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Saturday TRT Trip Observations


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-Sincity_BlowASS :grin::tmi::blink:

-We found Britincali's long lost cousin who puts on a helluva show. :whoop::whoop::whoop: Look at MEEE.

-Next time dont be a clutz with your food and knock over the LAST ICE COLD BUDLIGHT in the house.

-Everyone be in the parking lot at 9:45... YAAA fk yo starbucks traffic richard_cheese

-perposterous is the word of the day

-when sandchick doesnt drink she shakes go figure damn alcohol withdrawl or somethin.

-woods totally forgot about his diet everytime we turned around the server was calling for MIKE.. and i thought i was fat.

-johnny be good. uhhhh NO :thumb:

Had an excellent trip i hope the blm and trt see the huge support and can plan at least another saturday TRT meeting DURING the season and maybe make this a twice a year occurance.

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thats fuggin hiliarious! I was waiting for the SCB blowing :thumb: comment. Figured it would be in the shoutbox before we got back to town!! :lol::tmi::lol::blink: Shocked the hell outta all of ya with that comment!! :tmi:

Look at me dude was tripping. Showing off his sexy back tatt! :whoop: :clown: Oh baby! :whoop: And that mullet, oh gawd :whoop:

Definately good times. Im really glad I got a chance to go. :grin:

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  Sincity_blondie said:

thats fuggin hiliarious! I was waiting for the SCB blowing :tmi: comment. Figured it would be in the shoutbox before we got back to town!! :lol::thumb::lol::whoop: Shocked the hell outta all of ya with that comment!! :tmi:

Look at me dude was tripping. Showing off his sexy back tatt! :booty: :clown: Oh baby! :barf: And that mullet, oh gawd :barf:

Definately good times. Im really glad I got a chance to go. :blink:

Oh come on now SCB...you know you wanted him

:whoop: and :whoop: sittin in a tree


it was good to finally meet SCB, sand chick, and dune smurf in person. although im pretty sure i pissed of SCB with some of my smartass comments....no maliciousness intended Stac...just tryin to have a good time :grin:

recycling with SKYZ definitely had some benefits!! we needed haz pay for the jagazz on the forklift.. thanks again skyz :beerbong: errrrrr :tmi:

i wasnt aware that DDR had their own table @ the slash X :lol:

fuggin grizzly adams, errrrrrrrrrr Woody used to be a fur trapper. :lol:

it was a good thing sand chick travels with graham crackers :clap:

i kinda kept my mouth shut @ the TRT cause i was HUNGRY

pizza???? wtf...were having pizza for lunch???

those damn mouthy women in sports bras....cant they leave a poor saggin long haired ADD tourets patient alone?? :lol: :clown:

DDR drank the slash x dry of bud light. they had to run into town to pick up another case while we were there. :lol:

in the future, i would like to see an even bigger turn out at the next saturday TRT, it would be awesome to have to change the venue due to too many peeps trying to stay informed on their riding area

FYF :lol:

Edited by richard cheese
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Good azz times fo sho! :lol:

SSBlow Azz :clap::thumb::whoop: Holy chit! :whoop:

Barstow is now called Crackstow

indasand knocking on the window pointing and laughing at the crackhead dirtbike rider....too damn funny!

cheese ends every friggen sentence with "...and shhhiat" :grin::lol::whoop:

Holy crap, Woods. How much more food did you order??? :lol:

Me and ISBB, "How long does it take to make french frys and melt some fuggin cheese on top?" Woody, " Oh chit, are these YOUR'S??? " :lol::lol::lol:

DDR stickers all over slash X :tmi:

dinicolada almost lost an ear in the Woody bear trap

Annual passes and license numbers on the front- WHO FUGGIN CARES- DROP IT! :lol:

Ynot attracts young men with his bro's A8 :tmi:

The new pay machines are a hole in the ground, Mike Trost. "just throw your money in there" :booty:

one whole pitcher of ice tea just for sandchick :lol:

Richardcheese at SlashX becomes all d*ck no cheese :barf:

sandchick wanted a fork for her fried zuccinnis. The guy told her hey look this aint no 5 star restaurant. LOL

Clearing Slash X out of Bud Light bottles...priceless. :barf:

Good times everyone. Glad everyone could make it and we could hang out for a little bit. Big gunz, richardcheese, ISBB....thanks for the beers guys. :D And extra thanks to ISBB for driving!!! :blink:

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I had to keep telling Cheese, Dude I'm not a Dude, I have :grin::tmi::whoop:

I don't have a DDR sticker or T- shirt

That drive is brutal alone. :blink: :ah: :thumb:

I didn't make to Slasher X cause I was :whoop: rich after my recycling adventure and was afraid someone might rob me.

