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Relaxing Week at the Beach


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I spent the week down at Camp Pendleton at a retirement seminar. Had a decent time, didn't learn much I didn't already know though. Didn't have lodging available on base, so I took the hauler down for the week and got a spot at the beach on base. Had a good time, Shanna and Indy came down on Thur and relaxed, I played hookie with some classes on Thur and Friday to spend at the beach relaxing as well. OGP rolled down Friday afternoon and we all went out to eat and hang out. Came back home on Sat. Think I'll be taking the hauler back down in Sept for 2 weeks while I'm attending another class and just hang at the beach again. 30 bucks a night/full hookups... Good times :headbang1: ...Semper Fi, Woody

Edited by wsky70
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Thanks, Stayed on the base at Del Mar. The amtracs call that home out there. Lucky for me the next class is on that camp. I had to drive over to mainside everyday for class. Talked with OGP about renting a few spots there next summer, it's about the same distance to LA and San Diego and with it being on base you don't have to worry about all the a$$hats off base. We could get a little group together and have a good time, we talked about sobe in the fire, but I don't think they would like that to much there....SF Woody :headbang1:

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Thanks, Stayed on the base at Del Mar. The amtracs call that home out there. Lucky for me the next class is on that camp. I had to drive over to mainside everyday for class. Talked with OGP about renting a few spots there next summer, it's about the same distance to LA and San Diego and with it being on base you don't have to worry about all the a$$hats off base. We could get a little group together and have a good time, we talked about sobe in the fire, but I don't think they would like that to much there....SF Woody :headbang1:

Being on base, need to have military ID right? So if you got a group to go, if they wanted to go off base, would you have to escort them back in? I think thats the way it works?

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Actually it's an open base.... OGP couldn't get thru Fallbrook (munitions storage base) and had to drive around to the maingate, but they didn't give him any problems at the maingate....

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Thanks, Stayed on the base at Del Mar. The amtracs call that home out there. Lucky for me the next class is on that camp. I had to drive over to mainside everyday for class. Talked with OGP about renting a few spots there next summer, it's about the same distance to LA and San Diego and with it being on base you don't have to worry about all the a$$hats off base. We could get a little group together and have a good time, we talked about sobe in the fire, but I don't think they would like that to much there....SF Woody :hungry:

Semper Fi Woody ! Camp Del Mar was my home for 4 years. I was an Amtrak instuctor (Assault Amphibious Vehicle for those who don't know) for two years and then spent my final two years at Third Tracks across from the school. Seeing them on the beach brought back many good memories. Time to break out the photo albums from my time. OOOH RAH !


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Oh yeah, lots of good memories for sure, my time is almost at an end. Starting a new chapter soon. Was good being back on a real base and getting to watch alot of there fun....SF Woody :hungry:

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Awesome Woods! :bump:

Glad you guys had fun. Love the beach too.

Great pics mang. :banghead:

You were chillin' with :grin: .... suprised he didn't getcha kicked out. :hungry:

Tell Shanna we said " HI " :thumb: ... Indy too.


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woody where can I go to get information for that particular camp ground, it looks like a nice place to spend some quite time.

Military, retired, DOD, or know the person your staying there with.... Like I could reserve more than one spot and take people with me...SF Woody :beercheers:

Here's a link though:


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Military, retired, DOD, or know the person your staying there with.... Like I could reserve more than one spot and take people with me...SF Woody :thumb:

Here's a link though:


Sounds good, I don't know anyone in the military active or retire; thank you for the information any way.

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