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Pres of the USA concert at the Rio pool


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I must say I haven't had that much fun at a show since Taproot! :lol::thumb:

Anna and I went last night to the free :drunk: Presidents of the USA show at the Rio. Pauly Paul joined us too since he was off work early due to a burn to his hand.

We had so much fun. The band played some good tunes from back in the day and every single song was rockin. All their new stuff is really good too! I was suprised to say the least. To tell the truth I expected to like a few songs and the rest of it be kinda so-so at this show. Not at all! Those guys nailed it. :dance: I love how they guys play a very simple, feel-good kind of music. They actually make you laugh at times too. Those guys can be some goofy mofos. :blah: All 3 of us were bouncing around with our giant 9 dollar Foster beers in our hands. :dope: Those effers were potent though. 3 of those and you're feeling pretty good. They were huge. :shocked: :chug: :duniemonkie:

Best part of the whole night was watching Anna. She was sooo happy, especially when they played Munkey River! :duniemonkie::blah::barf::beat: We totally got into it and were probably dancing around like a$$hats, but we didn't even care. It was that good.

Here's some pics I snapped off (alot as usual) :pics:







forgot the flash and it came out blury w/ this one :dope:









the guitarist got lots of high fives after he left stage...



Pauly got the drum stick too! :blah: Anna was gonna beat his a$$ :beat: for it but he didn't let go. :slap:


leaving the show...




Thats how big those beers really felt!




"Fuggin Paul, you're too fat to pickup!" :laughoff:


Admiring Pauly's trash in his bed of his truck. :laughoff: :freakin_nuts:


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Looks like good times. Was it still pretty warm out last night?? Was hot as fugg yesterday. Wish I would of known these guys were playing, would of loved to see them. I was always rocking their songs back in the day. lol I know, im old! Thanks for sharing the pics. :freakin_nuts:

No video??

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Looks like good times. Was it still pretty warm out last night?? Was hot as fugg yesterday. Wish I would of known these guys were playing, would of loved to see them. I was always rocking their songs back in the day. lol I know, im old! Thanks for sharing the pics. :freakin_nuts:

No video??

It was warm, but it wasn't that bad at all.

I have video. I need to upload it still. Will get it up soon.

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:lol::thumb: :freakin_nuts: <br>


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



sorry, I had it on the chit-quality setting

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here's LUMP :freakin_nuts: <br>


<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="

</param> <embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
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:lol: Right-on guys! Looks like fun. :freakin_nuts:

She's Lump.... :thumb::blah::blah: Awesome

Did they play "Little Blue Dunebuggy"? :drunk:

I had my blue Hijumper when I heard that song the first time. :blah:

Did cHeMiCaL Pauly behave? :barf:

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Right on pete, looks like it was a kick A$$ show

I grabbed an extra OPS cd if you want it, maybe in trade for my movies from the party LOL :headbang1:

Sweet thanks, Ian! :argue:

I'll get you your DVD's this week. Want me to run them over to ya at work? Hell after all, your right across the street from my work. :D

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