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LT Car runs over qwad rider...

Sand Saw

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  90+ PLUS said:

well there is another problem. cars have just as much right to take up the whole hill just like quads do. yes i understand that still doesnt make it right for cars to wheelie while quads are on the hill. (They are always there, all of the time)but why should quads get to take up the whole comp hill and keep cars for doing what they are made to do?

LT cars have just as much right. Quads out number cars about 20 to 1. I personally am sick of not even being able to go to vendors row without some quads blasting by cutting you off, kicking rocks all over your car, pulling out in front of you, etc.

1. Wheeling up Comp on the far right side, always watching out for more quad, That is one of my jobs, here comes this guy racing up the beside us, on a quad looking over his left shoulder. He slowly started veering to this right while still watching this friends behind him. All of the sudden (Deer in the Head lights look) :ah: he turns off to the left.

2. Fast ride with 5 other cars. The spacing was safe for LT cars. This guy on a quad cut right through the line right in front of us. I jugs he wanted to be on the other side with this friends. We could of killed him. Just no looking. How can you miss 5 LT cars on a ride.

3. On a nice little ride going around a nice long sweeper and here come a Rhino up of the top right in front of us. We were able to turn off to left and avoid them. God bless turning brakes!

Everyone as the right to be there. On big weeks it is safer to keep the power to a minimum with so many people running around.

Edited by desertskyz
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  randyvw said:

i already talked about this in the halloween trip report thread, but since theres a specific thread about it i will take the opportunity to get on my soapbox again. dumazz.....they are fun to watch, but they are what they are. when your front tires are 10 feet off the ground you can't see where yer going....been talking about this for a year now. this makes 3 times quad gets run over by wheelie-ing sandrail. i see it as stupid as do many of the people i have talked to about it....pair that up with the fact that probly half of em are legally drunk.....sheesh. in my book, if your sandrail does wheelies you need to work on your weight distribution. i like to show off too, but not risking others lives in the process(hopefully).

there are just as many close calls where the quad is at fault. sand rails are made to do wheelies if they werent they wouldnt do them. maybe quad riders need to start looking around for cars and then go up the hill when it is safe and sand cars do the same. but no matter how much we rant about this there will always be accidents people wheeling, drinking and driving, thats just the way big weekend at dumont are and if you dont like it then just go on normal weekends.

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Nobody is arguing the right for the rail to be on that hill. I don't let my kids run the drags at Glamis or the Wall at dumont (unless nobody is around) Because of the clowns out there. There is a time and place for everything, pulling a wheelie in a rail on a crowded hill is flat out stupid, period. A rail driver without a helmet has WAY better visibility than someone on a quad so the driver should use that tool. We all need to use our heads out there and just flat out assume that EVERYONE regardless of what they are rolling in is drunk AND stupid... :bert:

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  desertskyz said:

LT cars have just as much right. Quads out number cars about 20 to 1. I personally am sick of not even being able to go to vendors row without some quads blasting by cutting you off, kicking rocks all over your car, pulling out in front of you, etc.

1. Wheeling up Comp on the far right side, always watching out for more quad, That is one of my jobs, here comes this guy racing up the beside us, on a quad looking over his left shoulder. He slowly started veering to this right while still watching this friends behind him. All of the sudden (Deer in the Head lights look) :ah: he turns off to the left.

thats exactly what im talking about alot of quad riders dont pay attention to there surrounding and think they are the only person riding and everyone has there eyes on them.

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  90+ PLUS said:

well there is another problem. cars have just as much right to take up the whole hill just like quads do. yes i understand that still doesnt make it right for cars to wheelie while quads are on the hill. but why should quads get to take up the whole comp hill and keep cars for doing what they are made to do?

C’mon 90+ plus really :headbang1:

Going thru the dunes with car to car communication where everybody in your group is watching out for traffic going fast yet still very dangerous but taking every precaution, now to me that’s dunning!! These guys doing there wheelies up the hill are out of control period!! Trust me I have a LT car & let me tell you first hand YOU CANT SEE OR STEER YOUR CAR so to do it on the hill with that much traffic is STUPID!! Not saying the quads should have it all to them self’s just saying the LT’s need to use better judgment :headbang1:

90+plus :banghead:

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  X-5 said:

C’mon 90+ plus really :headbang1:

Going thru the dunes with car to car communication where everybody in your group is watching out for traffic going fast yet still very dangerous but taking every precaution, now to me that’s dunning!! These guys doing there wheelies up the hill are out of control period!! Trust me I have a LT car & let me tell you first hand YOU CANT SEE OR STEER YOUR CAR so to do it on the hill with that much traffic is STUPID!! Not saying the quads should have it all to them self’s just saying the LT’s need to use better judgment :headbang1:

90+plus :banghead:

Quad riders need to use better judgement then over to Banshee hill and have it all to themselves.

