10th Annual Dumont Dunes
presented by Friends
of Dumont Dunes
*Saturday, March 17, 2012
*This is a FREE
weekend. Participants and volunteers
will receive a wristband to show
when exiting Dumont so they will not
have to pay.

Every year Friends of Dumont
Dunes hosts a cleanup for Dumont
Dunes. It is a great event to come
out and participate in. If you are a
duner and enjoy the outdoors, you
should show your support for the
area by getting involved and helping
out. The event brings the dune
community together and shows how we,
the dune and off-road community,
respect and take care of the area we
play in.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
works closely with Friends of Dumont
Dunes (FoDD) to assist with the
yearly cleanup event. Two large
dumpsters are brought in that
weekend to handle the numerous bags
of trash that are collected.

FoDD signs people up first thing
Saturday morning at 8 AM. Just come
out and look for the Friends of
Dumont Dunes banner. Usually the
meet-up location for the cleanup
event is around C6 on the
grid map. There will be a
registration booth where you sign
up and will even be given free
trash bags to help pick up trash.
you have signed up, you are on your
own for a few hours. You can scour
the camp area for trash, hit the
back stretch of the dunes, or
anywhere in the area of Dumont. There are
usually prizes for things
such as "most unusual item" found,
"most bags collected" by an
individual or group, "largest item
collected", and more!

Once you have collected and filled
your bags, just go throw your bags
of trash in the large dumpsters that
are provided.
everyone has turned in their trash,
then the festivities begin. At 11:30
AM a free lunch is
provided by the BLM. It is a large
cookout buffet style that usually
consist of hamburgers, hotdogs, etc.
Make sure you get some food in your
belly before the raffle begins.

Once everyone has eaten and gathered
around the FoDD stage or tent, you
can silent bid on the raffle prizes
using your raffle tickets. Prizes
are separated into groups. You will
place your raffle tickets in
whatever prize cans that are for
that group. Then when those prizes
are raffled off, you have a better
chance at winning only the prize or
prizes you were shooting for. (Note:
This year may not be this way. It
may just be one pot for all raffle

everyone has submitted their raffle
tickets, the announcements and
raffle begins! FoDD will say a few
things and then the prizes start
on Saturday, March 17th come out, show
your support, and have a great time
at the 10th Annual Dumont Dunes