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Toyhauler Vs. Motorhome..

Dune Dad

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I am looking at some of the R.V.s for sale/ Class A/ Class C. Im thinking its easyer to own a motorhome than have to deal with a Diesel truck and toyhauler. In my case the only reason to have a Diesel truck would be to tow a Toyhauler. I dont own a Diesel. We have a 99 1/2 ton "P.O.S. :poop: Chevy" Suburban 4x4, 2 Tacoma 4x4s. and a Construction Van. Nothing for towing..

What im asking some of the DDR's is ... what are your thoughts on Motorhome ownership. We have rented a few in the past. It just gets to be a real pain in the a$$ dealing with the rental co's.

I cant see owning a 40+K Diesel Truck with fuel costs and the over all expense of Diesel ownership. I know a few people that have diesels for everyday driving. They are looking for cheaper rides and have been parking their trucks due to high cost of Diesel fuel. My family likes driving out in a Motorhome than being stuck in a truck the whole way out to the dunes. In the motorhome if the kids need to use the bathroom you dont need to pull over, If they get hungry they can fix something on the way.

So lets hear what you think......!


Edited by Dune Family
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There are a few problems I have with motorhomes. The extra cost.I.E.....insurance, maintenence, tags. Then you need a trailer with storage(If your moho has none) Another big issue is storing the moho and the trailer. You just need what works better for you and your family.

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I prefer the motorhome over the toyhauler. If the weather turns bad out there you have to park your toy where you sleep. Plus I don't want where I eat and sleep to smell like a car of grease/gas. But its all in your preference.

Edited by bp-guy
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  bp-guy said:

I prefer the motorhome over the toyhauler. If the weather turns bad out there you have to park your toy where you sleep. Plus I don't want where I eat and sleep to smell like a car of grease/gas. But its all in your preference.

What he said. I prefer a Motorhome

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Both have their pros and cons. When I think of a motor home, it's like owning another car or truck. Now you have to do oil changes and other periodic mantinance on another motor. Could add more costs. And the insurance is more. On the other hand you do have a lot more conviences. We went with a travel trailer and love it. That's not to say we would not like a motor home. Let us know what you decide to do.

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the basic differences of motorhome vs 5th wheel/trialer... if your motorhome has drive train issues while on vacation, now you are out of a place to stay, you dont have 24/7 access to your home away from home, and it can sometimes be difficult to get parts depending on the manufacturer... however the up sides out weigh these potential issues for some people. as far as being stuck in the cab of the truck, check the state laws in the areas you wish to travel... If i remember correctly as long as you have a constant reliable open line of communication between the cab and 5th wheel you can have people in the 5th wheel (in NV and Utah, never had a problem in CA either, just keep the blinds down)... this does not apply to trailers though.

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  SandSoulja said:

And if you get to the dunes super late and dont feel like unloading your toys, you can just go to sleep in the mohome...

right on i would'nt mind getting a mo home but gotta get rid of trailer first. Edited by YZPETE
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I have had both and would rather have a motorhome over a trailer. For the person that thinks you are allowed to carrie people in your trailer while in motoin you might want to call your local highway patrol because we did and in the state of Nevada you can not have any body in your trailer while it is being towed.

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  limodriver said:

I have had both and would rather have a motorhome over a trailer. For the person that thinks you are allowed to carrie people in your trailer while in motoin you might want to call your local highway patrol because we did and in the state of Nevada you can not have any body in your trailer while it is being towed.

You actually are allowed to have someone in the trailer if you have reliable communication like stated above. All the above mentioned are good points, you really have to consider what works for you, I love having a truck when I get to the dune and I can hold more people when it comes to sleeping. You really have to look at what works for you.

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I was considering trading in my Truck Toy Hauler combo for a class C moho...for the above reasons. I havent because I need my truck so my rig stays until the family gets bigger. Plus, wifey and kid ride in the back now due to new comms and I couldnt complain about the lack of noise coming from the right. :DDRrocks:

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We've had both, and like most of what's already posted, its really what works for the type of stuff your into. Moho gave us the ability to tow either the desert toys or the lake toys. It's totally cool to have the wife grab you a cold one, and something to eat while your hauling across the road. As mentioned, if you run into bad weather or get stuck where you can't or dont want to unload your toys to sleep, Moho are great. The issue we also ran into was it was not until we got a Desiel Pusher that we had enough power to pull our boat, (28ft) so we were limited to just Desert toys or a second vehicle. We had a 35ft Moho, and it had a big 454, but it was still under powered at times, but when we got a Moho with the pusher, not an issue. These may not be an issue for some, but for us these were our deciding points to run with a 5th, which is very legal to tow if you have two-way comm, although I cant get the wife to ride back there, she cant tell me how to drive apparently :shout:

