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midget stripper thread!


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i have no idea where to begin...i havent had a chance to download any pics that are useable yet.....but thanks to everyone that came over......


iam still a bit on the drunk side,

randog is still passed out in our spare room...

Julie is still passed out

midget strippers rock!

there is only a couple of ways to top this one

Pete & Anna were still the last ones to leave!

OGP makes a Great doorman

Woody is really Embarrassed about getting a MINI LAP DANCE

Sand Snake really is a freak....(i think is saw a bit of a chubb)

wow...what a great night...so whoever has pictures post em up! :freakin_nuts:

some of the only PG pics:




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:lol::lol::beercheers::stirthepot::shake::lol: YIAH YIAH

Holy hell that was too much fun. :laughoff: That was one of the best Casa de la Cole parties I have been to. You and Jules never disappoint. :freakin_nuts:

Some observations..

-I'm still a lil :drunk2: I think

-My quote of the night: "It was everything I expected and then some"

-Cole started to take his clothes off too with the midget :dope::lol:

-ISBB, dude put yo shoes back on :lol:

-lots of pizza, a rainbow cake :gayboy: , tons of Arctic Bull, and a beer supply that was once huge kept running out. :shocked:

-broom handles can make excellent midget stripper poles

-OGP got his leg humped by her :laughoff:

-KensColors made the little person look even smaller

-Sand Snake held the stripper like a baby :lol:

-"WHOA, I didn't know she was gonna take everything off" :laughing: yikes! :laughoff:

-the dirtbike rider song was great. I think everyone was singing that mofo

-change the music right in the middle of a kick a$$ Marylan Manson song and your almost bound to get your azz kicked :flipoff:

-Jules passed out like 2 or 3 times :blink:

-Nit Whit dances like the :MBdance: dude :beer_bang:

-duneJNKY got HAMMERED :drunk2:

-lots of peeps in Coles little house= feels like my toyhaler :thumb:

-Coles neighbors are super cool. I can't believe what they put up with. :laughoff:

-It was great hanging out with the Cali peeps. :clap: OGP, Woody, Randizzle and Nit Whitt.

Cole thanks for having us. Once again, happy birthday brutha. We had an awesome time. I hope your house didn't get too trashed. Anna and I tried our best to help cleanup. I think I took out like 5 bags of trash. :shout: "Pack it in, throw it in Cole's front yard!" :laughoff:

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hey man i didnt want to get my dirty a$$ shoes all over homies couch.. a lil respect yo.. :P Midget lapdances are fuggin hilarious..

Cole thanks for havin me over and man what an awesome time... I donated a 12 pack but that didnt make it a hour with that group of alcoholics that was there.. Great seeing everyoen again.. I was kinda :freakin_nuts: to see some CALI peeps come out.. Woody, Randog, OGP great to see you guys again.

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  britincali said:

Don't be a wuss, slap 'em up :beercheers:

rules man, rules. Its nothing about being a wuss. We can't expect people to follow the rules if we don't ourselves...........UNLESS you guys really want to see em. :freakin_nuts: :beer_bang:

  ISBB said:

hey man i didnt want to get my dirty a$$ shoes all over homies couch.. a lil respect yo.. :P

I was just messing around. I heard steveo say that. :stirthepot:

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  dunefreak said:

-Coles neighbors are super cool. I can't believe what they put up with. :dunno:

This is no Crap here, If I so much as sneeze in my back yard after dark I get a letter from the HOA...

Guess this mean anytime we need a get together we can just go to Coles house.... :chug: :dance:

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The first 3 series of pics are perfect.

post-475-1201985986_thumb.jpg<----I went from "hmmmmm a train wreck"

post-475-1201985995_thumb.jpg<----to "Haaaa.....that's funny"

post-475-1201986003_thumb.jpg<----to BUWAHAHAHAHAHA fuggin circus hilarious"

I laughed for 30 mins straight.

  dunefreak said:

rules man, rules. Its nothing about being a wuss. We can't expect people to follow the rules if we don't ourselves...........UNLESS you guys really want to see em. :dunno::DDRrocks:

I was just messing around. I heard steveo say that. :chug:

Put up the "adult" gallery and only pass the "word" to those old enough.

  RAGDOLL MX said:




Looks like I made it into one of those porn pics in the magazines!!!!!

Thanks for the goooooood times Cole. I have now completed my son's training thanks to you. Now life will seem a little more dull after this. I say someone orders the "kiddie jumping gym" next time. :dance:

:DDRrocks: <---- we need one for the midget now!!

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