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Bigfoot is found!


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It's cool they finally found bigfoot!!!!!! So good!!!!! I just wonder if it's finally the real thing................or is it Bert's or Cheezy's long lost relative??????

Either way it's the best story this week!!!! :thumb::laughoff::laughing::lol:




Edited by wingnut
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Ok here's what I'm thinking about this:

If you shot and killed bigfoot and have the body, wouldn't you be calling the LEO's and media right away? Would you really take the time to pay and wait for anylsis of tissue and "DNA". If it was real, there would be no reason to try and prove it on your own dime.

The guy who "claims" to have the body and evidince is the same guy who falsely claimed to have proof in 2005. Also the same guy who has a movie about bigfoot coming out soon, Can you say hype. I want this guy on my advertising and marketing team.

That is one :laughoff: story. Just my :laughing:

On the other hand, Aliens visited my house again last night. They wanted to "probe" me but I told them I couldn't because I had a long day at work today. :lol:

Edited by suzltr450rider
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  britincali said:

Alisobob and jay lewis would make that picture perfect :beercheers:

which one would be harry? LOL or would they be stunt doubles for the same role LOL... Thats some funny chit right there brit..

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