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WTF Just got aTicket


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We decided to take a putt out behind the water treatment plant in Henderson, at the top of Equestrian. Got a ticket by the Henderson Police Department. Guys says the whole area is closed to off roading. WTF :blink: I am fuggin pissed :laughoff: $167.00 ticket for off roading.

1. It is not posted that you can not go out there. Let me say that again.


2. If you go up the road a ways there is a sign that say "FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE RECOMMENDED"

WTF Henderson, Police. A$$hole says, There is no off roading out here, Where are you at, on a road? No your not your in the desert and you can't be out here. He said this in a smart a$$ tone. He said the people who live out there are complaining about people going out "in the desert". There is not a house within a mile and a half of where we were.

Yeah F*ckhead we are on a road. :dunno: A cut out dirt road. Going about 4 mph.

I do know there is a walking, biking, horseback riding trail about 50 feet for the dirt road.

Can someone help me find out if that area is in fact closed up there. Or if this was just somemore HPD bullsh*t.

I am so pissed. I am beside myself.

Edited by desertskyz
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Skyz.It has been discussed at length on this site the ENTIRE valley

except Apex/Nellis is closed to all offroad traffic. Dust Abatement is the biggest reason. I have not even tried riding in areas recently that only 2 years ago were legal trails.

I think the lake bed south of henderson is still open but you can't take the pipeline road down to it?

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Thanks Ken, I should have known that because I have been to meetings.

I was under the impression that that area was open because there is a sign that reads

"Four Wheel Drive Recommended"

but that is at the entrance to Lake Mead Rec. Area. I guess you can't take the dirt road to get to the legal dirt road.

I think I'm going to have a beer. :blink:

BTW Happy Memorial Day :dunno:

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:beat: Damn cops................... :dunno: but thats exactly why I leave my paddles on and the rhino stays in the garage. On the other hand, the guy from Boulder City is trying to get OHV's passed /to register to drive on the street, like they do in Arizona. That would be awsome. Until then.........................park it...its not worth it. :dope:
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There were signs posted clear as day at the end of greenway and at the end of horizon as you start out into the desert, I think some a hole did not like those signs and either ran them over or pulled them out of the ground with their truck :dunno: ..Sucks you got a ticket but you should have known better or not stoped when they pulled you over...I depend on henderson pd when they are needed but some times I think most of them are a bunch of AZZHAT, AHOLE, :dope::beat::censored::censored::censored: why dont they just leave us alone? :poke:

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  desertskyz said:

We decided to take a putt out behind the water treatment plant in Henderson, at the top of Equestrian. Got a ticket by the Henderson Police Department. Guys says the whole area is closed to off roading. WTF :dunno: I am fuggin pissed :beat: $167.00 ticket for off roading.

1. It is not posted that you can not go out there. Let me say that again.


2. If you go up the road a ways there is a sign that say "FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE RECOMMENDED"

WTF Henderson, Police. A$$hole says, There is no off roading out here, Where are you at, on a road? No your not your in the desert and you can't be out here. He said this in a smart a$$ tone. He said the people who live out there are complaining about people going out "in the desert". There is not a house within a mile and a half of where we were.

Yeah F*ckhead we are on a road. :dope: A cut out dirt road. Going about 4 mph.

I do know there is a walking, biking, horseback riding trail about 50 feet for the dirt road.

Can someone help me find out if that area is in fact closed up there. Or if this was just somemore HPD bullsh*t.

I am so pissed. I am beside myself.

move to pahrump!! we can ride every where as long as you dont make to much dust. cops never look twice at us riding, if you walk your biks across the pavement roads

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Did I mention that it is NOT posted ANYWHERE :dope:

Rookie cop. Riding shotgun with his trainer. Got caught! But! It is not Posted.

We got caught. But How does the GP (general pubic) know you can not be out there. I so didn't get that memo, news letter, pubic announcement, nothing. If they are going to, and have closed off ever ounce of desert, yeah think they could tell people. Via, :beat: memo, newsletter.....something. Hell people are moving here by the droves, do you think they know.

OK I'm done :dunno:

I like strawberries.

Edited by desertskyz
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Damn that sucks. Was there any kind of "event" going on out there on that paved path? Probably about 4 months back I was out there in my Rhino riding on that powerline road heading North. That weekend they were having some bicycle race thing out there. Well it forks where that water treatment plant starts and I went right. Apparently there were 2 HPD Officers on quads in the direction if I had followed the fork left. They flew up to me and starting yelling at me saying I was "running from them" and some other things. I stoped, shut the rhino off and talked with them for a bit. They asked me if I was aware that the land was BLM land. I told them I had no idea who owned it but I have lived in the area since 1985 and have never had an issue with riding on it. I asked if I was not allowed to be out there and was specifically told, "Well you're really not supposed to but mostly people dont care. We are just out here this weekend for the bike race and making sure people stay off the path and dont dust out the riders." So I dont know. I live down off Racetrack and have putted on the side of the road past several HPD Officers in cars and they have never bothered me. My folks still live up by the horse streets so I take the Rhino over to visit. They get information from the "association" occasionally. Basically from what I have gathered is there is like 1 lady, who just happens to be the head of the so-called association, and also happens to live in one of the houses off Foothill, aka right next to the desert. She is always the one complaining about the riders and calling the HPD about it. I was told their main concern was all the people riding on the streets to and from the desert. Basically they were busting people for riding on the road. Sounds like things have changed.