  • No kids to haul anymore
  • Could haul Quads and Jet Ski same time in garage.
  • Setup Camp - still have a travel vehicle
  • Rescue vehicle to get toys
  • 5th allowed us to get into places (4x4) tow vehicle that I had trouble or could not get into with Moho
  • Got hauler with a sealed garage, so no more gas or oil smells in the 5th and can sleep or use the hauler at any given time.
  • If and when truck beaks down (had this happen last season) AAA towed 5th to nearby trailer park, truck went to shop, we stayed in 5th for 5 days, all our food, and stuff was with us and at $35 a night, it was less painful than hotel, especially with dogs, and we still had a decent time.

SP2 :pics:

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We've had both as well. We started with a small toyhauler, then a big toyhauler before finally settling on a class-A and enclosed setup.

The nice thing about the truck-trailer setup was the flexibility. We could drop the trailer and head into town for gas/food/whatever. At Ocotillo, my wife loved to take the Excursion out onto the trails and over to Blowsand... or load up for a trip to Boardmanville (at Glamis). Plus we never gave a Pismo trip a second thought.

The monetary outlay was a real plus, too... until we traded the gas truck for the diesel Excursion. :pics:

We upgraded the hauler to a 37' Sandpiper (room enough for three quads and a buggy, if you stacked it right). But towing 37' of bumper-pull trailer with a lifted Excursion probably took five years off my life. Three road trips with that rig and I was done. We sold it and bought a class-A gasser.

For us, the moho is much simpler. The fam can do whatever they want (usually sleep) while we're on the road, and it's much easier to tow a 20' trailer with a 37' moho than a 37' trailer with a 20' truck. The moho is much more comfortable, has a lot more storage, and I can put the bikes in the trailer at night for safekeeping.

On the downside, most toyhaulers have a lot more freshwater capacity than the average moho, so water conservation (on longer trips) is a necessity. Plus maintenance costs, insurance costs, etc are a significant added expense. The lack of 4wd means that Pismo is out, and I have to be careful at Dumont and Ocotillo to avoid getting stuck (never a concern with the Ex).

FWIW... :beercheers:

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Guest bicket

It all comes down to personal preference...I have had both. Same pros and cons as stated above. They are both good and bad at the same time, but it is true if you go to the river....how would you get the boat and the toy box out there?

I still wouldn't trade mine for anything..I love my Weekend Warrior. Our bikes are in good shape...we store them inside as well and it never smells inside.

Good luck...tuff decision.

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All this information has been great....

I think we are going for the Class "A" Moho..... We have the storage thing covered.. Were on 3 lots. The Trailer is covered also.. Carson 7x18 Utility w/brakes.

Now Im having a real B*#CH of a time finding a good used unit!! :beercheers:

"I guess theres another topic" :lol:

There is SOOOOO much junk out there!! I have found some A Classes from around 1997 to 2002 in the price range we can handle... But WOW there are so many units for sale and so much junk. I have been looking at dealer lots in the Inland Empire and the Riverside areas. LOTS OF :lol: !! :lol::lol: :ah:

Thanks all for the info again! You all have made very good points!


Edited by Dune Family
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know the decision was made, but wanted to put my $0.02 in. we bought a WW 40' 5th wheel to pull with my Diesel PU, which im not getting rid of, even if diesel climbs to $5.00 and up (course, i just filled up for $3.95 a gallon.

The decision to go with the 5th wheel was simply cost based. I grew up dunin in a 34' Pace Arrow and a rack trailer. When the $$$ is right, I will switch to a 40' Pusher and an enclosed trailer.

One more perk of the Class A and trailer is the amount of equipment you can take with you. We lucked out with the WW as my stuff barely freakin fits (3 quads, 2 kids quads and the Rhino) ! !

With the moho, you can pull whatever your crap fits in., open, flat, or enclosed. Also, boat, skis or the Navi for road trippin ! !

Hope you like it.

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  Headinjury said:

It all comes down to how much $$$ you want to spend.

Trailer = $

Moho = $$$

i dunno if that is correct you are not figuring the tow vehicle maintenace reg on the puller of the trailer.

not only that most of these 36 to 40 foot trailers are over gvw of 1 tons when under one of those trailers. so now theres a saftey factor. :grin:

Edited by barefoot bob
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