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ropin off the dunes


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Why don't you just use Azzhat or something like that. I know that when I start showing up to the Meet & Greets wearing my favorite hat that happens to have a flatbill on it, people are going to have a automatic assumption that I'm a jerkoff and won't wan't to talk and make friends with me. Desertskyz already hates me because of my hat, from what she's posted on here, I don't know if I would want to meet her, she sounds kinda scary :freakin_nuts: . Just had to get that out there, please use a more non-stereotypical term for idiots. Thanks.

I thought i made it pretty clear that it was a joke, but I guess not :laughoff: ...sorry, my bad

I'm not a hat hater. whether its a flatbill, curved bill, no bill, full bill, sombrero, cowboy, shriner hat, beret or any other kinda hat.....hell I wear a tuque most the time (figure out what that is eh)

I was just giving the guy a hard time

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Total :freakin_nuts: roping off the dunes !! having your kids on a finger dune , roped off or not isn't smart ! people fly by and somtimes through your camp. so if they don't give a sh*t about your camp then why would they care about some cones and tape ? I have seen people hit head on , on the finger dunes. the camps don't need to be that close to them ! imo

Edited by powerhouse
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I thought i made it pretty clear that it was a joke, but I guess not :freakin_nuts: ...sorry, my bad

I'm not a hat hater. whether its a flatbill, curved bill, no bill, full bill, sombrero, cowboy, shriner hat, beret or any other kinda hat.....hell I wear a tuque most the time (figure out what that is eh)

I was just giving the guy a hard time

yes you are ..........................................

and dan "quiet you"........................................ nyuk nyuk nyuk

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Total :laughoff: roping off the dunes !! having your kids on a finger dune , roped off or not isn't smart ! people fly by and somtimes through your camp. so if they don't give a sh*t about your camp then why would they care about some cones and tape ? I have seen people hit head on , on the finger dunes. the camps don't need to be that close to them ! imo

Well said i agree with you dan those fingers aren't safe to have kids or camp right next to. There's is still alot of newbies that don't know better that could possibly loose control of there vehicle, and crash right into your camp . Especially the ones THAT loose there trucks at night lost for hours . :laughoff: :freakin_nuts: Now i'm not saying i don't like big weekends but with all that goes on on a big weekend . There is things that people can do themselves to make the weekend safer for themselves. People do like parking onlong the fingers and so be it . the ones that don't like it camp elsewhere . Simple as that ! There is 2 fingers in the camping area that get roped off so people can't ride properly big deal . Isn't there enough fingers actually in the dunes to ride without worring about rope and cones . :laughoff:

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I like to be in the out skirts of the dunes so my kids can ride safely, dont like to be bunched up like some sardens(sp) and then complain about everyone around me.

i found that Dumont is big enough even on that busy weekend to get a good spot where there are actuelly room to put out a few cones for visible reasons and not trying to own sh*t reasons...

This trip i dident have one trailer next to me and it worked out great.. :freakin_nuts: :laughoff:

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I am what?

a hat hater :laughoff:

Bob , on this ! heheheh

that kind of a post from a guy whos has pics of himself bobbin a bottle :laughoff::lol: :freakin_nuts: :laughoff::lol:

you guys make a good point but flip around its a 2 way street. those of you that are bothered or inconvenienced by the roped off areas can just as easily camp at the base of the dunes.

you know the place your supposed to dune in :boxer:

Edited by barefoot bob
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no it wasnt. this was a kid bragging about how he took someone elses property tore it up . and then applied for saint hood cause he gave back the cones.................................

True, but it was still a concern he had about people roping off the dunes. Even if he was also bragging about what he did, he has the right to voice his .02 about the problem he had in the first place. Warrior just starts bs threads to stir the pot sometimes. You know damn well what you do, Warrior.

thanks bob :thumb::rockon::thumb:


You're still just mad your topic got closed because it was only started to see how many names you could be called. :banghead::flipoff:

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True, but it was still a concern he had about people roping off the dunes. Even if he was also bragging about what he did, he has the right to voice his .02 about the problem he had in the first place. Warrior just starts bs threads to stir the pot sometimes. You know damn well what you do, Warrior.


You're still just mad your topic got closed because it was only started to see how many names you could be called. :banghead::thumb:

sorry :thumb: but i do like that new smiley are you kissing my :idiot::flipoff::rockon: jussttt kiddinnnn

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Wow!! Everyone has alot of problems with this place. Granted I am fairly new to the dunes but I have not had any real problems worth complaining about. I was out on Prez day weekend for four days. Yeah there were people parked literally within 6 feet of our trailer, people actually driving right through a tight circle of our trailers, people kickin up dust 10 feet from our trucks and people just bein plain old idiots. Welcome to planet earth!! I have lived in many countries all over the world and every single one of them has inconsiderate morons....why should the dunes be any different. Yes when I drive out to Comp or just to Vendor row I have to weave my way there never really taking the same route dodging tape, cones, kids, dogs and even the odd drunk. But I don't mind....I love being out there. If I really want to ride I head out to the vast area of sand where no one is camping and no kids are riding. Simple. Try to avoid the idiots as best you can. As far as roping off the dunes.....I saw a few 100 acres of them that were wide open. I rode on them not worrying for one second about hitting a kid or a cone. Sorry.....I'm done.

