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Good Season!


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Hey guys!!! As I looked at the calender today, it made me cranky that the dumont season is almost over. I just wanted to say "thanks" to everyone for making this such a good season. I was really fortunate to meet alot of you guys and gals. I can honestly say I have had some of the best times ever hanging with all of you at the sandbox.

Every one of you have been super and we've had some rediculously "Good Times". It's so cool to meet so many people that are so passionate about this!!!! I have to admit this has been the toughest year of my life, but all of you made it much easier to deal with!!!!! Anyway, before I sound to :angry: I just wanted to thank everyone for a great season out there!!!! Lets keep :laughoff: and keep the rubber side down!!!!

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I agree. It's been nice making some new friends. It's great being in the DDR family. It's not quite over but after Easter the rail goes into hibernation and the street bike comes back to life.

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dont try and get rid of us just yet wingnut, theres easter weekend, then memorial day weekend up at coral pink. sure we can squeeze something in between the two!!! :angry: :laughoff: then there is always TT right? although your liver could probably use a break!!! lol lol :laughoff::grin::dunno:

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Yeah I hear ya wingnut. I'm glad we were all here for ya through the rough times. :thumb: I haven't known you or many peeps from DDR for very long, but I can say this- it feels like I have known a lot of you for a lifetime. You are all very cool, fun people indeed. It's great to meet people that share the same reason to live- DUMONT! :huh: :grin:

This season has been a blast for me. I think I have made over 20 trips to Dumont this season. It has been one of greatest seasons ever. I am really glad I started this site as I have met some awesome poeple and have made some really good friends from it as well. :D The best part about meeting everyone on here is that I usually always have someone to meet up w/ at the dunes for a trip if my normal group can't make it out. There's always a big group of someone from DDR willing to let me hang out and camp with them like tres hermanos, ynot, stalteri920, and others. :laughoff: You guys and gals rock.

Don't forget- even though the season is drawing to a close, DDR is up year round! :dunno: :headbang:

This season has been a very memorable one for sure. Thanks to all for the good times. Keep in touch here on DDR to meet up at Dumont for some of those early morning summer rides at Dumont before the late morning/ afternoon heat comes out. :laughoff: :headbang: Those are always fun! :D

Let's not forget Easter and the weeks to come. There are still a couple cool weather trips left. :angry:

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yeah pete you have me interested in some early morning trips do you ever make any night trips. hopefully by next season i will have living quarters of some type so i can stay for more than just a day

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Wignut couldnt have said it anybetter... Thru thick and thin DDR has been there. Im glad i finally had a chance to make it out and i dont think i have had a better dune season ever. Even living 30 min away from glamis i never had THIS much fun w/ a group of guys i never met before.. :D Cant wait for the things to come! DDR ROCKS!!!

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  ISBB said:

Wignut couldnt have said it anybetter... Thru thick and thin DDR has been there. Im glad i finally had a chance to make it out and i dont think i have had a better dune season ever. Even living 30 min away from glamis i never had THIS much fun w/ a group of guys i never met before.. :D Cant wait for the things to come! DDR ROCKS!!!

Glad you found my signature link on GD for DDR when you did, Nick. :2gunsfiring: Without you it would have been a huge pain and tedious learning experience for me to get DDR up to where it is today w/ the whole invision software crap, gallery, and what not. I'm glad not only because the help w/ the site, but we've had some fun a$$ times at the dunes and everything else too. Glad to meet you when I did.

Hell...w/o ever meeting you we wouldn't have ever found these things either!! :skeet: :beerpint::laughoff:

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:laughoff: :skeet: :beerpint::shake::flipoff::shake:

For the love of all that is decent and holy, JUST SAY NO

Slowly put down the glass and walk away.

Don't look back or you'll be hooked.

You looked back so drink 'til you can't say WOUNDED DOLPHIN :2gunsfiring:

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Or when you have to many :2gunsfiring: they start to come alive!!! THE DEAD DOLPHINS ARE ALIIIIVEEEE!!!!

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^^ :flipoff:

I knew it, all I had to do was mention the wounded dolphins and you damn smucks got off topic w/ this one again! :shake::beerpint::shake: ahh who am I kidding...good times. :laughoff:

So yeah..... good season everyone! :2gunsfiring: :skeet:

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  Don29palms said:

Damn, I like the small duck thing better,, SCHMUCK

shmuck, smuck, schmuck.....whatever.

UH OH!!! Watch out, it's the spelling police for words that don't even exist in the dictionary! :flipoff: :2gunsfiring: :laughoff: :skeet: :shake: Friggin, Don! Hey, how do you spell "their"? We haven't EVER heard that one from you! :shake::beerpint:

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wHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON hERE!!!! Im getting teary eyed!!!! Are you meaning to tell me that Easter is the end of the season? Oh HELL NO. I need to get my car through one complete weekend before we can call it the end of the season. If the weather holds out and stays semicool. I am going to do a few more dumont trips and at least one more glamis trip. My only trip to glamis this season, my tranny lasted a whole 15 mins. I only got to wheelie up olds a few times. I didnt even have a chance to scare myself that weekend. If your going out first thing in the morning when its Hot Pete. Just let me know. Ill take a few days off of work and meet you out there. UH OH i SAID WORK!!!!! tHATS A BAD FRIGGIN WORD!!!!

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It has been a great season. But for us hard core DDR peeps, it is never over. We just do the moring quick trips or go to our "super secret" other retreat. We usually plan 3 trips to there as it is far away.

Tim, I might be willing to try a Glamis run with you. I have been there once, and that was when my father-in-law threw his belt on his Subaru and got stuck about 500 yards behind oldmobile. Almost got my truck stuck trying to get to it from the washes (and I never knew it could climb the way it did!). Also the same weekend I learned how soft the ridges are there! Needles to say, I flipped end over end and bruised some ribs and my ego! All in all it was cool. I would like to see the fun spots out there. Let me know!

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