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Solar powered battery charger

Dune Cruzer

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Determining what solar system to use is like figuring what quad to buy, it all depends on what you want to use it for and how much money you want to spend. There is a lot of different system out there to buy and a lot of info to read. With panels from $500 to $700 dollars appease at 4 to 5 amps each it can get very costly.

When I did mine I read till me eyes popped out and still did not know enough. If I use some of the charts that are available I would need 10 batteries and 20 panels just to last the weekend. So I got what I could afford and a good controller and hoped for the best.

The batteries to me were a no brainier. I got the Trojan T105 because of the cost to capacity ratio. It seemed to be the best for the money.

I could not get myself to drill holes in my roof for the panels. So I carry them loose and just set them out when we arrive. I have three 45 watt panels and we still have to run the generator but not as long.

If you only want some thing to keep the batteries up when you have them in storage get a small package from a supplier and set it up but it won’t keep up with high battery uses like we do.

Here is a good web sight that I have read and seems to be pretty good. solar

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I have a solar panel and controller that i want to get rid of. I used it on my fifth wheel and it did a good job keeping the batteries topped off. if you interested I will get it out and get you some details and price.

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So I gather that you actually need a controller to go with the charger? I just need a charger to keep the batteries up while the unit is stored, as I'm unable to keep it plugged in where it's stored. I could remove the batteries & keep 'em charged at home, but that's such a hassle. How many volts (from the charger) do you guys recommend? Trickle charger, or something between 1-12V? More voltage than that?

Terry, I'd like the specs on that system if you don't mind, thanks!

Edited by Dooner
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  Dooner said:

So I gather that you actually need a controller to go with the charger? I just need a charger to keep the batteries up while the unit is stored, as I'm unable to keep it plugged in where it's stored. I could remove the batteries & keep 'em charged at home, but that's such a hassle. How many volts (from the charger) do you guys recommend? Trickle charger, or something between 1-12V? More voltage than that?

Terry, I'd like the specs on that system if you don't mind, thanks!

The one I have is similar to this but I will have to get the exact specs for you. Ihttp://www.campingworld.com/browse/skus/index.cfm/Outdoor-and-RV-Accessories/Sunforce-Solar-Charger-Kits--80Watt-Kit/skunum=31287I

If you just need a solar battery charger than look at this one at camping world.


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  richard cheese said:

shoot, for just keeping the batts from going dead, you could use the one they sell at harbor freight and tool

You think it'll keep them charged over the summer months? I've had solar powered items before, and for some reason, the sun destroys them. Go figure. I just want something I'll get some use out of, without giving my right arm for.

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