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no it wasnt. this was a kid bragging about how he took someone elses property tore it up . and then applied for saint hood cause he gave back the cones.................................

DONT FU#$&IN insult me

and dont call me a kid u ignorant :thumb: hole :flipoff::rockon:

im young :idiot: ...im proud :thumb: ...i have owned my own jet ski and dirtbike at age 16...i have been taking care of myself since age 17...i am a taxpayer and i dont deserve to be treated like a piece of $H!+...i am just like u except i got a little better education and a little more common sense not to :dope: with other people

stop exagerating :skeet:

i didnt tear there property up

i kept it for the night and returned it the next day

i have been goin there for 20 years...as for u...probably less....back then there were no ropes on the dunes

then we get a bunch of new people comin into this place and markin off their territory like a dog pissin on a tire...u come in...u respect the place...u think of other people....and if that means a little extra work in movin out a lil then so be it

its a concern.

about 75% of the people on here will agree

the other 25% like u go on about ur business ignoring the fact that ur blocking off dunes

so :banghead:

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DONT FU#$&IN insult me

and dont call me a kid u ignorant :blink: hole :dope::thumb:

im young :nah: ...im proud :thumb: ...i have owned my own jet ski and dirtbike at age 16...i have been taking care of myself since age 17...i am a taxpayer and i dont deserve to be treated like a piece of $H!+...i am just like u except i got a little better education and a little more common sense not to :porn: with other people

stop exagerating :blah:

i didnt tear there property up

i kept it for the night and returned it the next day

i have been goin there for 20 years...as for u...probably less....back then there were no ropes on the dunes

then we get a bunch of new people comin into this place and markin off their territory like a dog pissin on a tire...u come in...u respect the place...u think of other people....and if that means a little extra work in movin out a lil then so be it

its a concern.

about 75% of the people on here will agree

the other 25% like u go on about ur business ignoring the fact that ur blocking off dunes

so :idiot:

DONT FU#$&IN insult me you insult yourself

and dont call me a kid u ignorant :booty: hole :skeet: :blink: your actions betray your words

im young :boyyy: ...im proud :banghead: ...i have owned my own jet ski and dirtbike at age 16...i have been taking care of myself since age 17...i am a taxpayer and i dont deserve to be treated like a piece of :flipoff::rockon::lol::thumb:

i am just like u except i got a little better education and a little more common sense not to :porn: with other people you do realize you srated this thread bragging about :porn: with other people

stop exagerating :blah:

i didnt tear there property up those people set up there camp you tore it up

i kept it for the night and returned it the next day stealing is stealing

i have been goin there for 20 years...as for u...probably less....back then there were no ropes on the dunes

:slap: roping off the dunes has been going on for ten years so when you were less than 10 years old you remember those days ok i can remember riding in my dads buggy on huntington beach riding pismo before it was closed. but of course even though your 20 you were around back then wow . you clearly have been duning longer than me ( as if it matters :lol: )

we get a bunch of new people comin into this place and markin off their territory like a dog pissin on a tire...u come in...u respect the place...u think of other people....and if that means a little extra work in movin out a lil then so be it aaaaa so the truth comes out! you think your some long time old school duner and you think your empowered with speacial rights i see . we must go back and analyze this against your higher education.

about 75% of the people on here will agree

the other 25% like u go on about ur business ignoring the fact that ur blocking off dunes

intresting i camp with capt you saw the pic of the massive coning job we did. as for your percentages maybe you should take a pole. your ability to read is impaired, with that higher education you seem to have a reading problem?? i do not cone off dunes at all its stated on here sevral times

so with all this useless dribble i am done thank you for the perssonal attacks.

pete please close this completely moronic thread due to perssonal attacks.

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Wow!! Everyone has alot of problems with this place. Granted I am fairly new to the dunes but I have not had any real problems worth complaining about. I was out on Prez day weekend for four days. Yeah there were people parked literally within 6 feet of our trailer, people actually driving right through a tight circle of our trailers, people kickin up dust 10 feet from our trucks and people just bein plain old idiots. Welcome to planet earth!! I have lived in many countries all over the world and every single one of them has inconsiderate morons....why should the dunes be any different. Yes when I drive out to Comp or just to Vendor row I have to weave my way there never really taking the same route dodging tape, cones, kids, dogs and even the odd drunk. But I don't mind....I love being out there. If I really want to ride I head out to the vast area of sand where no one is camping and no kids are riding. Simple. Try to avoid the idiots as best you can. As far as roping off the dunes.....I saw a few 100 acres of them that were wide open. I rode on them not worrying for one second about hitting a kid or a cone. Sorry.....I'm done.

Very well stated Big Fella. I personally don't have any problem at all with Dumont. You said it well. :thumb:

pete please close this completely moronic thread due to perssonal attacks.

I thought about that before I even got to your post. :banghead:

Personal attacks are not allowed and this thread is only causing some arguments. Heated discussions are one thing, but when people start getting pissed enough to call each other names...well then there is no need to let it go on any further.

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