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what do you know...oil prices take a dump.......

Richard Cheese

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and a couple things affected that

1. there is now a glut of oil on the market...pick a reason...too expensive to drive.....too expensive to buy....other countries using alternative fuels...whatever

2. Bush lifting the ban on drilling for oil offshore (congress has yet to echo his sentiments), but with roughly 80 percent of the people of the US wanting our govt to lift the ban....they shouldnt be too far behind

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Actually I have noticed it dropping slowly! The station I filled up at last week was $4.13 today it was $4.09!

But I am sure they will figure another reason to raise it again! :hello:

I like how they do that raise it raise it raise it listen to us scream and then drop it bu 1/4 of what they raised it and we are thinking its the good life again cause we are no longer paying $4.25 :barf:

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