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Round 2 of the CR500 Cleanup


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Man this thing is a never ending story.

After about 3 hours of work.


I got some scrubbin to do




Broken Radiator gaurd anyone.. Guess i get a new set of these too!


Ready Filters not working so good!!! Time to go back to a traditional filter.


Gotta love a beat down silencer!


Bike was fat now running lean! Time to bump it back up to that 60 pilot and keep it fat all the way across.. It was weezing on me at the top of comp and whenever i was on it hard so im going to fatten it back up.


My plans are to blast and fix any blemish's in the frame there are a couple.. Then paint it flat black..

I also ordered a new PC Platinum Pipe and New Turbine Core 2 Silencer as well.. So i can hopefully get that pull back on top and ill cure the missing bottom end with a little regear :P Probably run 15/51 or 14/49.

Welp ill keep adding as i make progress. :D Time to get back to the garage and get that motor ripped out and forks taken off..

Want to thank Walt B370 and Kens Colors in advance.. You guys rock!!!

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The Steering stops in the head tube one end is busted off so it needs to be filled in and ground down.. Someone didnt know how to measure correctly when they put the steering damper on and drilled extra set of holes thru the back bone.. and one of them is starting to stress crack. There were a few other spots that needed some attention as well.

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I know the feeling, I'm doing the same thing to an old street bike I rescued out of a scrap pile.

Just a hint, but here's something I learned about doing bike projects (told to me AFTER I started)

1. Timeframe - never gonna happen, throw it out the window, you'll keep finding things you wanna do as you go.

2. Cost - take the original amount you thought you were going to spend, double it, and addd an additional 30%, that's where you'll probably roll in at.

But it is fun, I'll admit that.

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YAAAY Stripped.


Hmmm who thinks these are the original steering stem bearings and grease!



And plenty of scrubbin to do.. man this thing was FILTHY.. that hour i spent with petes pressure washer before and had nothing on this.. as wingnut would say OOOOF!!

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  b370 said:

Way to go Nick! Gonna have it together for the Glamis trip?

Your quite welcome for the paint and if you or Ken have any questions.... call me :)

Im going to try my damndest.. Frame is still at the blaster's.. Im hoping he is done tomorrow so i can at least get it picked up and dropped off with kens colors before i leave for alabama.. It will give it a couple days to dry before i go scratchin it all up puttin things back together :P

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Blasted and prepped


Getting primed


Getting the paint


Little heat to dry


WOOHOOO cant wait to get it back together.. going to start throwing parts at it tomorrow... and crossing my fingers for a Wedensday finish so i can hit up glamis thursday.

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Seeeee im going as fast as i can without screwing things up... I wanted to wait another day but i couldnt.. so out came the painters tape and went to town in the cradle area and dropped the motor in and got the swingarm on.. Tomorrow i tackle the front end and the rest is easy piesy.. Should be done by monday night at the latest.. :D

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  ISBB said:


Seeeee im going as fast as i can without screwing things up... I wanted to wait another day but i couldnt.. so out came the painters tape and went to town in the cradle area and dropped the motor in and got the swingarm on.. Tomorrow i tackle the front end and the rest is easy piesy.. Should be done by monday night at the latest.. :D

:DDRrocks: Hell yeah Nick. Nice progress. :D

  ISBB said:

Im going to worry about that after the glamis trip.. plus thats another 300 bucks i DONT have at the moment..

:kissass: Damn throw it on a credit card or something. You got it all apart right now. :assblast:

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it just started to crack so it will make it another weekend.. after glamis im going to go to another machinist and have it done right.. No time to have it sent out and get it back let alone waiting for the parts to get here before thursday... If i would have known about this before spending my allowance on all the other goodies it would have been taken care of before the bling sh*t.. but since i didnt find out till after i bought everything.. im kinda screwed... It should be perfectly fine.. There is a pic on the gallery of the piston.. I didnt feel the crack on the inside of the piston just the outer surface so i dont think it has made it all the way thru yet either that or its just an illusion and all im feeling is rise in the surface from where it smoothed out.. i think someone taperbored the jug instead of straight bored it.. either that or their port job is crap..

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Finally the end of the road..

New pipe and silencer.. Went with the PC Plantinum to get more out of the top end.. the FMF Gnarly that was on there was a all bottom end pipe.. I like to try and keep up with the freak and pauly paul so i need all the power i can get up top :P


Pretty much done except a few little things.. New seat cover, graphics, and pick up my plastics that are at AMR getting templates cut for them..


I cant wait to ride this thing.. I made a few extra changes to help the ride ability of the bike.. Dropped a tooth on the front to make up for pipe change.. Changed the pipe and silencer and did some jetting mods to it.. So all should be SWEET when i hit the sand this weekend.

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