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any californians having problems procuring ATV safety certificates?

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Since String got his quad, I have been trying to get him into an ATV safety course to get him a certificate, because its the law...albeit an obsure law, its still the law...my friend and his kid got hit up for theirs @ oceano dunes a couple weekends ago

the problem i have been having is that the law states the following

children under the age of 6 cannot ride an atv

children between the ages of 6 and 12 can only ride an ATV less that 70CC

children between the ages of 12 to 16 can ride between 70 and 90 cc

only children older than 16 can ride bigger than 90CC

my fuggin lawnmower has a bigger engine than 70cc :lol:

anyway...i go to get string signed up, and they wont let me, because he is 5 and cannot ride. even so..if i wait until he is 6..just afew months away.....he still cannot take it on his quad, because he isnt supposed to be riding it

any way i found a way around all this BS

here is what the calif vehicle code states

Conditions for Operating: Minors

38503. No person under the age of 18 years, on and after January 1, 1990, shall operate an all-terrain vehicle on public lands of this state unless the person satisfies one of the following conditions:

(a) The person is taking a prescribed safety training course under the direct supervision of a certified all-terrain vehicle safety instructor.

(B) The person is under the direct supervision of an adult who has in their possession an appropriate safety certificate issued by this state, or issued under the authority of another state.

© The person has in possession an appropriate safety certificate issued by this state or issued under the authority of another state.

Added Ch. 881, Stats. 1987. Effective January 1, 1988.

notice the bold underlined, and red words>???? from another state!!! :laughoff: so i did some "internet research" :bawl::flipoff: and came up with this

Wisconsin's ONLINE ATV safety course

not only can you take the test online, but if you pass, you can print an IMMEDIATE certificate!!!!

here 's the kicker...ITS ONLY 15 BUCKS!!!!!... Granted strings was free..but if you didnt buy a new bike..it cost $125 bucks!!! :banghead: so getting mine and his saved me 95 bucks!!

plus...on wisconsins website....and i cannot find the link right now, but...it specifically states that this is specifically for people from out of state attempting to earn their ATV safety cert!!

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My kids are 2 and 5 and they have a 50 and 80, no one said anything about having a certificate to ride. Never heard of it and had plenty of Rangers see them riding. I thought if we supervised them it is fine..

I think it may have been because it was empty when you went and they had no one to mess with...

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from this website


ATV Safety Requirements

All-terrain vehicle (ATV) operators under 18 years of age must comply with the following California Vehicle Code requirements when operating an ATV on public lands. The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVRD) currently provides funding for ATV safety certificate training for those age 6 through 17. For more information and to sign up for training contact the ATV Safety Institute at (800-887-2887).


No person under the age of 18 years shall operate an all-terrain vehicle on public lands of this state unless the person satisfies one of the following conditions:

(a) The person is taking a prescribed safety training course under the direct supervision of a certified all-terrain vehicle safety instructor.

(B) The person is under the direct supervision of an adult who has in their possession an appropriate safety certificate issued by this state, or issued under the authority of another state.

© The person has in possession an appropriate safety certificate issued by this state or issued under the authority of another state (CVC 38503).


No person under 14 years of age shall operate an all-terrain vehicle on public lands of this state unless the person satisfies one of the conditions set forth in Section 38503 and, in addition, is accompanied by and under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian or is accompanied by and under the direct supervision of an adult who is authorized by the parent or guardian (CVC 38504).

38504.1. (a) Neither a parent or guardian of a child who is under 14 years of age, nor an adult who is authorized by the parent or guardian to supervise that child shall grant permission to, or knowingly allow, that child to operate an all-terrain vehicle in a manner that violates Section 38504.

(B) A person convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) is punishable as follows:

(1) For a first conviction, the court shall either impose a fine of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) or order the person to take or retake and complete an all-terrain vehicle safety training course pursuant to Section 38501. If ordered to take or retake and complete the safety training course, the person shall provide the court a copy of the all-terrain vehicles safety certificate issued as a result of that completion.

(2) For a second conviction, a fine of not less than one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) nor more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250).

(3) For a third or any subsequent conviction, a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500).

SEC. 2. Section 38504.2 is added to the Vehicle Code, to read: 38504.2. If a person under 14 years of age was not properly supervised or accompanied in accordance with Section 38504, and the parent or guardian of that child or the adult who was authorized by the parent or guardian to supervise or accompany that child is in violation of Section 38504.1, upon a conviction pursuant to Section 38504, the court may order that child to attend and complete the all-terrain vehicle safety training course accompanied by the person who violated Section 38504.1. If so ordered, the child under 14 years of age shall provide the court a copy of the all-terrain vehicles safety certificate issued as a result of that completion.

straight from the california vehicle code

this page shines a better light on it

the place that i bought from didnt ask me either, however EVERY dealership in BAKO that we went to did

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Here is what I did.

