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Weekend Do'ins


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We going to AZ this weekend and plant some tree's on my BNFPG's proporty. I guess I'm gonna have to strap on my Manuel Jose Hose B Hernandez this time. Just a little piece of paradice for us. All the land in the back ground is BLM open range.


Edited by desertskyz
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Well! Good times. My Observations:

Stoned neighbors :beat: who come to introduce themselves are funny especially when they forget what are talking about. Hummm.............................. :dope: Well anyway I trough a rod right through the inspection plate and through the clutch Hummmm... wait I don't have a clutch... anyway. :lol:

6 bags of peat-moss, 3 bags of mulch and shoveling and sifting unknown yards of dirt was worth it.

I want a RZR

Sleeping on and air mattress in the enclosed trailers sucks . Lots of beer made it better. :banghead: I missed the Motorhome.

It was so nice out there, just a little windy until the sunset then the wind picked up to 35 mph gusts.

No fire :banghead: Getting tanked and BSing in the enclosed made up for it.

See I do know how to work


This is the view from where the front door of the Motorhome will be. Not bad :bs:


I needed to zoom out a bit but, This sounds fun. I think is going to be like a poker run. We might try to make it. (What is a level 3 ride?) :blink: :rhino: :laughoff: With BBQ afterwards. :thumbsdown:


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Seeee! Toad U so.

We saw a gaggle of geese come by about 9:00am 1 RzR, a couple of hunting quads (farm equipment) Golden Retriever riding shoot-gun, a couple of more quads, 4 more Hunting quads (farm equipment) going on a ride. Around sunset they all came back. (I hate them).

I was told they are from BC and go out there all of the time. They take a ride down to the river.

Looked like a fun long day trip.

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