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Ride Now.....


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I know. I know. "We already know they're a ripoff Gerald." :slap: I thought this would be interesting though...to see how much of a ripoff they really are.

I needed a new right upper a-arm for the Raptor 700 and decided to put them to the test.

A new right upper A-arm at RideNow costs:


....and at more than one Yamaha parts dealer online the cost for the same exact part is:


.....and from Thumpertalk.com the price was $150. Now I'm no mathematician, but isn't that close to a 50% markup?

That's a $70 markup on the same exact part. :bs: Thanks RideNow for making it blazingly obvious that your big corporation is ripping off the little guy....and don't worry about the sh*tty attitude you gave us when we went in for assistance finding the part. :flipoff: I think they figured I would pay more for bad service. It's not like they had the part in stock either. They had to order it and couldn't guarantee it would make it here by Fri. :loser: What is it with part suppliers in this town? Like Nevada Off Road, RideNow is running a tie as far as losers.

Thanks thumpertalk....I'll have the part tomorrow and not have to change it out in the dunes. :clap:

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I honestly have no clue why anyone would buy parts from any of these retail shops.There are so many options I dont know why you want to take the abuse.On top of that the shipping is always slow,they NEVER have anything in stock.EVERYTHING has to be ordered.If im going to have to wait for shipping I might as well buy it off the net for 1/3 of the price and get it quicker too.I buy everything off the net.The only thing i ever buy from the retail shops is oil.Even that is overpriced.

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  Sand_YFZ said:

I honestly have no clue why anyone would buy parts from any of these retail shops.There are so many options I dont know why you want to take the abuse.On top of that the shipping is always slow,they NEVER have anything in stock.EVERYTHING has to be ordered.If im going to have to wait for shipping I might as well buy it off the net for 1/3 of the price and get it quicker too.I buy everything off the net.The only thing i ever buy from the retail shops is oil.Even that is overpriced.

With ya all the way. I buy everthing from the web. RideNow make me :bs:

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I buy the high dollar stuff online, but when I can afford to I also buy stuff from the local shops. Especially the mom and pop, brick and mortar. Remember that whenever you deal on the net you are buying site unseen and if there is any problems you have to RETURN SHIP usually out of pocket. If our local peeps go outta business do to everyone buying from the net, then there is not only the impact on the local economy but, you also eliminate the chance of finding a part "locally" in a pinch. You will never go wrong with Thumpertalk by the way...

P.S. Theres a reason the fraise "Stealership" or as I like to call them, "Stealer$hit" was coined...

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  Sand Saw said:

I buy the high dollar stuff online, but when I can afford to I also buy stuff from the local shops. Especially the mom and pop, brick and mortar. Remember that whenever you deal on the net you are buying site unseen and if there is any problems you have to RETURN SHIP usually out of pocket. If our local peeps go outta business do to everyone buying from the net, then there is not only the impact on the local economy but, you also eliminate the chance of finding a part "locally" in a pinch. You will never go wrong with Thumpertalk by the way...

P.S. Theres a reason the fraise "Stealership" or as I like to call them, "Stealer$hit" was coined...

I do try to support the small local businesses. That's one reason Wal-Mart is not on my list of stores to shop in. I knew the markup was bad.....I just didn't realize how bad until I needed a part and did some price comparisons. :laughing:

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  Sand Saw said:

I buy the high dollar stuff online, but when I can afford to I also buy stuff from the local shops. Especially the mom and pop, brick and mortar. Remember that whenever you deal on the net you are buying site unseen and if there is any problems you have to RETURN SHIP usually out of pocket. If our local peeps go outta business do to everyone buying from the net, then there is not only the impact on the local economy but, you also eliminate the chance of finding a part "locally" in a pinch. You will never go wrong with Thumpertalk by the way...

P.S. Theres a reason the fraise "Stealership" or as I like to call them, "Stealer$hit" was coined...

IF THE MA AND PA SHOPS were to sack up and put their wares on the net, then they could build a better retail net too

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Kinda of topic...I ran in to Carter powersports today. I needed an oil filter for my TRX and didn't feel like driving across town......$12 mutha effin dollars!!!! Carter is almost as bad as ride now group. I swear I will never spend one more penny at Carter!!!!! :laughing:

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  dman74 said:

you think thats bad it took the tards at the same ride now a month to fix a simple coolant leak on my street bike and i'm still not convinced it's fixed i can still smell coolant :laughoff::lol:

That aint no dam street bike, cruiser tard...HAHAHA j/k

Dude they "fixed" a fork seal under warranty and damaged the damper rod assembly. Lucky for me when they replaced the entire assembly, Honda back ordered a FIFTY CENT snap ring so my bike sat there for over a month collecting dust. You know what they did to compensate me?? Chip my paint and beat the crap outta my fork bolts (they used a 12 point socket on a 6 point aluminum cap withan IMPACT WRENCH)...

Friggin IDIOTS!! :laughing:

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  wingnut said:

Kinda of topic...I ran in to Carter powersports today. I needed an oil filter for my TRX and didn't feel like driving across town......$12 mutha effin dollars!!!! Carter is almost as bad as ride now group. I swear I will never spend one more penny at Carter!!!!! :laughoff:

ebay my bruva!!!! :lol: i got like 3 oil filters for the DS, 3 for the ranger AND 4 fuel filters for the DMAX all for under 50 bucks (fuel filtersfor the d max retail for like 40 apiece :laughing:

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  richard cheese said:

ebay my bruva!!!! :laughoff: i got like 3 oil filters for the DS, 3 for the ranger AND 4 fuel filters for the DMAX all for under 50 bucks (fuel filtersfor the d max retail for like 40 apiece :laughing:

I hear ya...That's how I usually roll, I let my stock get empty!...lol

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  Sand Saw said:

That aint no dam street bike, cruiser tard...HAHAHA j/k

Dude they "fixed" a fork seal under warranty and damaged the damper rod assembly. Lucky for me when they replaced the entire assembly, Honda back ordered a FIFTY CENT snap ring so my bike sat there for over a month collecting dust. You know what they did to compensate me?? Chip my paint and beat the crap outta my fork bolts (they used a 12 point socket on a 6 point aluminum cap withan IMPACT WRENCH)...

Friggin IDIOTS!! :laughoff:

back ordered my :lol: somebody did'nt order it :rockon::laughing:

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Believe it or not they hated me so much (I called American Honda on them), they were doing everything they could to track down that snap ring or a suitabe alternative!! The manager at AH I got involved was pretty pi$$ed at them, especially when they tried to get out of replacing the damper rod assembly...

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Another FYI.Carter sells u4.2 for like 75 bucks for 5 gallons and c12 for like 60 for 5 gallons.If you take a little ride out to Haycock by the airforce base you can buy 5 gallons of u4.2 for 59 bucks out the door and c12 for 49 bucks out the door.I understand supporting local shops the problem is my pockets arent deep enough.Im not going to go broke so these a holes can get rich off me. :lol: <---Retail shops with unsuspecting customers

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