Bought my kid a 90cc predator. They give a free safety course when you buy a quad but it doesn't state who has to go. So I took it, got my cert. Bought my daughter a 250EX, had my girlfriend take the course, she got her cert. Bought my girlfriend a quad, had her son (18 yr old) take the course, he got his cert.

Best part is Polaris gives you a $100 gift certificate after you do the course so I used all $300 to buy chit for my Predator 500 online.

3 adults have certs and I spent $300 OPM (other peoples money) God Bless the state of California :banghead:

Since I took the course :bawl: and I have 30 friggin years of riding, who better to teach my kids to ride.

I did make my kids read the owners manuals and I also have my own "riders training" course they have to do before they ride everytime we go out.

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Here is what I did.

Bought my kid a 90cc predator. They give a free safety course when you buy a quad but it doesn't state who has to go. So I took it, got my cert. Bought my daughter a 250EX, had my girlfriend take the course, she got her cert. Bought my girlfriend a quad, had her son (18 yr old) take the course, he got his cert.

Best part is Polaris gives you a $100 gift certificate after you do the course so I used all $300 to buy chit for my Predator 500 online.

3 adults have certs and I spent $300 OPM (other peoples money) God Bless the state of California :banghead:

Since I took the course :bawl: and I have 30 friggin years of riding, who better to teach my kids to ride.

I did make my kids read the owners manuals and I also have my own "riders training" course they have to do before they ride everytime we go out.

what are you doing about the part that says the kids have to have one too???

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Funny thing is is that it is legal for a kid any age to drive a side by side or golf cart.. My kids are 10 and 12 and both ride 400's (when I can wrestle my 700 away from my 12 year old). They were riding lt80's @ 4 years old. Never been stopped although the camp next to us in glamis recieved a ticket for a 5 yr old on a quad... In the dirt the large quads are a lot to handle so my kids ride bikes, but on the sand the horsepower can go a long ways to keep you out of trouble.

Oh, and nobody but myself will be teaching my kids how to ride AND I was talking on the cell not using my hands-free on the freeway today in California :rules:

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Funny thing is is that it is legal for a kid any age to drive a side by side or golf cart.. My kids are 10 and 12 and both ride 400's (when I can wrestle my 700 away from my 12 year old). They were riding lt80's @ 4 years old. Never been stopped although the camp next to us in glamis recieved a ticket for a 5 yr old on a quad... In the dirt the large quads are a lot to handle so my kids ride bikes, but on the sand the horsepower can go a long ways to keep you out of trouble.

Oh, and nobody but myself will be teaching my kids how to ride AND I was talking on the cell not using my hands-free on the freeway today in California :rules:

what was the situation regarding the kid @ G who go a ticket? parents not watching the kid ride???

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what was the situation regarding the kid @ G who go a ticket? parents not watching the kid ride???

The dad was actually walking behind the kid while he was riding, officer must of been having a bad day, they are WAY more laid back @ Dumont.. (except if they see you launching mortars) :rules: so I have heard...

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what are you doing about the part that says the kids have to have one too???

When I took the course the instructor told me the "law" is that "as long as children have an adult that has taken the course with them and the adult has their cert available to show law enforcement that is all the law requires. The children do not have to have their cert but it is recommended that they take the course and get their cert as well."

Maybe things have changed over the past 4 years. I'll just claim "ignorance" again. It's never worked for me but I keep trying :think:

Honestly, even if that is the law now, I have never had a problem with the rangers/sheriff out at Dumont. They all are very cool and pretty understanding. I also think that they are to busy/don't care to be bothered to try and enforce something like that. I've had them come up to my camp twice every year and have had them pass while riding with my kids and they never even mentioned it. They just come by to say "hi" it seems and to make sure I've got my thing hanging in on the mirror.

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That's California for you! When you get a quad, there's a warning label (that we remove) that states how old you can be to ride it! :think:

Warning. Thats it. No law on age vs. cc's in my DMV code book. :think: I practice safety with my daughter on her 50cc (four years old). I have the the safety cert. and riding expierience. I also have a remote kill switch. I firmly believe getting this cert will NOT make you a professional rider but is the law if you have children. Dont worry cheese, as long as you are certified and string can use all the controls safeley (Brakes, gas, ect.) thats all that matters. Dont quote me cause that code book is friggin long. :dope:

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  • 4 weeks later...

ah a look back to the old days... my first trip out to dumont dunes I was 7, riding a 230cc yamaha timberwolf... and yes, it could make it to the top of the face dunes, with a lot of work... then again, in those days it was rare to see a single LEO out there... back when vendor row consisted of maybe 2 trailers selling cheep t-shirts and possibly a tire patch kit... back when the hard pack was nothing but scrub brush... ah those were the days, lawlessness ruled the land, but a busy weekend was no more than 2 or 3 times the normal off weekend out there now during normal riding season...

man how the times have changed... thank goodness I havent had any kids yet, well, that i know of... :banghead:

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  • 4 months later...


a buddy of mine is thinking about taking his 14 yr old to oceano with me for a daytrip and renting his son a quad. he made a couple phone calls to get things straightened out.

they told him his son had to possess a safety cert to rent. if not, he had to be under the rental agency's direct supervision the entire time

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NEW REQUIREMENT! All Wisconsin Recreational Safety Students are now required to obtain a lifetime DNR Customer #. If you have a Wisconsin fishing license or hunting license, you already have been assigned a DNR Customer # and can find it on your license (as "Cust #"). If you have not already been assigned a DNR Customer #, you can obtain your DNR Customer #, (7AM to 10PM, seven days a week) by calling Wisconsin DNR Customer Service at 1-888-936-7463, or you can visit a DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. For DNR Service Center hours and locations go to www.dnr.wi.gov/.

