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awesome nights plus trip report

vegas style

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  dunefreak said:

Eff that- he won't be back for like 3 months.

Give me an address and I'll mail you a chitload, Steve. :ninja:

He is in jersey has to come back for like a day before he drives to shreeeeeeeveport :P you must have really been :drunk2: when he was tellin us about it lol..

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  ISBB said:

He is in jersey has to come back for like a day before he drives to shreeeeeeeveport :P you must have really been :drunk2: when he was tellin us about it lol..

Nope. I was hyper from Taproot, but I was actually pretty damn sober that night. I must not have heard the whole conversation between you guys.

From Steve's post it sounded like he wasn't gonna be back till Sept. no? :ninja:

  vegas style said:

at this point i will be home around sept 20. but there is some talk about more work on this show after this run. not sure if i would do it if it was offered but im a hoar for the $$$$

this humidity sucks but its not going to be any better in Louisiana where we are headed.....

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so sunday as i wait for the walk light to cross the westside highway i hear a couple high $$$ cars street racing thru traffic. i stopped and took a few picture i guess this what the ultra rich do on sunday mornings. about 8 lambos couple porsches lotus and couple flat black euros. kind of funny the 2 lambos at the stoplight were reving on each other even as the horse cops were walking in front of them. light changed and they left tread the cops didnt even care. these guys were cutting lanes and on the gas hard.





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were ragdoll and the flatbiller driving.. lol

there is a group of lambo guys down in the southwest i seem to see them always driving around down there.. rainbow/blue diamond area..

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  ISBB said:

were ragdoll and the flatbiller driving.. lol

there is a group of lambo guys down in the southwest i seem to see them always driving around down there.. rainbow/blue diamond area..

I think that is me you see on the rainbow & Blue diamond. That is my daily test drive route for my service cars. :ninja:

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  duniemonkie said:

Miss you Steve!!! If you pass by the Statue of Liberty again can you make it look like she's holding a DDR sticker up? When you're here Friday do you think you'll have a minute to meet up w/ us for a drinkie :ninja: ?

dont think im going to make back into the city this trip. and friday my list is long and my time is short. i get in at noon friday and need to be on the road by 4-5am saturday morning. with laundry packing bank and sleep in between :slap:

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  • 2 weeks later...

well here we go.....

came home from NJ on friday the 18th and drove to shreveport Louisiana on sat sun. we had been hired to build and load in a lighting rig for a new broadway show called angels. was the first time it had been built and staged and they hoped to build it and premiere it in shreveport and then put it on broadway. the schedule had us in the shop in new jersey for 2 weeks prepping the gear and then loading in building and running 13 shows for 10 weeks. so 2 other electricians and i rented a furnished house and i brought my 2 cats along (first road trip for them) well 2 days into the load-in they call us to a dinner and tell us they weren't going to be able to take the show to NYC. lack of investor money. so they were going to stop production because unless it was going to broadway it was losing money fast that the investors weren't going to get back. so we turned around loaded out what we had set up. and i headed back home. ended up driving straight thru from shreveport back to vegas yesterday. guess i was a little frustrated at losing the work and money. just kept driving 80 mph on cruse control 1400 miles 21 hours 7 red bulls 2 fast food meals and 2 weary cats. thank you surius radio for endless entertainment!! i was under a union contract so i get some severance pay and as long as i get my expense report paid it didn't hurt me. but i was looking forward to 250 hours of overtime and 9 more weeks of pay. plus it was going to be cool to work on a real stage production again. they said that there is a good chance that they will get the money together to stage the show but i would want a guarantee of so many weeks i was to do it again. has been quite the busy month with getting ready then the 2 weeks in NJ that i took full advantage of my off time to tour NYC as the earlier post have showed. now back to the local summer grind. and tht is my less the excellent adventure.






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