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I just want to say Thank you to all that have offered their help during this time that me and my Wife are going through.

For everyone that doesnt know My wife's Father passed away on 3-27-06. He was in a freak accident.

67 years Old.

Pete, Travis A special thanks goes out to you for helping out the past two days. I appreciate it more than you know.

Travis said it last night, (live your life for today not for tomorrow) you never know what may happen.

Have fun at the dunes (drink about 60 beers for me) :thumb::thumbsdown:

I will see everyone when i get back

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You got it Steveo. :thumbsdown: Let's not forget Kenny (rhino king) with his help the other day on such short notice. Thanks, Kenny.

Steve, don't forget to send our (Anna & I) condolences to Lupe and the rest of her family. That is a horrible thing to have to deal with. :thumb:

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Sorry to hear that Steve :( I hope all goes well for you and Lupe that can't be easy to deal with. Let me know if there is anything Karin or Myself can do for you two. Have a safe trip and remember family comes first and above EVERYTHING...

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Steveo, sorry to here about the bad news. I hope you and your wife get through this ok. I know what it is like to loose a family member. I lost my mom when I was 14. Good luck and we are always here for you. I send my condolences to you and your family.

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Thank you everyone. i will pass this on to my wife.

Sorry Kenny, Thank you for helping out last monday it was a big help. Didnt mean to forget you just not thinking right at the time.

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  steveo said:

Thank you everyone. i will pass this on to my wife.

Sorry Kenny, Thank you for helping out last monday it was a big help. Didnt mean to forget you just not thinking right at the time.

no worries here,,you know that!!!

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