You will not be able to complete the online exam if you do not already have your DNR Customer #. Please make sure you have it available before you begin the online exam.

Below is from:



State Laws:

All operators on public lands are required to wear a helmet at all times.

All ATVs are required to be titled and registered with the owner receiving a numbered plate for the ATV.

Registration is to be renewed once each year.

No one under 18 is to operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate or with an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No one under 14 may operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate and under the direct supervision of an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No passengers are allowed at any time while on public lands, except one passenger may be carried if the ATV is designed for a passenger.

ATVs may not be used on highways, except to cross these highways.

Edited by ntrsandman
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State Laws:

All operators on public lands are required to wear a helmet at all times.

All ATVs are required to be titled and registered with the owner receiving a numbered plate for the ATV.

Registration is to be renewed once each year.

No one under 18 is to operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate or with an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No one under 14 may operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate and under the direct supervision of an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No passengers are allowed at any time while on public lands, except one passenger may be carried if the ATV is designed for a passenger.

ATVs may not be used on highways, except to cross these highways.

All of my Ca off-road regs are good for 2 years, typo?

Edited by RUn2it
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NEW REQUIREMENT! All Wisconsin Recreational Safety Students are now required to obtain a lifetime DNR Customer #. If you have a Wisconsin fishing license or hunting license, you already have been assigned a DNR Customer # and can find it on your license (as "Cust #"). If you have not already been assigned a DNR Customer #, you can obtain your DNR Customer #, (7AM to 10PM, seven days a week) by calling Wisconsin DNR Customer Service at 1-888-936-7463, or you can visit a DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. For DNR Service Center hours and locations go to www.dnr.wi.gov/.

You will not be able to complete the online exam if you do not already have your DNR Customer #. Please make sure you have it available before you begin the online exam.

Below is from:



State Laws:

All operators on public lands are required to wear a helmet at all times.

All ATVs are required to be titled and registered with the owner receiving a numbered plate for the ATV.

Registration is to be renewed once each year.

No one under 18 is to operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate or with an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No one under 14 may operate an ATV on public land unless they are in possession of a safety certificate and under the direct supervision of an adult who possesses a safety certificate.

No passengers are allowed at any time while on public lands, except one passenger may be carried if the ATV is designed for a passenger.

ATVs may not be used on highways, except to cross these highways.

thanks for the update

what does DNR stand for??? :dope:

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just got mine last nite from wiscon. it is just something else you can show the green weenies when they want to harass you. if they are logical, which they aren't, they should figure out you are safe and trying to abide by the law with safety training. $15 bucks is a bargain and probably good in all states. the wisc people are really quite smart to do this-they are real logical and can make alot of money nationwide. why is cal, nev and az so stupid? they just like giving free money away. once the system was set up in wisc on the computer, they just set back and rack in the cash. genius. anyway, alot of you should just get it done and make it easy on yourself. took me about 45 minutes to read and take the test. I missed 1 out of 50 questions and that one had 2 answers, I just picked the wrong one. bring on the greenies.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

great post

the sheriffs dept. gave a free course on holloween and i see they are doin the same for t day weekend take the kids to it if you make it to the d that weekend and its free :laughoff:

glad to see they are being pro-active about it. a friend of mine had a course taught at glamis right by their camp

pretty cool if you ask me...but the age restrictions SUCK AZZ

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  • 4 weeks later...

I completed the Oregon All Terrain Vehicle Safety Course with my kids ages 8 and 9 Online about 3 weeks ago. After the quiz's and final exam we passed and we got to print out temp. Complition cards that are good for 30 days. I have already received the plastic cards that you must keep with you while riding. If was not real hard just time consuming to read each page and then quiz after each chapter. You can test up to 6 people in a family and anyone over the age of 16 must test seperatly. So I will still be there when my kids ride, but I think we have all the bases covered. California excepts other states safety educaion classes even if there are completed Online. Hope this help some of you. The website is www.rideATVoregon.org


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just started and finished the whole process on Oregon's website... It took me about an hour. I went straight to the chapter quizzes, and if I was unsure about an answer, I reviewed the appropriate page then returned to the quiz. You can't do that on the final exam. I was able to pass the 50 question final exam with an 88%, without studying... Good enough for me. My card is on the way!! Gotta love Big Brother... I feel so much safer ! :pissed:

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