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Ok before you read this.... It was a training exercise and I AM FINE!!!

I voluntered for (PLS) Pepperball Launching System training. It is just like paintball but the projectiles have pepperspray in a powder form. In the morning we practiced shooting at steel cutouts that looked like people, and did area saturation which is to dispurse crowds without hitting anyone. These things are good from 3-150 feet. They are very hard to see in flight but you can hear them as they go by. After lunch we were told we had to be shot in order to carry this non-leatal weapon in the field.

We only had to be hit one time (about 10 feet away) but we all wanted to see how many we could stand before running for cover.

I went fourth out of twelve people. I stuck around for 5 shots and belive me IT HURT!! :broke: It broke skin and was welting up in minutes. This was on Tuesday and I just took this picture today (Thursday) so you can see the bruising 48 hours after getting hit with them.

Now I am certified to carry it and belive me I WILL! I can't wait to use this new toy. We are getting some real bad people in our area and this will prove invaluable out there.



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Damn! That looks like some pain right there. :idea:

Sorry I never returned you text the other day. I got the pic but forgot to ask you about it. I didn't know that was your chest. Ouch, man.

It'll be kickass to use that sh*t the first time on someone. :beat:


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You just have a NASTY skin condition and just want to play it off like you are tough or something. You guys should do "Border Patrol Jackass" Dayum that looks like it hurt!

Hope you get to use it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey by the way :broke::idea: for making me think you were Victim A in the Crime report!!!

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god damn Tim.....you crazy fkr

so, were you guys wearing masks so as not to inhale the pepper spray? or did that kick your a$$ too?? :broke:

now, when i wear that shirt, when people ask me if im in the BP.....i can tell them

"NO but this guy i know is, AND HE GOT SHOT!!!!!

I WANNa put a smiley...but it really isnt a funny situation......i m sure im not alone when i say that i appreciate your dedication to the security of this country!!!

Edited by richard cheese
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Good thing you got shot in the soft spot between the moobs! :idea: I am kidding. When I was in the Marine Corps we did excersizes with paintballs for close quarter entry situations. The staff NCO would freeze the paintballs the day before so people couldn't say they got "sprayed" by the paintball. The loud screech you give when hit by a frozen paintball is unmistakable(SP?) :broke:

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my little brother works for a DHS Contractor doing work on the new fence and whatever else they decide to put him up too.. He tells me how much of a b*tch it is to weld on this fence wearing a bullet proof vest/flak jacket syle thing with his back to the border and only one armed agent there watching his back.. Too bad they wont let him carry lol

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  bp-guy said:

After lunch we were told we had to be shot in order to carry this non-leatal weapon in the field.

Do you have to be shot with your gun, tased with the taser and hit with your baton :slap: I hated that excuse on the PD for OC training, I got sprayed in the 1st academy and still had to do it again in the 2nd, but that was for team comradery :beat: you better believe I sprayed as many people as I had the chance to :idea: . Enjoy your new toy :broke:

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My brother shot me with his BB gun once, then I stabbed him with a fork so I guess that made us even.

Taking 5 hit to the solarplex :6pak: Didn't that knock the wind out of you? And knock you flat on your butt? I don't know that I would of had the cajones , kahonas, nuts to do what you did.

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lol what calibre is that ball ?? i wonder if it will fit in my tippman its full auto with a slider barrel !!!!

tim you need a sports bra !!!!! :flipoff: :shocked2: :6pak:

bring it to the dunes will hunt camp racers :D

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  gotsand450r said:

that sucks..... were you using in FN303?

it looks like a tommy gun

No it wasn't the FN303. I take that training in a few weeks. Atleast I don't get shot with that one!

And deserskyz-- yes it did take my breath away. Not totally but I could feel a difference in my breathing for about 5 minutes or so.

Foxysandchick-- Yes we got hit with the batons at training but they were foam ones. No on the guns for obviuos reasons. And we might be getting the tasers in the future and yes we will have to get hit with that to carry it.

When the National Guard is working out here building our fence they are unarmed as well. We have to stay near by incase something happens. Pretty sad if you ask me.. They go overseas and risk their lifes but come home and take away a tool that could potentially save thier life or one of their buddies.

Edited by bp-guy
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..............and Dirty Bob walks in the door :flipoff:

  barefoot bob said:

lol what calibre is that ball ?? i wonder if it will fit in my tippman its full auto with a slider barrel !!!!

tim you need a sports bra !!!!! :flipoff: :shocked2: :6pak:

bring it to the dunes will hunt camp racers :D

maybe he can borrow your BRO from you boob, errrr bob :MBdance:

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  barefoot bob said:

lol what calibre is that ball ?? i wonder if it will fit in my tippman its full auto with a slider barrel !!!!

tim you need a sports bra !!!!! :flipoff: :shocked2: :6pak:

bring it to the dunes will hunt camp racers :D

Hey BOB-- :flipoff: I am a full "A" cup and working hard to get that "B" cup soon!!! :D

Maybe I can locate a few and bring some next time I am out there.. I am not sure of the calibre but they weigh 3.9 grams..

By the way...we were hit with training rounds that had baby powder not OC in them. Once you get exposed to OC you never have to do that again..

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lol standard paintball is .56 caliber

it looks like its got more than 300 fps

although 300 fps in the chest with a paintball will have similar outcome

but pepper spray in it aaawwwwwwwsssssommmmmmm



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  desertrider71 said:

When I was in the Marine Corps we did excersizes with paintballs for close quarter entry situations. The staff NCO would freeze the paintballs the day before so people couldn't say they got "sprayed" by the paintball. The loud screech you give when hit by a frozen paintball is unmistakable(SP?) :6pak:

I remember that as well :flipoff:

Did you have the mask on??? If you would have taken the shots in the butt instead of the chest you might have taken the record for the day :D. Did anybody :shocked2:

Now go put some neosporin on that chit

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Guest Crasher

OUCH!!!! :6pak: Can't even imagine how much that hurt(s)!! Congrats on your certification!! :shocked2:

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