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HOLY crap I forgot!?!?! Wow. now the next 28 days will be unbearable... :(

heckkkkkkkkk no they will fly by!!

Ha Ha Ian got his first taste of DDR drunk texting!! Dude you soooooo shoulda been there!!!!! :drunk2: :drunk2: :banghead::MBdance:

Had some chick with a red mohawk bying me Jager shots and beers!! And the got invited into a private booth by a couple of guys who wanted the kid to have an awesome bday!! :rules: :no_no:

WHAT A GREAT TIME!! YIAH YIAH!! :idea::banghead:

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heckkkkkkkkk no they will fly by!!

Ha Ha Ian got his first taste of DDR drunk texting!! Dude you soooooo shoulda been there!!!!! :drunk2: :drunk2: :MBdance::news:

Had some chick with a red mohawk bying me Jager shots and beers!! And the got invited into a private booth by a couple of guys who wanted the kid to have an awesome bday!! :no_no: :idea:

WHAT A GREAT TIME!! YIAH YIAH!! :banghead::banghead:

Sounds awesome, Jodi. :D That's badass.

Hey did they play any Transplants songs in the end? They did last time we some them at the HOB. It was pretty cool. :rules:

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Sounds awesome, Jodi. :D That's badass.

Hey did they play any Transplants songs in the end? They did last time we some them at the HOB. It was pretty cool. :rules:

yeah they did, cant remember exactly which ones, but they did it was just freakin AWESOME!! :no_no: Mike probably will remember!! D Driver!! :idea:

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heckkkkkkkkk no they will fly by!!

Ha Ha Ian got his first taste of DDR drunk texting!! Dude you soooooo shoulda been there!!!!! :drunk2: :drunk2: :banghead::MBdance:

Had some chick with a red mohawk bying me Jager shots and beers!! And the got invited into a private booth by a couple of guys who wanted the kid to have an awesome bday!! :rules: :no_no:

WHAT A GREAT TIME!! YIAH YIAH!! :idea::banghead:

It sounds/ sounded like a bada$$ concert...I so wish I could've gone and I'm kicking my own A$$ for procrastinating for so long#@!

Oh well, glad you had a good time Jodi!

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heckkkkkkkkk no they will fly by!!

Ha Ha Ian got his first taste of DDR drunk texting!! Dude you soooooo shoulda been there!!!!! :drunk2: :drunk2: :drunk: :black:

Had some chick with a red mohawk bying me Jager shots and beers!! And the got invited into a private booth by a couple of guys who wanted the kid to have an awesome bday!! :idea::banghead:

WHAT A GREAT TIME!! YIAH YIAH!! :banghead::MBdance:

Jodi, you took the texting gold last night!! I almost felt like I was there (or as drinkie), thanks! :rules:

Sounds awesome, Jodi. :D That's badass.

Hey did they play any Transplants songs in the end? They did last time we some them at the HOB. It was pretty cool. :no_no:

OMG babe, good memory!! I recall us flipping the hell out when they turned into Transplants!! :lol:

yeah they did, cant remember exactly which ones, but they did it was just freakin AWESOME!! :blury: Mike probably will remember!! D Driver!! :chug:

Who cares, glad you had a good time!!

It sounds/ sounded like a bada$$ concert...I so wish I could've gone and I'm kicking my own A$$ for procrastinating for so long#@!

Oh well, glad you had a good time Jodi!

Freaking pick up a ticket for Slightly Stoooooopid you crazy Dave Mathew's doppleganger!! :news:

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Jodi, you took the texting gold last night!! I almost felt like I was there (or as drinkie), thanks! :beercheers:

OMG babe, good memory!! I recall us flipping the hell out when they turned into Transplants!! :lol:

Who cares, glad you had a good time!!

Freaking pick up a ticket for Slightly Stoooooopid you crazy Dave Mathew's doppleganger!! :lol:

Good times last night :booty: As always, OPS played a stellar show :D Next...... Slightly Stoopid :lol: Get your ticket Ian :lol:

Yes the OPS show was KICK ACE!! last night!!! good hanging with you guys again 'freak and 'monkie :hello:

Hey, FreakyMonkie.....is that like Beniffer? :lol::lol:

And yes ahhnna, I am getting slightly stoopid tickets Sorry your secratary didnt relay that too you :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I lied.......no slightly stoopid tickets for me, bills took precedence over that concert and a couple others I wanted to go to this week

stooopid bills :banghead:

Ahh that SUCKS, Ian! Come on...sell a kidney or something. That shows gonna be SICK! :banghead:

Speaking of concerts, we're going to Goldfinger this Thursday too! :headbang1:

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Ahh that SUCKS, Ian! Come on...sell a kidney or something. That shows gonna be SICK! :banghead:

Speaking of concerts, we're going to Goldfinger this Thursday too! :headbang1:

Ahhhhh you bastid! i was supposed to go to that one too! :banghead:

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Thought about going to Bullet for my Valentine on Sat, just got my two for the price of one email yesterday, but going to someone's one year old party instead!! :D

So Slightly Stoopid is going to be my next concert!! :banghead:

Then possibly OPS on the 5th

and Agent Orange on the 8th!!

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I had originally put something along those lines, but didn't want to insult anyone! :headbang1:

I thought it was kinda funny that they were basically begging people with the two fors!! :banghead:

As if I would pass up a good concert to go to a 1yr olds birthday party! :banghead:

Edited by sand chick
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What an awesome show! Goldfinger was badass. We got there right as they went on. HOB was pretty full! I was suprised.

The drummer drank a beer from a fan's nasty sweaty stank azz BOOT! :barf: yeah....fuggin nasty! It was better than his other idea though- someone eating a twinkie from his azz. :laughing::laughoff:

Other that the nasty azz drummer shananigans (but funny as hell) - the show rocked! They played some good tunes and reallt got the crowd movin. :flipoff: At one point they had the stage FULL of peeps from the crowd. :think: The singer and a few others from the band and crowd also crowd-surfed like there was no tomorrow. :thumb:




We didn't stick around for all of Less Than Jake. They were cool and all, but we had to get some grub at the HOB restaurant. We skipped dinner before drinking tonight. :dope::drunk::blury::finger::laughoff:

I had to babysit Anna at the end of the night- good times. I owe it to her after all the years she has taken care of my drunk self. :laughing:

I wish a handfull of peeps could have been there w/ us, but monkie and I had a blast like always. :D

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