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Sand Saw

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Jeez, and just when I thought we were getting along. :laughoff:

We can still be friends, write or wrong doesnt change that... :D Everyone makes mistakes, even me!! :idea:

Kenny is actually a friend of mine too. So there goes your whole idea of how we only moderate those who we don't know.

My man, I know this and I know much more then you think I know, and many more people are friends of mine then you know. If you actually KNEW me you would know this... ok im confused?? :laughing: I think you took what I said TOO literally. I know you "moderate" friends OCCASIONALY...

The biggest personal attack was actually overlooked this time and you said nothing about it. It was the comment GWH said about "fags" in this thread. I thought that was the worst one so far and you didn't even think so I guess. I was too busy this morning to do anything about that post and just let it slide this time around.

Sorry I forgot to put in "just to list a few". I had guests over for dinner at the time I composed that email, not bad, if you ask me, for a 15 minute job eh??

If you think I or any other mod only cracks down on those "non-admirers" you are way wrong. Some people, like you, seem like you will always be haters no matter what.

Im not at all a hater, I LOVE to meet people who can out ride me, it doesnt happen often, but when it does, MUCHO RESPECT!! You and other mods have made serious mistakes refering to me as a hater, you over look the fact I respond the way I do AFTER somone pokes a PERSONAL JAB at me. Dont confuse "hating" for DEFENDING MYSELF. BIG, BIG difference honcho!!

I will give you a chance to reply, but I sense this effer getting closed soon. :beercheers::clap:

Sorry, as I stated earlier I had guests over and missed my chance to respond, which by the way, much respect for giving me that opportunity. I apologize if starting a new topic was out of line. I have said my peace, my opinion stays the same. Lets all put the sh*t talkin aside and go shake hands like men, then ride. Afterwards, those of us who feel the same way as we do now, can say what they want, I will still hand you a beer, shake your hand, and thank you for riding with me...

In the end I respect "opinions", all I ask is mine is given the same respect. If yours and others doesnt change after we get to know eachother and ride, so be it... :D

Please everyone spare me your comments, please lock this thread as I only started it since I missed my chance before the other thread was locked, in fact feel free to add this in there if thats possible... :afro:

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