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Mens TV Shows


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I was sitting here thinking about some of the TV shows I watch. I'm sure a lot of folks watch the same shows.

What the heck is wrong with me/us. I don't know why but most of the shows I watch on a regular basis are for killing time and the brain dead but for some reason I just can't pull away, I'm riveted/hooked. How do they do it and why are we addicted to these things?

Here are some of the shows,

Deadliest Catch (are they going to pull up blanks or is it going to be crammed with crab?) Personally I get sea sick and you'll never see me on boat in the ocean but I really enjoy this show, Why, I don't know.

Manswers (this is some stupid useless knowledge but once again I'm riveted. I even Tivo it except now all I get is reruns, I guess they answered all our questions and it didn't take too long)

Wacked Out Sports (Do we just enjoy watching stupid people doing stupid things, Yet, I still watch it. "is that going to leave a mark?")

MXC (Japanese doing obsticle courses with witty commentary dubbed in english. I don't even smoke out anymore, why am I watching this?")

Law and Order (the only one that has any sort of educational value. I think I could beat a murder rap now. Why are sick people commiting such hanus sexual offenses. Sometimes it's pretty disturbing stuff that is very close to reality and the news. Yet, I always watch it and a lot of them I have seen 3 and 4 times. Just can't get enough)

Any of these beat Desperate Housewives, Extreme Home Makeover or American Idol. I can't stand chick TV.

What do others watch and why?

Maybe some of the ladies could tell us what is wrong with our TV choices.

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TV??? WTF is that?

if im lucky...i get to catch a couple at bats of the dodger game, maybe half an episode of Law and Order, or trucks on spike tv on Saturdays, but with everything i have going on....sitting in front of the boob tube doesnt get the dishes washed and clothes ready for work tomorrow

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  richard cheese said:

TV??? WTF is that?

if im lucky...i get to catch a couple at bats of the dodger game, maybe half an episode of Law and Order, or trucks on spike tv on Saturdays, but with everything i have going on....sitting in front of the boob tube doesnt get the dishes washed and clothes ready for work tomorrow

:dance: and :blink: gotta still see some shows :boyyy:

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I usually watch Deadliest Catch......anything on History, Discovery or National Geographic channel. I usually like to watch things that educate, but NASCAR is a must for me. It's one of the few sports I watch.....most of which have a throttle involved. In the morning it's CNN and then local news....same as when I first come home from work. Gotta stay informed.

However, lately I have been helping my son and his friend work on their baja bugs. Got one wired and tuned (after changing push rod tubes and adj. valves)......and we just tore into the other, so the TV has been off lately.

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deadliest catch, ax men, alot of discovery history, speed channels and adult swim late night.

reading a book by andy and Jonathan hillstraind co-captains and owners of the time bandit on the deadliest catch. about fishing and growing up running wild in homer alaska.

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MXC is some crazy stuff to watch! :dope:

World's Strongest Man - that's some funny chit!!! :shocked2:

I have a show idea....Meathead Mania!!! That's what we need! Just kidding! :beercheers::lol:

Edited by Kitcat
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Guest Crasher

My hubby is all about the WWE and WWF. Lordy that chit is ridiculous!! He has to watch it when I'm not home because it drives me nuts. :broke:

We are also big fans of "Cheaters". Nothing like watching white trash fight over cheating spouses/significant others. Some of the episodes are like a watching train wreck!! :idea:

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I'm a huge baseball guy...so i watch alot of that..which most people dont understand. I like watching sports in general so right now its playoff basketball time go celtics!!!

Other than that i like any time the have supercross or mx stuff on....theres a good show on fuel tv. called the great ride open...and a bunch of fmx guys go hit all the cool ride spots...

and monster jam.

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Must Have TV for me in order is NASCAR, the O'Rielly Factor, Glen Beck, college basketball, college football, then House.

Can do without anything else although I'll sit and chat with my boys while they're doing History, Military, National Geographic, and some of the real life stuff that they watch.

Most television is just mind numbing and I don't get it. Cannot stand any of the professional stick and ball sports, what has happened to our standards and morals in this country??? I could actually live without television but then I would just have to be a NASCAR gypsy and follow the caravan around the nation. Must be nice for the folks who are retired and can afford to do that.

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Guest Crasher
  dunefreak said:

WHAT!!!???? he IS??? :dunno::beercheers::laughing::pics::usa: stop it!! :loser:

Uh oh....I got in trouble. :MBdance::lol: Nevermind.....he doesn't watch that stuff. :boyyy: :bs::loser:

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