Learned alot about the processes. WOW! Hope I didn't ask to many stupid questions. :whoop:

Jason's friend is afraid me. I think is might be because of my tourets.

I don't really have much to report. It was great see everyone again. :D

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  ISBB said:

-when sandchick doesnt drink she shakes go figure damn alcohol withdrawl or somethin.


Its when I don'tEAT ! I get a little shakey, and possibly passout! And go into a diabetic coma!! Damn Crackstow resturants and thier slow :lol: food! And not haveing eaten anything substantial since 4:30am :lol:

  richard cheese said:

Oh come on now SCB...you know you wanted him

:whoop: and :tmi: sittin in a tree


it was a good thing sand chick travels with graham crackers :lol:

and THATS why I travel with graham crackers, them things saved my life sat as well!! Your welcome :clap::D

And Stacey COMEONNNNNN you were talking about that hottie all the way home!! :lol::tmi::lol:

When Stacey says hey Bert's got the door......... :barf: don't believe a word of it!! SMACK! :thumb:

I learned alot of things on Saturday that I was unaware of. I think I may try and take the day off in Jan for the next one.

It was fuggin hilarious meeting cheese in person as well!! My stomach hurt from laughing sooo hard :whoop:

britincali's cuz :booty::lol::grin::barf:

I thought for sure all our vehilces were going to be sprayed with rocks!

I don't think I have ever seen anyone move as fast as Big Gunz when Stacey said that!! :whoop::lol::lol:

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  ISBB said:

-Next time dont be a clutz with your food and knock over the LAST ICE COLD BUDLIGHT in the house.

Now THAT was alcohol abuse!! :lol::lol:

-Everyone be in the parking lot at 9:45... YAAA fk yo starbucks traffic richard_cheese

Yea yea, likely story! ;) Cheese and his buddy sure do know how to make an entrance!! :whoop:

-woods totally forgot about his diet everytime we turned around the server was calling for MIKE.. and i thought i was fat.


Had an excellent trip i hope the blm and trt see the huge support and can plan at least another saturday TRT meeting DURING the season and maybe make this a twice a year occurance.

I second that motion!! They were genuinely surprised to see all those faces lookin' back at 'em! :D

  richard cheese said:

i wasnt aware that DDR had their own table @ the slash X :barf:

Own table?!? Hell, we took over a WHOLE section! Pete did a good job of marking his territory tho. :D

fuggin grizzly adams, errrrrrrrrrr Woody used to be a fur trapper. :lol:

:lol: That was just too :whoop: hilarious!! "Sir, excuse me sir, is that your kid hanging from the wall over there?" :lol:

i kinda kept my mouth shut @ the TRT cause i was HUNGRY

:grin: That was a bigger surprise than the concrete slabs poured for the rangers!

DDR drank the slash x dry of bud light. they had to run into town to pick up another case while we were there. :barf:

Wouldn't have been an issue if :shout: they would have had Budlight on tap!! :whoop:

in the future, i would like to see an even bigger turn out at the next saturday TRT, it would be awesome to have to change the venue due to too many peeps trying to stay informed on their riding area

I second that motion!! :tmi:

  dunefreak said:

Good azz times fo sho! :lol:

Holy crap, Woods. How much more food did you order??? :lol:

Me and ISBB, "How long does it take to make french frys and melt some fuggin cheese on top?" Woody, " Oh chit, are these YOUR'S??? " :lol::lol::blink:

Shanna(sp?) and Mike: :lol: "Where's the chili?!?" :lol:

dinicolada almost lost an ear in the Woody bear trap

That was making me nervous.... Davey, move over...Hey DAVE...MOVE over!!

The new pay machines are a hole in the ground, Mike Trost. "just throw your money in there" :thumb:

:lol: Gotta LOVE that slideshow!! :lol:

one whole pitcher of ice tea just for sandchick :lol:

Thanks Jodi for my tea "jug" refill, lasted me the whole trip home!! :tmi:

  desertskyz said:

I didn't make to Slasher X cause I was :lol: rich after my recycling adventure and was afraid someone might rob me.

