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Thoughts and Prayers to


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September 1, 2005, my wife and I basically took in a family that fled New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina went through. Since then, that family has become a very good family friend and my daughters are best friends with their daughter.

Almost 3 years to the day, New Orleans is preparing to be hit yet again by a massive hurricane that will test the limits of their levees and will. The family I am speaking of left there with the clothes on their backs and their truck, nothing else.

Please keep the residents of that state in your thoughts as they try and deal with what appears to be more devastation to come. :laughing:

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  ash said:

September 1, 2005, my wife and I basically took in a family that fled New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina went through. Since then, that family has become a very good family friend and my daughters are best friends with their daughter.

Almost 3 years to the day, New Orleans is preparing to be hit yet again by a massive hurricane that will test the limits of their levees and will. The family I am speaking of left there with the clothes on their backs and their truck, nothing else.

Please keep the residents of that state in your thoughts as they try and deal with what appears to be more devastation to come. :laughoff:

thats great that the family and yours have bonded, and the humanitarian effort you put forward is an outstanding display of what a great person you are................


im sorry...HK exposed NO for the welfare state it is, and how dependant some citizens in this country have becomd on the government.

i dont think its fair that this city lies beneath water level, is exposed to to hurricanes every season, and people keep on moving back there....

its gonna happen again, and personally, i say good.

after the "chocolate city" remark by Nagan, and all the liberal demoncat losers that were all too happy to sink american tax dollars, to the tune of billions of dollars, back into a city thats just gonna get hammered again, i was ready to see the city burn to the ground, and could give a ratz :lol: what happened to it

the worst part is the havoc its citizens wreaked on other cities, like houston, oklahoma city, Dallas, etc...nuthin but a bunch of thugs committing heinous crimes

sorry i dont share your out look, and a +10 for you and yours taking in a family :beercheers::booty:

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Ash, I applaud you and your family for stepping up and helping another in their time of need. That goes to show your, and your family's, true character.

What I don't get is what is the difference between New Orleans and the state of Iowa? We heard tons of news about all the looting and damage done to New Orleans by Katrina, but how much did we hear about the flood damage in Iowa? Is it because there was less damage in Iowa than in New Orleans? Nope, it was the media's desire for ratings and sales - sensationalism sells. For those not familiar with the Iowa flooding damage here is a link to one of many sites put up by the state and people of Iowa to help themselves. The key difference, in my opinion, is that the people of Iowa decided to step up and say "how can we get ourselves out of this mess?" As opposed to "how is the government going to get us out of this?" There were no reports of mass looting in Iowa, compared to New Orleans. There were no reports of people attacking others in shelters, no reports of vandalism. I'm not saying it didn't happen anywhere in Iowa, I'm sure there were some incidents, but not nearly to the scale that happened in New Orleans.

I know you're tired of reading this so I'll get off my soapbox ;)

Again Ash, I stand up and applaud you and your family for stepping up and making a difference. It's people like you that make this country a great place to live. :beercheers::laughoff:

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I say what floods foods, and let it BE,

Ash you and your family are a testament to good people in the US, but MOST of New Orleans is the arm pit of the US, so again what floods floods, let it BE, quit spending money to keep water out of the toilet bowl

just my 2 cents of course

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