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I got a JURRY SUMMONS in the mail 2 weeks ago , And every one I know who had gotten them told me "DO NOT CALL THAT NUMBER " Then your screwed. My question is what happens if you lost it, Or did not recieve it in the mail? They pay $40.00 per day for you to sit there and do what? I can not afford to do that sh*t. It also says "Failure to respond COULD result in a contempt of court charge with a fine up to $500.00 and/or a bench warrant. Does anyone know anything about this? And how to get out of it :freakin_nuts:

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ive been called to it twice, but ususally iam excused right away, either for my "belifes" or the fact that i was Military Police, and a prior Federal Police Officer...they see it as being Biased...i dont know about yours though,if its just one day i wouldnt sweat it, go down there, let them interview you, tell them that you belive in the death penalty, ask them if your allowed to throw the switch...yadda yadda yaa

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AskMen.Com :freakin_nuts: :laughing:


Don't reply

If and when you receive a jury duty letter, there will surely be a warning, stating that failure to return the form is a criminal offense and you might incur a penalty. The chance could be worth taking, as it's likely that you'll simply be removed from the process and not even receive a follow-up request.

If the authorities want to penalize you, they'll have to prove that you received the letter in the first place -- which is done by signing a registered letter. As long as you don't sign it, you're likely in the clear. Those who don't return the form might include people who were on vacation, have moved, or simply didn't pick up their mail. So if anyone wants to penalize you, be sure to show 'em your tan. By returning the letter, your name is placed in future random selection processes for potential jurors.

Fake a hearing problem :shout: you don't even have to fake it!

This one's a spin-off of the medical condition; pretend you can't hear. Simply stare at whoever's asking the questions as if you didn't catch a word, and respond with "pardon me?" every time.

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Thats funny you had nothing to say when I asked you about this :freakin_nuts: , I start a post and now you are full of information. :laughing: Next time I want to ask you a question I will post it in the forums :D FEMALES :laughing:

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  SAND~~SNAKE said:


Thats funny you had nothing to say when I asked you about this :laughing: , I start a post and now you are full of information. :dunno: Next time I want to ask you a question I will post it in the forums :D FEMALES :laughing:

:flipoff: I get so distracted when you are home :thumb: I just kept forgetting to look it up, but you know I have all the answers.


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  SAND~~SNAKE said:


Thats funny you had nothing to say when I asked you about this :laughing: , I start a post and now you are full of information. :think: Next time I want to ask you a question I will post it in the forums :D FEMALES :flipoff:

  Foxysandchick said:

:thumb: I get so distracted when you are home :moon: I just kept forgetting to look it up, but you know I have all the answers.


Jim, don't respond. I'm curious to see what happens. I responded, I called two or three days before I was supposed to go and they didn't need me. Just drop the :dunno: bomb alot. Also, can you two kids keep your bickering off the board please!!!! :drunk::laughing:

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  sand chick said:

It got lost in the mail and you never recieved your summons, :porn: :porn: :porn: you have NO idea what they are talking about!!! You know our WONDERFUL postal service would NEVER lose anything!! :headbang1:

I have a friend that has received alot of them, and has never called them and nothing has ever happened. She says, until they send it to her Cert. Mail and proves that I i mean she has received it then I sh*t, I mean she will not respond. She says she has No intention of EVER going to Jury Duty. Two of my girlfriends have gone and said it is a Nightmarish, Cluster :moon: .

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Call the ###. They send out so many of those letters at a time that 80% of the time you never have to go.

I've received about 8 jury duty things over the past 20 years. I used to receive about 1 every other year until about 6 years ago when I actually had to go down to the court house.They finally got to questioning me and asked me if I could be unbiased towards the defendent and I told the attorney that "Sorry, but he just looks guilty" (20 year old popped for beating a cop with a beer bottle) Haven't gotten a letter since.

Look at the bright side, maybe if it's something interesting, you could get a book deal and retire:)

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I get them on occasion but excused as well being military, just remember it's a citizen's duty to put scum bag away or not. That person you might be sitting on the Jury, just might have stolen a toyhauler full of stuff..... Good chance they won't even need you anyway when you say why....SF Woody :headbang1:

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  DarbyCrash said:

Call the ###. They send out so many of those letters at a time that 80% of the time you never have to go.

I've received about 8 jury duty things over the past 20 years. I used to receive about 1 every other year until about 6 years ago when I actually had to go down to the court house.They finally got to questioning me and asked me if I could be unbiased towards the defendent and I told the attorney that "Sorry, but he just looks guilty" (20 year old popped for beating a cop with a beer bottle) Haven't gotten a letter since.

Look at the bright side, maybe if it's something interesting, you could get a book deal and retire:)

:headbang1: my wife called the # both times she was summond she had to go both times :porn: :porn: :porn:

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I showed up once and sat for 4-5 hours.... I lady came out and said they had to many people and we could go home.... She showed us a line to get in for a receipt so we would get paid. And she showed us the door if we didn't care..... out the door I went, took the rest of the day off

Just do it, what's the worst that could happen???


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call the number.. tell the person that answered you will not be able to make it due to the employer not paying for your time off and you have hearing issues.. They will wave you and you can go on your merry way. :D

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If I were you I'd call and get it over with, I tried ignoring my last one but they kept sending me notices and after about 3 months a marshall showed up at my door with my notice. Seems like some ppl get away with ignoring them but I didn't. Good luck.

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I know someone ** to be kept nameless ** that has thrown them away and nothing has ever happened. I have one that I have to be in tomorrow for, which means I get to call it in tonight to see if they need me.

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  indasand said:

I showed up once and sat for 4-5 hours.... I lady came out and said they had to many people and we could go home.... She showed us a line to get in for a receipt so we would get paid. And she showed us the door if we didn't care..... out the door I went, took the rest of the day off

Just do it, what's the worst that could happen???


Ummm get payed sh*t for having to go down there and deal with that BS and on top of it all miss out on a good day's pay at work! :moon: :porn:

  richard cheese said:

I LOVE going to Jury Duty... i have been on 2 trials, and was the foreman 1 of those times.....

it is pretty interesting.

i dont know about NV, but in CA, you can be excused if your employer doesnt compensate you for missing work

:headbang1: Imagine that! :porn:

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  richard cheese said:

I LOVE going to Jury Duty... i have been on 2 trials, and was the foreman 1 of those times.....

it is pretty interesting.

i dont know about NV, but in CA, you can be excused if your employer doesnt compensate you for missing work

Not any more! It always worked before,but last time(appx. 6 mo. ago) the court sent it back stating they were no longer accepting that as a valid excuse! I had to go :(

throw it away.

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