As far as wheelies go...........Guilty, but I'm just the co driver.





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  X-5 said:

C’mon 90+ plus really :headbang1:

Going thru the dunes with car to car communication where everybody in your group is watching out for traffic going fast yet still very dangerous but taking every precaution, now to me that’s dunning!! These guys doing there wheelies up the hill are out of control period!! Trust me I have a LT car & let me tell you first hand YOU CANT SEE OR STEER YOUR CAR so to do it on the hill with that much traffic is STUPID!! Not saying the quads should have it all to them self’s just saying the LT’s need to use better judgment :headbang1:

90+plus :banghead:

yes i understand where you are coming from, i have been driving LT cars since i was 12 i know exactly how it is when you wheelie and yes you are right and most cars need to use better judgement. but the weight is the same on the riders shoulders if you see a car wheeling up then coming back down and doing it again just take a break and watch till hes done.

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if there is all this talk about doing wheeleies to prove your not small, Then you better tell the quad riders who are wheeling on purpose the same thing. When I am on my quad on the hill i look around for any buggies that might be coming and wait for them then I go. Most of the quad riders are careless and just care about that race and getting to the top first no matter if there are buggies to the right. This can go on and on and on. Wheelies are fine, the people I know do them in a safe manner. Almost every incident or close call that I have seen is the quads fault and could have been prevented.

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Everybody assumes it's the other guy's responsibility to look out for traffic. Hey, I have every right to be here, it's my hill too, I have my flag, I'm following the line, whatever... IMHO that's one of the best ways imaginable to end up on a backboard, or in a body bag. Bike, quad (qwad? :banghead: ) or rail, ASSUME YOU ARE INVISIBLE. It doesn't matter who has the right of way, or who's supposed to turn out, or whose spotter is doing what. All that proves is whose insurance is going to get dinged once the avoidable happens.

Lots of folks seem to leave their brains at camp, if you want to make it back in one piece be prepared to think for them.

Anyway... my :headbang1:

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I can totally see this thread starting to be a :argue: who can ride the hill or not !! :blah: or who can spell QUAD OR QWAD right :think:

The most important thing anyone can do. Is ride the dunes as if you know no one is watching out for you ! Don't just assume because you just bought that new loud a$$ pipe for your bike that someone will hear you,

or because you have a bada$$ chromed out , pimpedout rail. That someone will see you either! It's called shareing the dunes so everyone can have a safe and fun time and come back in one piece!


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My observation on this whole thing is everyone needs to watch out for not only them selves but others as well. My group went on alot of dune rides this weekend, on occasion we came across others duning as well we were very respectful as were the riders we came upon. I have seen Comp on a busy night and it looks like a free for all (buggies and quads or qwads). I know when I go up Comp (during the day) I try and be as aware of my surroundings as much as possible, I don't want to be in an accident or cause one I'm sure everyone feels that way. A friend of mine told me several years ago at night (busy nights) buggies and qwads would race up at the same time qwads would turn to the left buggies to the right. Maybe thats something that would prevent alot of the close calls. I don't see buggies more at fault than qwads or vice versa, I see both make mistakes but if we all take a minute and and access the situation we can all enjoy the greatest show on earth. Thats just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions(opinions are llike a$$ holes we all have one and they all stink Except mine, lol) and maybe it would'nt have prevented this accident but maybe it will prevent others. See you on TG P.S. I like the qwads spelling, funny!!

Edited by cvctukn18s
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Operate out there at your own risk. There is less traffic on off weekends. Our sport is dangerous and requires responsibility / education for everyone involved. "Competition Hill" (by it's very definition), is a "Look what I got and what I can do" place. Lets hope we don't hear that helicopter AT ALL this season. Stay Safe.


