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Mr.B DS650

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Wow !! Dumont with only one other camper there other than the host is is :blink: a lot of :kart: :idea: and more :dope: with none of :MBdance: makes for a great guys onlt trip :drinkbeer::lol: Well got home from dumont last night after a long and terrible trip home.Got there on tues night no wind but really cold :MBdance: did a lil :MBdance::laughing: till bout 6 am got a little sleep wed. had a couple runs in the rail ,then helped a fellow duner out flipping his car back over by the north pole car started then we were off. wed. and thurs. both great wheather no wind but VERY HARD TO REaD THE dunes..wed. night crazy wind and rain but great in a.m. I will most definately do the week days again :beerpint::think: only bad part of the dune trip is I managed to rip the frame of car where the trailing arms mount :MBdance::dope: Has any body else had this w/ a SAnd Candy Car?Well Iwill post the end of the trip w/another topic such as STUPID drivers in rain!!

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  dunefreak said:

Glad to hear it was a fun trip. What is your question though, Brian? Why? Why what? :laughing:

Michelle posted up about the accident on the way home. Glad you guys are ok.

Oh sorry forgot that part .Why would a sand car builder use such a thin tubing for the frame? So I guess it would be more of a question as what thickness of tubing for the frame would be sufficient for v78 rails cuz this tubing ripped like a pepsi can next to the welds. The car is Mike 156 old blue car

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