we started this thing as a sort of DS gathering a couple of years back and it has taken on it's own personality. All are welcome though and it'll be fun. You bringing your car, quad, or both if you show?

By the way, I like that DS in the banner. Who is that? I need to talk to them about the lights he's running...

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  aceisback said:

Yes sir, we started this thing as a sort of DS gathering a couple of years back and it has taken on it's own personality. All are welcome though and it'll be fun. You bringing your car, quad, or both if you show?

By the way, I like that DS in the banner. Who is that? I need to talk to them about the lights he's running...

it'll be either the quad or 2 wheeler. Probably quad though. :D

As for the DS in the banner, are you serious or messing around? :beat: That's cheese.

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