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  dunkfan9 said:

not the same incident, but this was uploaded to youtube not too long ago :argue:


  dunefreak said:

On You Tube the title says..."He didnt see my Spotter"

Umm, isn't the spotter suppossed to SEE him and prevent the jumper from jumping if te ecoast isn't clear. :flipoff: If there was a spotter, one or both of those riders hould have been stopped.

yeah. i didnt see his spotter either....unless it was the dumb biatch doing the filming :think: makes me not want to take string out into the dunes

as far as this wheelie thing goes... i have two thoughts..................

when the hill in hammered with people on quads and rails....imo, it isnt close to safe to wheelie. the times i have seen cool wheelies on comp (randog takes the effen cake on that one :randog: ) they have all happened on off weekends when the number of people on the hill at any time i could have counted on one hand. watch where the lines are, where people are shuttin it down to turn off, and where they are coming down the hill, and attempt to do the same thing...its just farkin common sense people...

there is one glaring difference between quads and rails when they wheelie up comp...the quad riders can acutally see what is in front of them. they dont have 10 ft to look over, and a floor they cannot see out of in front of them like the rails do

just use common sense (seems to be pretty sparse lately) and you will do fine

Edited by richard cheese
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So what is the solution? We have discussed alcohol use, liability and possible intent. I can’t believe anyone intends to hurt someone else, bad things just happen. Sometimes bad decisions or bad judgment contributes to these incidents. How do we safely mix Rhinos, RZRs, quads, motorcycles, cars and what ever else someone brings to the hill that are all traveling at different speeds? Sand cars tend to stay to the right and travel toward the middle of the hill as they get closer to the top. Sometimes quads don’t want to yield and let the cars in at the top of the hill. Sometimes the cars are being unreasonable, any ideas?

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  buggydr said:

So what is the solution? We have discussed alcohol use, liability and possible intent. I can’t believe anyone intends to hurt someone else, bad things just happen. Sometimes bad decisions or bad judgment contributes to these incidents. How do we safely mix Rhinos, RZRs, quads, motorcycles, cars and what ever else someone brings to the hill that are all traveling at different speeds? Sand cars tend to stay to the right and travel toward the middle of the hill as they get closer to the top. Sometimes quads don’t want to yield and let the cars in at the top of the hill. Sometimes the cars are being unreasonable, any ideas?

Forest said it best


No matter the rules, there will ALWAYS be an a$$hat out there who has to try to impress. I once heard and have seen MANY times on rails for sale, the MOST common question is...... Will it wheelie? WTF

I have seen and like to see some bad a$$ rails wheelie, but please use common sense.......

Other than that, all I can say is :flipoff: in your sox

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there IS a time AND a place for everything. everyone needs to use there BEST judgement on when is the time to go overboard and when to SHARE the space we have.

there are no road signs or anyone calling out fast skate slow skate or couples. have a swivel head and play on the safe side.

one thing everyone should agree on is causing a accident where you hurt another would be the worst feeling ever

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I personally wheelie just about everywhere I go. Up, across and down, doesnt matter. But I can SEE just fine (bike). And with a rider/bike combined weight of less then an empty qwad the damage I can do is far less then a 1-2 TON car.

With that said, I have no more right to the sand then anyone else here. But it simply is not that cut and dry when you mix in experience (or utter lack there of), alcohol (ZERO for me when I ride/drive) and the unknown other people all around you. The number one most popular vehicle type for noobs is a qwad or rhino. You cant blame the "type" of vehicle anymore then you can blame a breed of dog, or blame a gun for murder. Its all about the human element, period.

Some of you may disagree with my opinions (nothing new to me) but I personally have chased down and roosted the snot out of many cars, qwads, and Rhino (and kin) because they did something stupid (cut your line, looking the wrong way, panic stopping right in front of you etc. etc.) I look at it this way, people forget the middle finger 5 minutes after delivery, but they REMEMBER a face full of sand MUCH longer. Especially if they have a sweet paint job. I look at it as a "crash coarse" in "ack right". The stupid ones wonder why it happend, so I have also stopped to explain, but do this at your own risk... :B

In the end what will happen is if things keep going like they are then eventually legislation will step in and big brother will put a major damper on our fun. Until then, ride long, ride hard, whatch where the H%LL you are going and tear it up...Thats what ill be doing... :flipoff:

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Why does everyone seem to assume that the guy doing a wheelie in his car is trying to impress anyone? ITS FUN!!!! I dont wheelie my car to impress people, I wheelie my car because its fun. I try to find a hill with noone around, but at times I have wheelied my car on comp. Im not the "hold my beer and watch this kinda guy". But I do like to do wheelies. Is it the guys fault in the car doing the wheelie.... sometimes. Is it the guy on the quad that sees the guy in the car doing the wheelie and still goes up the hill next to the guy wheeling, sometimes. The next time you are on your bike or quad doing a wheelie, think about this.... Am I doing this to look cool, or am I doing this because its fun? The guy doing the wheelie in the car is probably thinking the same thing you are when hes doing his wheelie.

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