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1st Annual Dumont Dunes Poker Run


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After looking at the information coming our way about the Fringed Toe Lizard we decided that we as a group of Duners need to get some education out to and available to users of Dumont Dunes.

Therefore Friends of Dumont Dunes and DumontDuneRiders.com have come up with a way to get a little information out to you and have fun at the same time. Here is the flyer that Pete came up with and we will be getting these out to shops etc.

This is not a RACE it is an infomational fun ride with plenty of time to dune to the 4 stations which will be situated around the dune area.

The top 3 hands will win a % of the total dollar amount of the entries.

Entry fees are $20.00 for the first hand and $10.00 for each additional one per person. or 5 hands for $50.00

All money goes to FoDD to help with the Fringed Toe Lizard issue.


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not to ask a stupid question but ive never done a poker run and dont know how they work :flipoff:

sounds like fun and want to be there but need help. :dope:

The general idea is a group of people go riding to different bars :beerbong: /spots and at each spot they get a playing card. at the last bar best poker hand wins :shake:

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The general idea is a group of people go riding to different bars :beerbong: /spots and at each spot they get a playing card. at the last bar best poker hand wins :driver:

Sure tell he is from the North country! Thats what they do in Northern Minnesota too! Go the shortest route to the farthest bar and then take the longest way back, stopping at ALL THE BARS in between on your snow machine.

Poker runs are alot of fun.

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Poker runs in the desert are a little different but the premise is the same. Here's the way we are planning this one.

You register at the start and get your first card, then you have until 2:00 PM to go to the other 4 checkpoints located around the edge of the dune system. There you will draw your next card and have the oppurtunity to talk to and listen about each of the highlights of that particluar area. There will be on hand BLM employees and several other experts in the fields of archeology and maybe Dr. Presch who is involved in the study of Lizards and reptiles that habitat the area. (He's on our side).

When you have 5 cards you bring them back to the starting spot and we take a look at what you have. Top 3 hands win!

The checkpoints are accessible by any off road vehicle and although it might be a long ride for the little ones on 80's etc it could be done. The ride is basically to show everybody where the boundry's lie and the reason it is so important to respect them. This route will take you completely around the big dunes and you can ride straight thru or dune your way. All checkpoints will be easy to find.

Finally if any of you wish to donate a little time please contact sincityblondie with your name and what times bwtween say 8AM to 4PM you would be available to help out in registration or at one of the checkpoints.

Thanks to all! It's gonna be FUN! :driver:

Edited by ynot
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Ill print out some of these flyers and take them around to some of the different shops around me. I hope we have alot of participation!! First of many im sure! :think:

Just wait about a week or so Stacey. I'll have about 1000 nice full color glossy ones you can pick up or I can mail you.;) You can grab a handfull of them to pass out.

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Ill print out some of these flyers and take them around to some of the different shops around me. I hope we have alot of participation!! First of many im sure! :grin:

Just wait about a week or so Stacey. I'll have about 1000 nice full color glossy ones you can pick up or I can mail you.;) You can grab a handfull of them to pass out.

I was planning on doing the same. Post up on the bulletin board at work, leave a bunch with some of our vendors (Trailer Tech, Sun Valley Bumper, Custom Truck to name a few. Oh, and Fairway Chevy, got a bunch of duners working there). Sam's Cycle was REALLY cool about the flyers for Clean-up weekend.

:blink: RideNow.....Cycle Gear..... :tmi: I can keep going!! :D

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