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different strokes for different folks. I find it fun to watch the banshees, those guys are so fast its crazy, I also like to watch the 4 strokes, new technology and they are getting faster. they will never be as fast as the big boy banshees. i think with the hills getting more and more whooped out you will see less of them out there on big weekends unless someone will be grading the hill. Power house is the man when it comes to banshees, and im sure he has something for that honda.............

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I agree sand cars do rule I just aint got 50 or 100 gs to blow on one! but wene it comes to drag bikes 2 strokes rule !hell it took a raptor 700 all tricked out to beat my stock cyclinder banshee and then he barley beat me! but there is no way in hell a four poke will beat my drag bike! the day one does I will retire and buy some type of buggy :blink::blink:

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hey sand dollar next time I see u at the dunes Im gunna pull u over and talk u into giving me a ride! that way I wont have to think about getting a sand car anymore ill just do it! cause once i go for a ride im gunna want to dump the quads and get a car I have a feeling.........

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  dunedog 805 said:

hey sand dollar next time I see u at the dunes Im gunna pull u over and talk u into giving me a ride! that way I wont have to think about getting a sand car anymore ill just do it! cause once i go for a ride im gunna want to dump the quads and get a car I have a feeling.........

ANYTIME Bro. I mean it! One of my favorite things to do is get peeps to "cross over" to the dark side! :blink:

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