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  SandBox_Kid said:

Check this article I posted a while back Dezzy.... Click

Thanks. I remember reading that. It just REALLY sucks. We were in the stock a$$ jeep going about 4 mph. Wanting to see some wildlife, take pictures and putt around. No need to hash up the whole argument again in this thread because we all feel the same way. On the ticket it says. Offroading without permission, Type of vehicle: Off Road Vehicle

How the heck if someone suppose to show their kids the wildlife with taking them to it. You sure as hell can't walk to where the animals are. You saw the pics I took last time we went out there. There is Just No Way we could the seen any of that if we didn't drive out there. It is just to far. I guess if one wants to see the Desert Animals then they should go to the zoo. :driver:

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Nee ner Nee ner Nee Ner


That does suck though. It is our responsability to know all the laws and not theres to inform us. They just inforce them unfortunatly.

I know... :breakdance: :breakdance: :dope: it still sucks...


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I have lived in this area (Henderson) most of my life. In July of last year I was riding at the end of Horizon Ridge, Pipeline to the old timers. My girlfriend at the time and I were loading up and got hit with the blue and red lights. Not HPD but park service or whatever they are called. He told me to the left was BLM and the right is park service. They patrol the Sloan Canyon Conservation Area. Told the fuggin fool I had been riding out there for years, stuck to the poleline roads and respected my riding area. Was informed by officer penus wrinkle that it was NOT my riding area and hit with a $125.00 ticket and told a federal warrant for my arrest would be issued if I did not respond to it. Now, sadly, when I feel the urge to ride I know there are no areas in this fuggin dustbowl we live in that are close for a short ride. Therefore, I put my quads in the driveway, drink until I can seperate reality from fantasy and make motor noises to pretend like I am riding. Brrrrraaaaaaap ! Good times with the driveway adventures ! ( This story is true up to the driveway part. I am getting close to that though)

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  desertrider71 said:

I have lived in this area (Henderson) most of my life. In July of last year I was riding at the end of Horizon Ridge, Pipeline to the old timers. My girlfriend at the time and I were loading up and got hit with the blue and red lights. Not HPD but park service or whatever they are called. He told me to the left was BLM and the right is park service. They patrol the Sloan Canyon Conservation Area. Told the fuggin fool I had been riding out there for years, stuck to the poleline roads and respected my riding area. Was informed by officer penus wrinkle that it was NOT my riding area and hit with a $125.00 ticket and told a federal warrant for my arrest would be issued if I did not respond to it. Now, sadly, when I feel the urge to ride I know there are no areas in this fuggin dustbowl we live in that are close for a short ride. Therefore, I put my quads in the driveway, drink until I can seperate reality from fantasy and make motor noises to pretend like I am riding. Brrrrraaaaaaap ! Good times with the driveway adventures ! ( This story is true up to the driveway part. I am getting close to that though)

wuss :laughing::laughoff: i do the driveway thing all the time :laughoff::assblast: eff the neihbors when the cops start pulling around close the garage they need a search warrant to get in :laughing:

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  desertrider71 said:
I have lived in this area (Henderson) most of my life. In July of last year I was riding at the end of Horizon Ridge, Pipeline to the old timers. My girlfriend at the time and I were loading up and got hit with the blue and red lights. Not HPD but park service or whatever they are called. He told me to the left was BLM and the right is park service. They patrol the Sloan Canyon Conservation Area. Told the fuggin fool I had been riding out there for years, stuck to the poleline roads and respected my riding area. Was informed by officer penus wrinkle that it was NOT my riding area and hit with a $125.00 ticket and told a federal warrant for my arrest would be issued if I did not respond to it. Now, sadly, when I feel the urge to ride I know there are no areas in this fuggin dustbowl we live in that are close for a short ride. Therefore, I put my quads in the driveway, drink until I can seperate reality from fantasy and make motor noises to pretend like I am riding. Brrrrraaaaaaap ! Good times with the driveway adventures ! ( This story is true up to the driveway part. I am getting close to that though)

Dude... just start your quad and stop yelling Brrrraaaaap!


Edited by indasand
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  • 1 month later...

Danny went to court on the 7th to fight the ticket. The judge asked him if he a ever gotten a ticket for being out there before, Danny said no, judge gives him another court date and says if you get in anymore trouble between now and the next date that he needs to come to the new court date, then the judge throws out the ticket and tells time "Don't go out there anymore".

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