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I can not believe i went to Two bike shops here in town to get some riding gear for my kid and NOT 1 dealer had a freakin :freakin_nuts: :beercheers: :shocked2: jersey for a youth in blue !!

doe's anyone know of a dealer that stocks riding gear for little kids(A GOOD SELECTION) :flipoff: boots pants jersey's :flipoff:

no wonder the internet is so huge :shocked2: ma fackin :laughoff: dealers don't know how to stock anything . ( We can order it for you ) :shocked: well ma fackaaaa if i wanted to order it i would have :laughoff: done so on the :censored: internet . I just don't want to drive to every store if some one know's of a place that actually stocks gear . Cause calling on the phone is pointless.


Thanks any help would be appreciated!

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  1BADYFZ said:

Rockymountianatv.com, they are cheap and delivery is always perfect.

I was meaning in town buying gear without going on the internet so i can actually see the sizes in person thanks tho!

Edited by warrior07
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  1BADYFZ said:

How old are your kids? I have a 2 and 4 year old i buy stuff for so if the internet is the only way to go then i can help you

you can shop online at www.rockymountainatvmc.com and save on gas and shipping any purchase over $100.00 free shipping 2nd day. They have everything you could imagine and yes blue gear. ( Good Luck )

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:lol: Hey i might just check out rockymountain atv :laughing: i already checked them out but started getting :blah: after awhile i'm just one of those buyers that would like to actually see what i'm buying if it was for me no prob with the internet, but my kids a 4t almost 5t and his shoes are 12 & they have boots starting at k11 k12 and then youth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 :dope: which one is it :flipoff::dunno::broke::drunk::booty:
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just order your stuff online and buy in too large size they will grow into them anyway

haven't you seen the Rockymoutainatv commercial they run it on "At Your Leisure" all the time. I think the guy that shopped locally only could find pink boots in his size.

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Cycle Gear does have the best selection of gear, I go to the one on Sunset/Pecos.

Or try Best Cycle on 95/Tropicana...

Or Parts Direct on Arville....

Or Ride Now on Boulder HWY

Yamaha... Boulder HWY

Carter Powersports on 215/Decatur

Some guy named Dan, I heard he had a shop in BFE north L.V. :flipoff::dunno:

There are some more but I just know directions and forgot the name of the place...

Any ways when you get sick and tired of driving around just go to.....




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  dunefreak said:

Try here :laughing: I've heard good things about em.

i dont know if youve heard about it or not.....this place rocks

BTW dan-o...the fuggin cyco-gear here in b-field fuggin SUCKS AZZ....they have NOTHING there in my size, my son's size, nor the oil for my DS650 in stock..........

BUT they CAN order it :pissed:

Edited by richard cheese
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Next Time....Tard :grin: ..... Take your kid into the store ...find the brand you want ....have him try the sizes and see what fits best......same for the shirts......leave the store ....(dont buy anything yet).....

Go Home and pull up Rockymountainatv.com on your computer............and order there the sizes that fit your kids... thats how I do it if I cant find what I am looking for. :pissed::laughing::flipoff:


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  CaptNkllm said:

Next Time....Tard :flipoff: ..... Take your kid into the store ...find the brand you want ....have him try the sizes and see what fits best......same for the shirts......leave the store ....(dont buy anything yet).....

Go Home and pull up Rockymountainatv.com on your computer............and order there the sizes that fit your kids... thats how I do it if I cant find what I am looking for. :grin::laughing: :black:


:blink::grin::lol::grin::lol: :black: :black: :black: where have you been tard it's handled :black:


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  CaptNkllm said:

Next Time....Tard :blink: ..... Take your kid into the store ...find the brand you want ....have him try the sizes and see what fits best......same for the shirts......leave the store ....(dont buy anything yet).....

Go Home and pull up Rockymountainatv.com on your computer............and order there the sizes that fit your kids... thats how I do it if I cant find what I am looking for. :flipoff::laughing: :black:


No really i wuz just really suprised to go into a dealership and not see but maybe 10 pairs of adult pants and 10 jerseys no effin boots but 3 :lol: Then go to a brand new huge dealer and see mainly all adult clothing . No selection what so ever for the kids ( DON'T YOU THINK THEY WOULD CARRY A LARGER VARIETY OF CLOTHING FOR KIDS SINCE THEY SALE KIDS BIKES ) :grin: (= EXTRA SALES+PROFIT AT THE TIME OF SALE OF A NEW BIKE). :grin: I found everything at cycle gear on pecos which i did'nt even know they exsisted on pecos (thanks dan) people were pleasant on the phone and in person. Plus it's hard to drive to summerlin pick up the kid and go back to hendertucky in an hour :pissed: . And on top of it i don't like to waste people's time and then shop elsewere . I don't like it when people waste my time and then come to find out they later bought it on ebay :lol: is that a better explanation MA FACKKAA :grin:

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