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What I Learned This Weekend.


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Here are some things I learned this weekend, in no order.

1. ISBB doesn't snore.

2. Taco hates me, wait, or is it I hate Taco? :thumbsdown:

3.Girls crash too.

4.Pete and Nick are making me an alcohalic.

5.Joe knows where the second finger is!! :laughing:

6.To much :smiley: makes goodtimes for night rides.

7.To much air on the front tire of a :thumbsdown: is never good.

8.The 1/4 ton has many more uses.

9. Taco is a great beer recovery person.

10.New peeps drink to much too(Right Gerald)?

I'm out!!!!!! :laughing:

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Things i learned this weekend:

1) Fat guys arent meant to sleep on drop down bunks!!

2) Taco Hates me too ( said i was fat and was too big for her quad )

3) 1/4 ton beer amublance/trophytruck/dunevehicle/needs a valve job now

4) When breaking out the kettle 1 make sure you dont do it at 4pm

5) Watching people crash is more fun than crashing yourself

6) standard travel buggy's werent meant to be driven like quads especially w/ 2 fat people in it. :smiley:

7) when jumping make sure the person following you is spaced just right to get a face full of sand

8) Sobe bombs are cool!!!

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1) Taco and wingnut might be married.....or at least they act like it!! (good times) :dunno:

2) Following DDR quads through the dunes at night in a standard travel rail is a NO NO!! :laughoff:

3) A 6 pack rack can be used for a 24 quart cooler!! Impressive, until the cooler aborted. :angry:

4) A flat smoothie WILL get you home from the north pole, if you ride slow and straight. :D

5) Sobe torches can also be Sobe bombs in disguise!! :grin:

6) Cones multiply when you run them over..... :huh:

7) DDR peeps are hilarious....... :laughoff:

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  TACOMAMA said:

I don't hate you Jackassssssssss.....and I never said you were too fat to ride my 450, ISBB... :P

One thing I learned this weekend:


I hate when they aren't trimmed! Oh wait you're talking about plantlife. OOPS! :laughoff:

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