Nah, we would've said the pitchers are on Skyz!! <Except, of course, there was NO good beer on tap!!> ;)

Learned alot about the processes. WOW! Hope I didn't ask to many stupid questions. :lol:

NO such thing as stupid questions!! You did good! :D

:clap: Not much to add to the above, but:

Take the Jean exit.....dear, it's the next one....yep, yep, turn right, gas station on the left!

Translation: WE GOTTA PEE!!!

Two guys and a 12 pack of Budlight in the back seat add up to too many potty stops on the way home. :tmi:

Just a bit over ½ tank of gas there and back.....not bad for a Burb!! :booty:

Good company along for the drive....priceless :D

Good times, good times!!

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  dinicolady said:

:tmi: I just remembered one I forgot....

I'll never read a post from aceisback the same ever again! Will always add that "southern" twang to his typing. :grin:

Good to finally meet you Vic and put a face to a name!! :D

Me either. :blink::thumb: It is funny when you talk to people online and the meet them how different they can be.

Nice yo have met you Vic.

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  desertskyz said:

Me either. :grin::tmi: It is funny when you talk to people online and the meet them how different they can be.

Nice yo have met you Vic.

Absolutely!! The image of richard cheese I had in my brain was TOTALLY opposite of him in real life!!

:blink: That is a good thing, BTW! :thumb:

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  dinicolady said:

:whoop: I just remembered one I forgot....

I'll never read a post from aceisback the same ever again! Will always add that "southern" twang to his typing. :tmi:

Good to finally meet you Vic and put a face to a name!! :D

haha no chit huh? Definitley a heavy southern accent there. Vic is good peeps fo sho though! :grin:

  dinicolady said:

Absolutely!! The image of richard cheese I had in my brain was TOTALLY opposite of him in real life!!

:whoop: That is a good thing, BTW! :lol:

:blink: When I met him a while back I was blown away too. I thought it was gonna be this skinny dork. Instead it was a big azz dork! :thumb: j/k, d*ck no cheese andshhiat :whoop:

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This, my friends, is why I had to bolt and could not partake of the fun times at the Slash. I apologize for not attending as I'm sure it was much fun. Had to haul azz to Riverside and grab this before anyone else got ahold of it. Snagged it for $1700, and it has new Holeshot XCT's all the way around, full body skids, nerfs, AC Racing sixpack rack, and a few other upgrades/mods. I'm sure you understand my urgency! :laughing:

I don't talk with a Southern "twang", Ya'll just hear SLOOOW! :blah: :blah:

Was good to meet those that I hadn't before and I will not name you guys and gals for fear of leaving someone out. There were about ten of twelve of you though. Good showing everyone, we should increase those numbers for the next Saturday meeting. Whenever that may be.

Cheese, bro, you'd better enjoy that early Christmas present. You should notice quite a bit of difference. Call me before you you call Ron Wood, I need to add something to your order and I'll just pay you and pick it up at the kickoff.


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  dunefreak said:

haha no chit huh? Definitley a heavy southern accent there. Vic is good peeps fo sho though! :laughing:

No doubt about that!! :D

:blah: When I met him a while back I was blown away too. I thought it was gonna be this skinny dork. Instead it was a big azz dork! :blah: j/k, d*ck no cheese andshhiat :blah:

:bawl: Yeppers, and balding on top too!! :jester2: :flipoff:

Edited by dinicolady
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Hey, they said Mike, and I grabbed some food :blah: , thought they just messed up my order. I did pass along the chili cheese fries to you untouched, I was full....I cheat on my diet from time to time.... :laughing:

Here's some pics:













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  wsky70 said:

Hey, they said Mike, and I grabbed some food :blah: , thought they just messed up my order. I did pass along the chili cheese fries to you untouched, I was full....I cheat on my diet from time to time.... :laughing:

I know I know....and thank you :D They were pretty good too. :blah:

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  dunefreak said:

I know I know....and thank you :D They were pretty good too. :blah:

Damit, I knew I should have just ordered those.... No problems, think we only ate like half your food.... :blah:

Come on SCB, we all seen you checking that out, he was showing you he could "ride"....

SlashX should make sure what they display doesn't work, I could see some kid, check it out dad.... :blah: I left it the way I found it though.... Good times everyone.... :laughing:

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