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KTM 525 quad compared too ?


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Hey guys just got an 08 KTM 525 and wanted to see if anyone had input on how it would stack up to others in its class. Im thinking its with the big quads like Raptor 700 and Banshee and KFX 700. ANy input would be great.


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Congrats on a new kick arse quad...I never ran against a KTM 525 but I am sure you are not close to banshee status unless you are racing track. As for other classes you are just a step above the 450 class. I believe you are 510CC and its fast. You can keep ahead of most but depending on the mods 450 or 700 you will never be the fastest.. Good duning....

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It'a a great all around bike for the dunes and the hill, it may mess with some pretty stock bikes on the hill but it will be tuff to beat anything with some engine work. Unles you can rife like the wind and weigh 100lbz. I think if you take the cork out of the pipe and open up the airbox it ill run with alot of bikes bilt or not..

Congrats on the bike...

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