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There Their They're


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  Don29palms said:

I figured it was time to bring this topic up again. School will be starting sooner for some than for others.

THERE are people that don't know how to spell and should be using THEIR spellcheck on a regular basis. THEY'RE the ones that this is directed to. It is also THERE to help people with the proper ways to use the words THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE.

Thank you for your support!

Spell check won't catch those errors. You need a grammer checker for that.

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  Don29palms said:

I figured it was time to bring this topic up again. School will be starting sooner for some than for others.

THERE are people that don't know how to spell and should be using THEIR spellcheck on a regular basis. THEY'RE the ones that this is directed to. It is also THERE to help people with the proper ways to use the words THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE.

Thank you for your support!

Funny Don! I didn't make it to school that week I was out sick.I will stay on top of my spell check for now on. :stick_smack:

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  wingnut said:

OMG, I just about fell off the chair when I read this....seems to me duniemonkie, taco and I just conversed about this on Sunday!!!!!! :stick_smack::stick_smack::laughing::laughing::flipoff::flipoff:

Really? I need to lay off the crack...

Thank you Don for broaching this subject; I also can't stand reading these simple mistakes. Please follow up with lessons on punctuation, capitalization, and the seen/saw situation.

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  duniemonkie said:

Really? I need to lay off the crack...

Thank you Don for broaching this subject; I also can't stand reading these simple mistakes. Please follow up with lessons on punctuation, capitalization, and the seen/saw situation.

Can you also discuss run-on sentences? :stick_smack:

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  cmyfirepole said:

Spell check won't catch those errors. You need a grammer checker for that.

Believe it in not, THERE are quite a few people that spell THEIR incorrectly. THEY'RE spelling it thIEr which would be caught with a spell check.

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  Don29palms said:

Believe it in not, THERE are quite a few people that spell THEIR incorrectly. THEY'RE spelling it thIEr which would be caught with a spell check.

Yes, but say for instance you are writing a document for work and accidently use the word tit when you intended to use tip. As far as spell check is concerned tit is a valid word and is correctly spelled. This has happened to some. :stick_smack:

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  duniemonkie said:

Really? I need to lay off the crack...

Thank you Don for broaching this subject; I also can't stand reading these simple mistakes. Please follow up with lessons on punctuation, capitalization, and the seen/saw situation.

Read when wingnut said that. That was over a year ago. :stick_smack:

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i was browsin' on through the ddr forum, and what not.. and saw this here thread and thought "i'm really glad this here thing got brung up 'cause it's important and stuff", so i thought that i'd go on and enter my own thinkin's 'bout this, and it goes a li'l sumpin' like this..

your education is important, and i knew this as a youngin'. i had to walk fourteen miles to school and back, uphill both ways, sometimes waist deep in snow. all y'all don't realize how much a fool you's be makin' of yourself not payin' no mind to what you're writin' on the 'net 'cause y'alls is just ignorant, ya heard?

now you go on 'head and get them there they're and theirs correct. let's work on them loose chains too 'cause you don't be wantin' to lose. if it is then it's it's, and if it ain't then it's its. if you're too ignorant to learns the number two isn't to or too, then wear a tutu ya faery.. or is it fairie? i can't remember the last time i saw it in the dictionary, but i've seen it spelled both ways.

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  high octane junkie said:

i was browsin' on through the ddr forum, and what not.. and saw this here thread and thought "i'm really glad this here thing got brung up 'cause it's important and stuff", so i thought that i'd go on and enter my own thinkin's 'bout this, and it goes a li'l sumpin' like this..

your education is important, and i knew this as a youngin'. i had to walk fourteen miles to school and back, uphill both ways, sometimes waist deep in snow. all y'all don't realize how much a fool you's be makin' of yourself not payin' no mind to what you're writin' on the 'net 'cause y'alls is just ignorant, ya heard?

now you go on 'head and get them there they're and theirs correct. let's work on them loose chains too 'cause you don't be wantin' to lose. if it is then it's it's, and if it ain't then it's its. if you're too ignorant to learns the number two isn't to or too, then wear a tutu ya faery.. or is it fairie? i can't remember the last time i saw it in the dictionary, but i've seen it spelled both ways.

You make me laugh, I'm going to make you my girl ! :beercheers:

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  • 2 years later...

Since I'm a pro at this I will have to step up and say.

I suck at the spell check, proof read thing. I am the worst of all. I type you instead your, quite, quit, and quiet always get me every time. I'm good with Their, There, They're but have be caught with your and you're on occasion.




can be very tricky also.

But I really don't GAF, so I'll just keep doing what I do and hope for the best.

Stirring Wheel

Steering Wheel

:beercheers: that was the worst or is it worse of all

Edited by desertskyz
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