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I jetted my GF's 250ex and I had to remove the whole carb. I had to take the plate off the bottom. I don't remember exactly what I had to do. It was pretty easy and DynoJet sent good directions. I'd say just google it and see what you can come with. Good Luck.

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You might have to pull the float bowl off (on the bottom of the carb). If not you might be able to access the main jet from the bottom if there is a float bowl drain plug. jet access plug. What are you looking to do? Jet it or clean it out?

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Is this what u do??

"its pretty easy to do. takes about an hour, mainly time to take off the fenders and the gas tank and put it all back together. if you dont have to adjust the needle its pretty easy. once you loosen the hose clamps on either side of the carb you just flip it over, take off the four screws on the bowl, take off the bowl, and then switch out the main jet, and/or the slow jet if you need to. anyone who is mechanically inclined can do it. just takes a little time and patience. if you ask me, the diagram and instructions in the dynojet kits sucks. oh, before you remove the tank be sure to shut off the gas, otherwise it will keep running out of the tank. good luck!" (Atv Connection)

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It's been a while but.....There is a large nut(I want to say around a 17mm) built into what looks like a cap. Take that off and the main jet is right there. It's easy if all you have to do is change the main jet.

Edited by wingnut
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Also if all you are doing is replacing the main.. take a 17mm wrench get it in there.. pop the float bowl plug out.. then grab a 6mm socket and ratchet and take the old jet out.. and put the new one in.. Remember these are brass and dont require a lot of force before they break

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were would the star be???

On the side right before the jet size number ONLY USE GENUINE KEIHIN JETS you wouldnt believe how many headscratchers Ive had from crap non OEM jets, they are all over the place size wise....

Heres a pic of the lazy star (showing its a genuine)


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what would go wrong if i put it in with out it being a star

You could be lean you could be rich you could be fine, like I said its a crap shoot with non OEM jets. What size is stamped on them in not neccesarly the size.

Say your running a 145 and are lean, you got the 148 to make it richer rite? Well with this jet it could go even leaner on you.....

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Ok I think if figure a way of making this simple...

You know when you have a cheapo set of tools all the sockets are a little loose and the wrenches round stuff off? Well if you go get a decent set of tools everything fits better and you round off less bolts, the sockets are stamped the same size but in reality they aint the same :D

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i am so pissed right know. any body know a good way to un screw a screw that is crusted on and it wont budge.

I've already tried wd-40, and liquid wrench, and tapping it with a hammer to get the crust off and nothing works.

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